It seems that the technological capabilities of Advanced Physical Civilizations are greater than I had thought. I randomly walk into a room. While I am here, I check the room’s features and find that they are worthy of admiration.

At first glance, it appears to be a simple room with no furniture. However, as I press the various switches along the walls in sequence, the room begins to silently transform. A comfortable bed appears, a closet full of clothes appears, shelves filled with food appear, a toilet appears, and a shower room appears. I don’t know how it is structured, or why they designed it that way, but it is possible to cover all your needs in one room. What’s more, if you make a mess, you can just put it out and it will be clean when you take it out again. Food and drink are replenished automatically. I stayed there for one night and it was the very epitome of comfort. At the very least, it seems I will have no problem with food, clothing, and shelter. This makes me lose interest in working.

It also explains why Ohii-sama is able to live so comfortably despite being imprisoned.

There is a large smartphone-like panel mounted on the wall, so I try to randomly operate that as well. There are a lot of things written on it, but unfortunately, I cannot read the text. However, I am able to understand the function by using it.

I press the small icons in order. There is a function to play music, a function to summon a Spider and a function with a smartphone-like icon that is probably for calling. When I press another icon, a hole appears nearby, is it for sending things, or is it just a trash can? It is a shame that I cannot read the text because I would love to understand more. There are also buttons that do nothing when pressed, but I can just ask Jean-san or Olivia-san about this later.

Even though it would have been the best if Code wasn’t a dangerous town like this.

I lay in the bed and think about my future.

My current goal is to meet up with Kaiser and Saya. However, I don’t know where they are. It will be pointless to go to the gate now, and I have told them that even if I cannot meet up with them right away, they can still move as they want in order to accomplish the mission. It would be great if I can meet up with them when they are meeting with the client.

If Biker and his group’s story is true, then Kaiser and Saya should be getting closer to another Royal Family. It is an unexpected turn of events, but at least they are getting closer to our goal…… I think.

So what I can do now――Is to keep an eye on Ohii-sama. I still don’t know anything about Alisha-ojou. After all, she is a princess who has been imprisoned for a long time, so even if I were to unlock the door, it wouldn’t be easy to protect her as she probably doesn’t understand the current situation. It would be easier to secure her if I could communicate my intentions beforehand. It seems like she cannot hear us, but I think we can communicate depending on how we do it.

Maybe I am actually suited for undercover missions like this one.

I am not bragging, but I am good with princesses. This is already the third one I have met this year. Maybe there are quite a lot of princesses in this world. Come to think of it, Alisha-ojou, Zebrudia-ojou, and Serene-kojo all seem to have a similar vibe.

The next thing is what to do about Biker and his group huh. Since she is imprisoned, it is unlikely that Biker and his group will lay hands on Ohii-sama. However, they may become an obstacle if we try to rescue her. I wish I could somehow persuade them, but I have no confidence in succeeding at all. I am good with princesses, but on the other hand, I am bad with bandits. Their faces are too scary.

I have been made to realize how weak I am without my strong friends. Aaaah, if possible, I would like to just *gorogoro* lie around until Kaiser and Saya complete the request.

As I am rolling around on the bed, fed up with my own powerlessness, the door slams open.

“Haaah, haaah, Cry Andrich. So you were there?” (?)

It is Olivia-san who comes in. Her face is pale and bloodless as if something happened. Her hair is messy and she is wearing an apron dress. My eyes widen at this sight and I sit up.

“Wh-what’s wrong? Why are you in such a hurry………… I didn’t do anything as you ordered, you know……” (Cry)

“Didn’t do anyth…… Ugh.” (Olivia)

Olivia-san looks like she is about to die. She stretches out her arm and the floor lifts up to reveal a glass of water. Olivia-san gulps down the water in one gulp, throws the cup away, and says in a stifled voice.

“Haaah, haaah………… Rather than that, Bi-Biker and his group…… Have been annihilated.” (Olivia)

“…… Eh? Huh? A…… Annihilated? What do you mean annihilated?” (Cry)

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“All the Royal Guards, except for you, are gone. They’ve all been disposed of. Damn those useless bastards!” (Olivia)

Olivia-san yells as if spitting the words out of her mouth. She has always been cold towards me, but now her tone is even rougher.

They have all been disposed of, but what does it mean――.

Olivia-san quickly says to me who has no idea what is going on.

“…… Apparently, Biker and his group were trying to kill the other prince’s Royal Guards and take over their position. I knew they were dissatisfied――But when I checked the other day, they didn’t have such a ridiculous plan, but, I was careless, to think they carried out such a plan right after their subordinate was burned. He probably acted quickly thinking that there would be another check――To think that only trash like you would be left…… Kuh…………” (Olivia)

“Eh…… Well………… That’s………… Sorry to hear that. Cheer up. Oh yeah, you want a chocolate bar?” (Cry)

I comfort Olivia-san, who is on her knees and holding her head.

As expected of a former bandit gang, they are hot-blooded. I would never imagine they would attack even after seeing the technology of this Advanced Physical Civilization. Olivia-san shakes off the chocolate bar I offered her and raises her head.

Her face is pale, her hair is stuck to her face due to the sweat, and her expression is terrifying.

“Shut up………… One person would be one thing, but I can’t believe I have to replenish 27 Royal Guards………… This is really bad. We are running out of time, so we can’t afford to waste time.” (Olivia)

“What are you going to do?” (Cry)

“…… If it is like this, Jean is the one who will deliver the final blow. As long as they are citizens, it doesn’t matter who it is. You, go and find, the remaining Royal Guards.” (Olivia)


…… What an unreasonable request. I only got here yesterday, you know…… And what is this final blow you are talking about?

Seeing me standing there stunned, Olivia-san takes a deep breath, calms herself down, and says.

“Rather than someone stupid, it is better to have the incompetent one. As of today, you are the Leader of Ohii-sama’s Royal Guards. Change of authority, Cry Andrich to Class 3.” (Olivia)

The card in my pocket becomes warm, and when I take it out, the star mark engraved on it has increased from one to three.

……………… I’ve been promoted by two ranks for doing nothing.

Olivia-san says in a cold voice.

“You cannot control the rest of the Royal Guards if you stay as a Class 1. Rejoice.” (Olivia)

“…… Even though Olivia-san, a Class 5, couldn’t control them.” (Cry)

My true feeling accidentally slips out. Olivia’s eyes widen and she *jirori* glares at me.

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“………… You bastard, are you trying to pick a fight with me?” (Olivia)

“No, it is not that…… It is just because you failed even though you can put prohibitions……” (Cry)

Normally, if you have that kind of power, you cannot fail, right? Even I knew right away that Biker and his group were dangerous. If I were you, I would bind their actions right away. As I make excuses, Olivia-san says while her cheek is twitching.

“…… Even putting prohibitions on people is not perfect either. If they do not obey, we will have no choice but to dispose of them eventually. You should be careful too. ………… Well, putting prohibitions is not available for a Class 3, though.” (Olivia)

Apparently, I will have to search for Royal Guards without even a proper weapon.

…… Well, if you tell me to do it, I will do it. If anyone is fine, then I would like to choose more docile Royal Guards.

“………… You want me to go find new Royal Guards, so is it fine if I go to the entrance of the city to scout them?” (Cry)

“That…… Will probably be difficult. If we count the number of cards issued, there aren’t many people who will enter Code anymore.” (Olivia)

So where should I get people from? If it is okay to bring them from the Imperial Capital, there are plenty of options tho’.

But wait a sec. There is always the option of bringing in Saya and Kaiser when we meet up. That is, if they haven’t already become Royal Guards for the other Royalty.

As I frown, Olivia-san sighs and, with a look of half-resignation on her face, comes up with an unbelievable suggestion.

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“It doesn’t matter where you get them from, but it will be easiest to replenish the Royal Guards from criminals. Code’s Prison is hell after all. Bring in a few of the good ones among the inmates. If you don’t get the required number, I will make the same fate they have, happen to you.” (Olivia)

………… Seriously, this city is a complete mess. Saya, Kaiser, please come and help me quickly, I am completely over-capacity.

§ § §

Thanks for reading! Let’s gooo so Cry’s plan was to remove every Royal Guards and replace them with people he chose Now let’s play a little game call: Who want to do an Infinite Triaaaaaaal!

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