After climbing for about ten minutes, the talents finally saw the Tree Spirit Hall.

The Tree Spirit Hall is not large, the inner walls are decorated with vines, making it have an entirely primitive and ancient flavour. There were a few ordinary people regularly working in the hall, and when the talents arrived, the eyes of these ordinary people flashed with a trace of envy.

How can these one in a million talents not be envied?

At this time, a beautiful young receptionist near the counter walked gracefully towards the group. The waitress’s eyes sparkled with an inexplicable light and wandered through the talents. She brightened her eyes when she saw Angel and Baruba. After thinking for a moment, she finally seemed to come to a decision. She began swaying her steps gracefully towards Baruba, who appeared to be full of wild charm.

“Welcome to the Tree Spirit Hall distinguished Lords. I am a staff member here. My name is Melanie.” Melanie’s face was fresh and natural. Her eyes seemed to twinkle with a bit of starlight, which made her look smart and beautiful. When talking to Baruba, she also deliberately showed a gentle and worshipful expression. This expression remarkably satisfies a male’s inflated ego, usually. And when the big fat teenager and pockmarked teenager saw Melanie, they could not help whistling at her.

But Melanie clearly chose the wrong person to flirt with. Baruba looked at Melanie without a trace of attraction. His handsome face had a touch of irony. He didn’t even have the heart to reply to her advances.

Melanie stood awkwardly in place and began looking at Angel with her weak eyes.

But Angel is talking to Shalem, unlike the other the talents, who looked at her with the same expression. In particular, Angel also stood next to a beauty. At this time, the peerless beauty is looking at her with smiling eyes.

Nausica did not lose to her in terms of appearance, so she chose to flatter Baruba just now, but who knew that she would end up hitting a wall…

Melanie braced herself. Now that Angel and Baruba had given her a response, she looked onwards at the other talents. On the other side, although they were slightly inferior to Angel and Baruba, at least they were talents. She was only allowed to work here for two years, and if she doesn’t have a talent willing to help her before she leaves…

Melanie walked up to Forsa, the fat teenager who had whistled at her, and said softly. “Lords, please follow me. I will register each of you.”

Everyone understood Melanie’s thoughts, and even the rest of the workers in the hall showed a strange expression.

The big fat teenager looked very experienced, obedient to the flow of advice. He went up to grab around Melanie’s slender waist as she beckoned everyone to come to the counter.

Melanie held back the discomfort in her heart, and her expression still remained flattering: “Lords, please place your Bone Cards here. After Lord Tree Spirit tests everyone’s talent bias and mental force values, it will be updated in the Bone Card at the same time.”

After saying this, Melanie pointed to a door not far away: “Lord Tree Spirit is waiting for all of you inside.”

Guided by Melanie, the group entered into the door. Melanie was left where she was with Forsa pinching her ass hard before he left. Her face turned white and pale before she finally sighed helplessly.

When they stepped through the door, their eyes could not open because of the blinding golden light.

It was only when their eyes adjusted a little that they noticed the golden light was from the sun in the sky. The group had now left the tree trunk and stood on a huge leaf.

As they were walking to their destination, they can clearly see a flow of liquid in the veins under their feet. Although they felt a sense of softness while walking around, they can still clearly see the liquid in the veins under their feet flowing. But the ground did not shake.

Sunshine sprinkles down on the green leaves, covering it with a pale green halo. The clouds and mists around them make this scene look like a dreamy fairyland.

No wonder Wizard Lords choose to live in such a beautiful place around the Tree of Eternity.

“Have you all arrived? Come here a little bit. Let me see your faces.” A gentle voice comes into everyone’s ears. As they walked up, they noticed a man dyed with golden light on the leaf’s surface. This man was sitting on a chair made of green leaves and was only dimly visible from the golden light.

When the group approached. They noticed man only a wearing a green leaf skirt around his waist. He was lying leisurely in the chair while basking in the sun. When they stood in front of the man, he stood up slowly and gave a free and easy greeting to the group.

Is this man the Tree Spirit?

Angel looked at the man, short green curly hair, a handsome face, and a perfect figure that looked like a male god that had come out of a painting.

Everything was fine, except for his overexposure. And there was a woman here… Angel silently turned his head to his side to look at Nausica. When he saw Nausica’s expression was a look of appreciation at the Tree Spirit. With her mouth sending the occasional “tsk,” with no sense of shyness at all.

Well, he almost forgot. Nausica was a woman among a group of men while competing as a strongman in the waters of Blackberry. How could she be shy.

The Tree Spirit was also looking at them as they admired him.

After a while, the Tree Spirit said, “Are you the talents for this year? A little bit less… Sanders is really Sanders, he really spares no effort to streamline the selection. In any case, even if there are fewer than ten people, it will save me a lot of troubles.”

This is the second time they had heard the name “Sanders,” the last time was when Lord Mirror Ji mentioned it. Listening to the Tree Spirit, they understand that all the suffering they’ve been through was caused by someone named Sanders?

“Have you all used the Eye of Abiras to test your talent?” Asked the Tree Spirit.

The group nodded one after another.

“Talent testing with the Eye of Abiras, though important, it expresses many things that are too obscure and random. So, I’m going to retest the talent bias for everyone here again and recommend a Wizard System for you. You can choose to listen to my recommendation or not to. My recommendation only gives you a certain degree of guidance, and it is your own efforts that really determine whether you can succeed or not.”

With a wave of the Tree Spirit’s hand, the veins bulge to form a row of seats. In front of him, he also raised a green platform similar to a blackboard podium.

When everyone was seated, the Tree Spirit went to the podium and began explaining the widespread knowledge of the Wizard system to the group.

Angel had heard about the Wizard’s system before from Morrow a long time ago. According to the recognized classification in the Wizard Plane, there are Three Major Structures. They are the Elemental Branch, the Blood Branch, and the Mystical Branch, respectively.

Although the Three Major Structures focus on different aspects, in fact, the Three Major Structure can intersect. The main Elemental Branch can also absorb the blood of powerful creatures to strengthen itself; the main Blood Branch must also have a few Elemental spells. Only the Mystical Branch needs a certain level of talent. Wizards of the Mystical Branch can learn spells from the Elemental and Blood Branch. But the Blood Branch and Elemental Branch may not necessarily be able to learn the spells from the Mystical Branch.

In addition to the Three Major Structures, there are other Systems, but the mainstream is these Three Major Structures.

“If you go to the Elemental or Blood Branch in the future, I will give you a bias recommendation after integrating your mental qualities and talent. As for the Mystical Branch, there are very few people in this structure. I don’t know if there will be a talent among you in the Mystical Branch.” After a brief explanation from the Tree Spirit, he merely began testing everyone’s talent.

However, the Tree Spirit did not carry out these tests in an open space but set up a separate room to let everyone come in one by one.

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