Code, the highly mobile fortress city. A city which is roughly divided into seven areas.

The number of areas corresponds to the number of people who control Code. Just as a kingdom lends land to nobles, each area is governed by its own authority.

The authority figures in Code are different from those in the outside world. In Code, where class differences are absolute in the form of authority over the city system, authority figures are synonymous with those with power.

Someone with real power to control the city.

In other words, the rulers of the Seven Areas are the people with the highest authority――The King of Code, the only one with a Class 9, and his children, who are of his blood and are given the rank of Class 8 from birth.

Among the six children of the King, the youngest daughter, Alisha Code, has a particularly unusual situation. Her area is tucked away in a very small area, in a corner near the outer wall, away from the center of the city.

In a tall building in the center of that area, built by the city specifically for Alisha to live in, Jean and Olivia met and talked.

“How was it?” (Olivia)

“Umu…… Just as I have heard beforehand, he seems to be an absent-minded man. He would be ideal as an additional Royal Guard. He shouldn’t die trying to break through Ohii-sama’s door like his predecessor.” (Jean)

“…… They were really a hopeless bunch. To think that they would try to go against Code’s city system…… That was so foolish. On the contrary, it may have been a good thing that their stupidity was exposed while there was still time.” (Olivia)

Olivia shrugs in complete exasperation at what Jean said.

They are one of the few attendants to Alisha-ojou. Jean and Olivia’s job is to manage Alisha Code. Not take care, but manage. To keep Alisha, a descendant of the royal blood, an emergency stock just in case, alive and safe for as long as necessary. For that very reason, the two were chosen after consultation with the senior nobles of each faction, and given the highest rank one can get as a citizen, Class 5, and came to Alisha’s side.

The building, created with royal authority, is like a giant safe, so to speak. Its metallic components and functions all come from what is available in the current Code.

Jean and Olivia have little to no feelings for Alisha. The locked door to Alisha’s room is completely impossible to unlock, and Alisha’s care is entirely handled by the city system. Her education, exercise, and so on are supposed to be handled by the system, but neither of them has even heard Alisha’s voice.

There is almost no work for the two of them. Now that it has been a few years since they were assigned to their position, the opportunities to go to Alisha’s room have decreased significantly. A boring job, but an important one where failure is not an option. That was what being Alisha’s attendant was like to the both of them.

Wine and cheese can be found on the table. Jean takes a bite of the thing he has retrieved using the city system and sighs in genuine relief.

“However, I am relieved that we were able to replenish the Royal Guards. After all the trouble we went through to finally replace all the Royal Guards, if the Royal Guards we placed were all executed by the city system and we couldn’t make it in time at the critical moment, then along with Biker, we would lose our heads.” (Jean)

“I thought it would be easy, but it was surprisingly difficult. We have our circumstances, so they could at least prioritize and accommodate at least a minimum number of people for us.” (Olivia)

Originally, Alisha was assigned 28 mechanized soldiers as her Royal Guards, but it was only about a month ago that Jean and Olivia received the order to replace them all with humans.

They had a vague idea of the reason.

It is because Alisha-ojou’s role will be over soon.

The King of Code is old. He has already lived for over a hundred years as a human. Even Code’s advanced medical treatments cannot keep him alive much longer.

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The king will die. If that happens, Alisha-ojou will go from being an emergency backup to being someone who would be better off gone.

Once the king dies, Alisha must be eliminated as soon as possible. That is the final command given to Jean and Olivia.

The mechanized soldiers are strong to begin with, but the Royal Guards ones are truly impenetrable. They only listen to the orders of the King and Alisha-ojou herself and will do everything in their power to protect Alisha-ojou, even at the risk of destroying themselves. With such a presence guarding her, it would be impossible to eliminate Alisha-ojou as soon as possible.

It is not Jean and Olivia who will carry out the killing, but Biker and his group. They have no aversion to killing people and are highly skilled in combat. Although they are questionable as Royal Guards, they are personnel that can be cleaned up after an incident. Due to an accident, a position as a Royal Guard opened up, but they were able to put in an inoffensive man. There are no additional Royal Guards, but for now, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

“I guess they want to put a stop to the fact that Ohii-sama has any chance of becoming king. Even though I have told them there is no need to worry as it is impossible.” (Olivia)

Alisha-ojou does not have the ability to be the King of Code. It is doubtful that she understands the superiority between Classes, and she probably doesn’t know how to use the city system, something other royals have practiced since childhood.

In the first place, she only has a role as a spare, and at this stage, her authority has been frozen and she has been cut off from the outside world. The only special authority she has left is the right to appoint Royal Guards. If any of the other Princes and Princesses had died, the nobles who would have lost the support of the Royal Family might have turned their attention to Alisha-ojou and become her backer, but in the end, no such incident occurred.

There is probably no need to get rid of a harmless princess so quickly, but everyone is desperate. Jean and Olivia, who are now in charge of Alisha, are pretty much left out of any discussion, but Jean and Olivia can understand how they feel.

In Code, authority is everything. Everyone’s fate will change in the next month or two.

“It seems the King is not feeling too well. They say he might not last a month…… Everyone is desperate to become the next on the throne. The King has absolute power after all. But they don’t get along that well.” (Jean)

“It would be good if the second prince takes the throne…… As a matter of fact, we received an offer from that camp that if he were to take the throne, we would be given important positions. The second prince is the only one to contact us. They say he has been gradually recruiting people for a while now, and I think he has gathered enough soldiers with this recruitment. So I think there is a possibility for us.” (Olivia)

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“No, I don’t know about that. It is because we don’t know what kind of people each camp has gathered. It is just a rumor――But apparently, they even made moves to directly recruit strong warriors from the outside.” (Jean)

Jean frowns and continues.

“You know there is that idiot that attacked Code the other day? If they can get a warrior of that caliber to join them, they will have a considerable advantage in the battle for the throne.” (Jean)

In Code’s hierarchical system, the King holds authority above all others. Neither the nobles nor the other members of the Royal Family――No, even if everyone except the king were to unite, they would not be able to stop the king when he is seriously exercising his power.

In this Code, the King stands above all rules. The city system will not protect those targeted by the King, and the city system will never punish the King. Normally, there are numerous restrictions on the use of mechanized soldiers and the city’s weapons, but only the King――A Class 9 can use them without any restrictions.

Therefore, all those with the right to inherit the throne, except for Alisha-ojou, are all eagerly aiming for the throne.

It is not the current king or the citizens who will decide who will be the next king of Code.

What decides who the next King of Code is――Proof. In the center of the city where the King of Code’s throne is located――At the top floor of the Royal Tower, the symbol of being the King is said to be enshrined on it, the Royal Staff.

The current King of Code currently owns it, but upon his death, it will no longer belong to anyone. And the first Class 8――King’s Children to seize it would become the next King.

A struggle for the throne between the children of the King, who held equal authority in the city. It will undoubtedly be the greatest war in Code, a country without any external enemies.

No matter what method they used, if they could take the throne and gain control of the city system, all problems would be solved. The enemies that existed up until then would simply become subservient subjects. It is also easy to massacre the entire opposing faction. In fact, after the current king took the throne, he massacred all of his siblings――Former Class 8 who tried to rebel.

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The Royal Guards are soldiers who are here to help them take the throne. The mechanized soldiers are unparalleled in power, but they have many limitations. The mechanized soldiers can only be used for self-defense inside the city, so they cannot go and get the King’s Proof. The reason why so many pass cards have been issued recently is undoubtedly because the battle for the throne is approaching. The reason is to strengthen the military power of Code, but in reality, each faction is seeking strong soldiers. Mercenaries who have gained experience in the dangerous outside world and have superior combat abilities than the residents of Code――All in order to defeat each other.

Of course, the mercenaries will also be useful as a fighting force when Code decides to invade the outside world.

“Anyway, our job is to keep the situation as is. We just need to be careful that Biker and his group don’t do anything stupid again. I doubt they will make a move for a while though――.” (Jean)

It is because once they are gone, both of them will have to find another way to get rid of Ohii-sama.

There are still many parts of the city system that remain unknown. Eliminating the royal family is very risky.

It will be troublesome if Biker and his group become unusable. Both Jean and Olivia don’t want to kill Alisha themselves.

Thanks for reading! Looks like the Game of Throne for Code is gonna happen soon But they made one small mistake that will create huge ripple effect and that mistake is inviting Cry in Code!

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