74 Slowly Getting Close

Kalea returned to normal as if nothing had happened yesterday. She walked without caring about the many eyes that still looked at her cynically and mockingly. When Kalea entered the classroom, she sat back in the front seat near the lecturer’s desk. Only there she was not disturbed by other students.

“Morning, Zeline,” Kalea said with a faint smile.

Zeline, who was busy playing with her cellphone, stopped her activities and then looked at the girl with the brunette hair who was now standing in front of her desk, Kalea usually greeted her like that. “You didn’t hit your head with anything, did you?”

“Eh? No. Why suddenly ask like that?”

Zeline snorted, then went back to playing social media on her cellphone. “Don’t be so familiar with me.”

The corners of Kalea’s lips curved downwards, then she said, “I think we can be friends.”

“W-what? Geez, just sit there in your place,” Zeline said so curtly. Kalea agreed, she walked towards her desk with unsteady steps. Zeline was a little surprised when Kalea almost fell because suddenly one of the students in the class deliberately tripped Kalea’s legs, but the girl remained normal and sat in her chair. Zeline glared at the man who deliberately did that to Kalea, maybe if Kalea really fell she would scold that person.

During the break, Zeline who was already preparing to go to the cafeteria alone was suddenly surprised by Kalea, who brought two lunch boxes.

“Zeline, can I have lunch with you?” Kalea asked with her hand holding two black and white lunch boxes.


“Why me?”

“Because I have no friends.”

That is true.

They are both now college students who are shunned by other students because of bad rumors that they are sugar babies. Previously, Zeline was used to rumors and being alone on campus, but now Kalea was in that position. Although previously, Kalea wasn’t close to other students besides Aluna. Well, actually from the bottom of her heart Zeline felt guilty because she was the one who plunged Kalea into that dark world.

“Why did you bring two provisions?” Zeline asked, surprised.

“You want it?”

“I’m just asking, idiot.”

“But I did intend to give it to you,” Kalea said with the corners of her lips raised, revealing a charming smile.

“Huh? Why should I-”

“Please taste my lunch, okay?”

“You mean I’m a taster?”

“Yes, if you really don’t want to finish all of this one lunch,” Kalea replied, as she tapped the black lunch lid.

Zeline rolled her eyes lazily then walked first, Kalea followed behind. The togetherness of the two girls was also noticed by a group of other girls, namely Aluna, Violet, and their friends.

Violet smiled mockingly seeing Kalea and Zeline walking hand in hand towards the cafeteria. “Looks like they really became friends, huh.”

“That’s great, they are both bitches.”

They walked together towards the cafeteria just like Kalea and Zeline. The girls laughed scornfully at each other, slandering the two people who were known to be sugar babies for men who were way above their age. Except for Aluna. The girl with the burgundy hair was mostly silent with a slightly irritated face.

Kalea had completely cut ties with her. Aluna should be happy because this is what she wanted. However, for some reason she was annoyed that Kalea had not persuaded or apologized for the trouble yesterday had slapped her and left her alone upstairs. Kalea’s current attitude made her sick, Kalea should have stayed down, she thought.

“Oh, Luna. Do you mind if Kalea is friends with Zeline?”

“Huh? What?” Aluna said, her daydream was broken because she was suddenly asked.

“Or are you really not friends with Lea anymore?” Violet asked curiously.

“That ... I think we should choose a friend who can lead us in a good way too,” Aluna replied while smiling bitterly.

“That’s right, you finally realized it! If you continue to be friends with her, you can become a despicable woman like her,” Violet said, and was approved by the others.

“Yesterday you talked to Lea, didn’t you? Did you discuss that?”

“She wanted to break the friendship. Then she blamed me for not being by her side. Actually, I was not strong enough to be friends with her,” Aluna said looking down with tears in her eyes. As if the phony tears will flow freely to make her friends feel sorry for her.

“She talks like that?! Damn, she is an ungrateful girl!” Violet cursed annoyed, she stroked Aluna’s back gently. “You’ve made the right decision, Luna. Don’t be friends with that bitch.”

“Wow, but I didn’t expect Lea to be like that. I thought she was just a quiet, smart, and unattractive girl.”

“No wonder she couldn’t mingle with us from the start, not even with the others.”

“From the start, we only used her intelligence.”

“You’re right, haha!”

Actually, there is something that Aluna is afraid of, regarding Zeline’s words yesterday. She was worried that the blonde girl would spread everything that had happened. Her heart is not calm, although it is possible that people will not easily believe the words of Zeline or Kalea. But still, she was threatened. Moreover, Arthur had not done anything to her. What if Arthur intervened? When faced with that man, Aluna did try to look brave, as if she wasn’t afraid of what Arthur would do to her later, but after the phone call was cut off, she trembled with fear.

Aluna gritted her teeth, Kalea couldn’t tell anyone that she was involved.

On the other hand, Kalea handed Zeline a black lunch box. The blonde girl began to open the lid of the lunch box with a little hesitation. Her face, which always looked fierce, now turned into awe at the provisions made by Kalea. She knew that Arthur’s sugar baby was really good at cooking, and because of that, the food in front of Zeline was really appetizing.

The menu made by Kalea is boneless chicken with teriyaki seasoning plus a salad that surrounds the chicken. On the other hand, there is a sandwich filled with tuna mayo, don’t forget fresh fruits such as strawberries and blueberries.

“I’ll try it,” Zeline said, starting to feed the chicken with the salad. So delicious. The spices combined with the boneless chicken meat tasted very good and delicious. Her tongue seemed to be spoiled with this taste. Zeline unknowingly ate some more and then switched to her sandwich. The blonde girl seemed to be busy with Kalea’s cooking, her head nodded several times indicating that the food was really delicious.

“You like it?” Kalea asked, one hand supporting her chin. She smiled happily because Zeline seemed to enjoy the lunch she made.

“Y-yeah, not bad,” Zeline replied, finally realizing that she was too busy with her food world without realizing that Kalea was still here. “But why are you suddenly making lunch for two people?”

“Hmm, for a trial?”

“I’m a test subject for you?!” Zeline asked already getting annoyed.

“No, not really. I wanted to try making lunch for Arthur but I’m afraid my cooking won’t suit him. So I’ll give you a try first.”

Zeline raised an eyebrow, then said, “Huh? Haven’t you always cooked for him? Why are you still afraid?”

“Maybe he always eats lunch in a fancy place during his work breaks. I’m afraid he will refuse lunch like this,” Kalea said as she looked at her lunch.

Zeline snorted in annoyance, she thought there was a serious problem between them, and it turned out that it was only because of something that she thought was trivial but could make Kalea so worried. “Hey, you already know yourself, right? Arthur always treats women well, an effort like this he can’t refuse,” Zeline said.

“”I know, but I don’t want him to feel forced to accept it.”

“Just try it first, don’t be too afraid. If you continue like that, you will never advance,” Zeline said sensibly.

Kalea chuckled amused to hear that, for some reason, such great words if they came out of Zeline’s mouth were a little funny.

“W-why laughing?!” A blush slowly appeared on both Zeline’s cheeks, she became embarrassed because Kalea seemed to be mocking her.

“No, it’s okay. Actually, I’m not a person who is easily scared like this. But for some reason, when dealing with Arthur, I don’t want to disappoint him,” Kalea said with a sad smile making Zeline feel a little something odd.

“Lea, do you like Arthur?”

Kalea blinked, looking at Zeline in confusion. “...why do you think like that?”

“I don’t know, but is that true?”

“No, I don’t have that feeling for him,” Kalea said quickly, she took another bite of her strawberry sandwich.

“Well, that’s your business with him. Just remember my message. If you end up being unable to hold back any feelings of love or something for Arthur, you’re really in trouble.”


“Because your feelings won’t be reciprocated. You already know what it’s going to be like in the end.”

Kalea looked down, she smiled blandly. “I know he’s very kind and caring.”

“Even your former best friend likes him, right? And intends to take Arthur from you.”

“You’re right.” Kalea saw that her black lunch box was clean without the slightest trace of food. “You finished my lunch.”

“Y-you said this for me?!”

Kalea laughed softly, then nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad you like it.”

“Shut up, I just don’t want to waste food,” Zeline snorted turning her face the other way. “Ah, by the way how about tonight you come with me?”

“Hmm? Where?”

“Club. Have fun there!”

Kalea was silent for a moment, there were three reasons that made her not immediately agree to Zeline’s invitation. “Is it okay? After being caught by the campus, we increasingly show that we are bad girls,” Kalea asked.

“Huh? Do you think it’s only us who come to the club? A lot of others do it too! Your former best friend is also very experienced.”

“Could you not offend her again?” Kalea asked a little annoyed.

“Okay, fine. So do you want it or not?!”

“But Arthur doesn’t like it when I go there.” Kalea’s second reason began to be issued.

“You don’t have to tell him, it’s simple.”

“I also don’t really like crowded places, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol,” Kalea said with the third reason.

Four elbows appeared on Zeline’s forehead, furiously she looked at Kalea and said, “You have lots of excuses, you bastard!”



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