73 Friendship Is Over

“Fuck, why did you suddenly-”

“Your mouth is really trash, Aluna. I’m amazed that you can hide this rotten nature of yours,” Zeline said with a haughty smile that graced her beautiful face.

Aluna looked at Zeline with hateful eyes, now her cheeks were red from being slapped by Kalea and Zeline. “You have no right to slap me! Because of you, Lea changed!”

Zeline raised an eyebrow and folded her arms in front of her chest, then said, “changed? You really are unconscious, aren’t you. Who can stand being betrayed by someone who is considered a good friend?” Zeline asked in an emphasised tone of voice. The blonde girl was really annoyed and hated the type of person like Aluna.

All this time, she had been holding back from interfering and not even wanting to have anything to do with Aluna, but her limit of patience had run out when she saw Kalea was silent when she was scolded by Aluna. Even though it was clearly Aluna’s fault but Kalea remained silent, not defending herself or getting angry at the burgundy haired girl.

“Huh? She’s the one who thinks I’m like that!”

“Bastard,” Zeline hissed into her fists, wanting to hit Aluna’s face right now.

“Luna,” Kalea called.



“Is everything we’ve done really meaning nothing to you?” Kalea asked, she still hoped that everything Aluna said today was just a lie. Only a momentary emotion enveloped Aluna’s heart.

Aluna smiled lightly, then said, “Yes. I’m also fed up with your sad story, I don’t consider you a friend at all, Lea. So don’t make me laugh,” Aluna replied, not looking at all liar.

The tightness in Kalea’s chest didn’t go away, it just got worse. She couldn’t stay here. The girl lightly tapped Zeline’s shoulder, her hazel eyes were so empty, there was no light at all there. “Come on, Zeline. Let’s just go.”

“You’re still letting this bitch do what she wants?” Zeline asked while pointing at Aluna impolitely.

“Bitch? You two bitches!” Aluna replied did not accept.

Zeline gave a slight smirk as she looked at Aluna from head to toe, then said, “Don’t you also want to be a sugar baby like us? Ah, what do you think if everyone knew the truth? You liked Lea’s client, but unfortunately, Arthur rejected you. Aren’t you more despicable?” Zeline’s taunt suddenly made Aluna’s face red with embarrassment and held back the boiling anger.

“Zeline, come on!” Kalea asked impatiently, she didn’t want the problem to get longer.

“You can’t let this girl go on like this! At least she should be ashamed too,” Zeline growled. In fact, she is the one who doesn’t accept Kalea’s being treated arbitrarily. Kalea was too kind to finally have to intervene.

“It’s okay. We don’t have to bother making people hate it. Because the stench will smell good after a while,” Kalea said, making Zeline and Aluna surprised. To think that Kalea could say such bold things.

A lopsided smile was etched on Zeline’s face, she no longer protested and agreed to Kalea’s invitation. “Luna, if you still want to be a sugar baby, just call me. I’ll find the best sugar daddy for you, Bye.” Zeline shook her blonde hair proudly and then walked with Kalea leaving Aluna alone with shame and self-esteem tarnished.

Kalea stopped her steps causing Zeline to look back when she realized that the girl with hazel eyes was no longer walking behind her. “What?”

“Thank you ... thank you for defending me,” Kalea whispered, her voice shaking.

Zeline snorted as she rolled her eyes lazily. “In the future, don’t be too weak and don’t be too kind. If you continue like that, you will be more and more oppressed,” Zeline ordered and then looked away, ignoring Kalea who was still standing there.

After the lecture was over, Kalea didn’t immediately return to the apartment. She sat at the bus stop without any intention of getting on the bus, even though the vehicle always stopped there. It was ten o’clock at night, but she still felt at home at the bus stop, no matter how her stomach kept begging for food.

Suddenly, she remembered how she first became friends with Aluna. When they began to make a promise that they would continue to be together, when Aluna was always there to complain because only Aluna understood the situation. But as it turned out, it was all fake. Aluna had never considered her a friend; she had been the only one who thought it existed all along.

Life is really funny. As if she was not allowing herself to be happy in the slightest.

Kalea covered her face, letting her tears roll down her palms again. “I don’t have anyone anymore,” she mumbled through sobs that began to sound. So heartbreaking. It was raining, making the atmosphere even colder.

Kalea’s cell phone kept ringing. She didn’t pick it up because she knew who the perpetrator was calling her. This was the tenth time Arthur had called but Kalea never picked up. The girl typed a message for Arthur if she came home soon. Then Kalea put her phone back in and boarded the bus that had just arrived.

“You don’t remember what time it is?” Arthur asked when Kalea had returned.

“Sorry,” Kalea said casually as she opened the refrigerator to get cold drinking water for her dry throat.

Arthur sighed heavily, he closed the refrigerator and leaned against it. The man folded his arms in front of his chest looking at his sugar baby seriously. “How was your conversation with Luna?”

Kalea was silent, she put the cold water bottle on the dining table. It seemed she didn’t want to talk about Aluna anymore. If possible, Kalea wanted to forget all her memories of that girl. Too much positive thinking makes her tinkered with and considered stupid by others. Kalea took a deep breath, then smiled faintly at Arthur. “We’ve finished it.”

“And then?”

Kalea didn’t answer, instead walking towards the room and making Arthur suspicious if the two girls’ conversation didn’t go well.

“If you keep quiet, let me take revenge for what she did,” Arthur said, suddenly Kalea stopped her steps and turned to the man.

“Don’t do anything to Luna,” Kalea said emphatically, her face implying that there was fear there.

However, Arthur paid no heed to that. “I already know her family background, so making Aluna to her knees in front of me is easy. She-”

“Please don’t do anything!” Kalea snapped able to silence Arthur’s mouth. The man glanced at Kalea’s trembling hands, and her hazel eyes were tearing up ready to shed the tears that had welled up in her eyes. Kalea shook her head slowly while holding the sleeve of Arthur’s shirt. “Her family had absolutely nothing to do with this. They were very good to me, and I didn’t want to prolong the problem.”

“Her family is kind? Are you sure they weren’t fooled? Before, you thought Luna was a good person, right?” Arthur asked had a point. The man held both of Kalea’s shoulders until the sugar baby stared into his gray eyes. “Everything you had so far, was lost because of her. And you will remain silent? I’ll help you to make Luna suffer, Lea,” Arthur said seriously, as if he was hypnotizing or brainwashing Kalea.

Actually, Arthur could do it secretly without the girl’s knowledge. However, due to the guilt that still enveloped him because all of this was partly his fault, Arthur didn’t dare to act first. He didn’t want Kalea to hate him.

“No. This is a risk that I have to bear. Sooner or later, the secret will be exposed and my job as a woman who satisfies men for money will be discovered,” Kalea said, stubbornly refusing to follow Arthur’s plan.

Arthur took a deep breath as he ruffled his black hair until it was a little messy. Frustrated that the sugar baby is so stubborn.

“You’re too good and too stupid,” Arthur grumbled in annoyance.


Arthur’s eyes were perfectly rounded when Kalea’s shoulders shook as if she was trying to hold back tears even though the tears finally started to flow because of the tightness that hit the girl even more. Arthur’s gaze became sad, he brought the fragile body into his arms. Hugging Kalea carefully without any intention of hurting her.

Arthur’s emotions faded, he no longer forced Kalea to take revenge on Aluna. All he wanted right now was to see Kalea’s sweet smile and make her happy. Arthur kissed the top of Kalea’s head affectionately.

This is his fault. Maybe if he hadn’t followed Aluna’s play from the start, Kalea wouldn’t have suffered this much. However, Arthur was still Arthur. There is absolutely no such thought because the most important thing is that he has interesting entertainment and can satisfy his lust.

“Sorry, Lea,” Arthur whispered, his arms tightening as if he didn’t want the woman he was hugging to just leave.

“I’m sleepy,” Kalea said with her eyes getting heavier. Moreover, being in Arthur’s arms made her more comfortable and she didn’t want to be separated from the handsome man.

Arthur chuckled, and he let go of the hug. He looked at every inch of her sugar baby’s beautiful face which looked red in the eyes and nose from crying. He lifted Kalea’s body and carried her to the bed. “Don’t you want to take a shower first?” Arthur asked as he stroked Kalea’s brunette hair.

“Too tired already,” Kalea replied with her eyes still closed. The girl got closer to Arthur and then wrapped her arms around the man’s waist. “Don’t go,” she whispered so softly it was barely audible.

Arthur was silent, he could still hear the words that just came out of Kalea’s mouth. He smiled bitterly, then kissed the girl’s forehead for a long time. “Yes, you still have me,” he replied.

Perhaps right now, all Kalea had was him.

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