Chapter 9: Observations in Lakeheart Town

TL: Etude

Baron Hansel Abbott sat gloomily in the carriage, a mood that had persisted for two weeks.

Just over half a month ago, he had joyfully received a royal commission, only to be dumbfounded upon opening it. He was assigned as a permanent representative to a place he had never even heard of before, the Count Graymans territory in the Northwest Bay, a seemingly forsaken place.

Later, at the military camp, he unexpectedly met the old man he had encountered during his escape. Remembering that the Count Graymans territory was the old mans home, Hansel was at least relieved to have company for the journey.

The image of his old classmate, Matthew, came to mind. That lucky fellow had stayed under the princesss command, offering flippant remarks like, Although our positions differ in prestige, we both serve His Majesty the King! Hansel sneered at the thought. Matthew, who barely managed to offer advice or keep accounts for the princess, was too self-satisfied.

With a feeling of resentment, Hansel thought about his own circumstances. If only he wasnt born illegitimately, if his mother had a better background but then he dismissed these thoughts. Some things, after all, cannot be changed.

His mission now was to do well in his current role and strive to return to the side of the King and the Princess. His efforts would eventually be recognized, he reassured himself.

Meanwhile, Ford, the steward in the same carriage, was excitedly pointing out the window: Look, Sir Abbott, thats Lake Al ahead. Actually, the formal name of this land is the Alda Territory, named after this lake. Were approaching Lakeheart Town.

As the trees along the road thinned, a vast lake came into view, with a large island dotted with buildings, including a castle at its center. To Hansel, it looked like nothing more than a slightly larger town.

This town is the capital of a countdom? Its not even comparable to a rural area near the capital, Hansel scoffed inwardly.

But his lack of experience was to blame. In this era, many lords built their castles in easily defensible locations, whether on cliffs or surrounded by water, as protection against bandits, rebellions, and the covetous eyes of neighboring lords.

Hansel, a young noble from the capital, had little experience outside the immediate vicinity of Crystal Shine Fortress. Even his rare journeys were along bustling trade routes, so he had never seen such a scene before.

Approaching the lake, they discovered a massive floating bridge constructed from specially designed boats linked together. It seemed that in case of an enemy attack, the bridge could be quickly dismantled to prevent crossing.

Should we disembark and walk to the island? Hansel worried whether the floating bridge could support the carriage. Ford, sensing his concern, laughed and reassured him, Please be at ease, Sir Abbott. This floating bridge is very sturdy. A mere carriage is no problem for it.

With such assurances from a local, Hansel relaxed slightly but remained apprehensive as the carriage crossed the bridge. Only upon reaching the island did he fully calm down.

Now, Sir Abbott, I must first report to the lord. Please rest in the castle guest room with my servant. I will arrange a meeting with the lord for you shortly.

Alright, Steward Ford.

As the carriage entered the castle gates, they saw the butler, Philip, approaching.

Steward Ford, youre back at last.

Philip, good timing. Take me to the count, please.

Oh dear, I was just about to mention the count to you.

Has something happened? Fords heart tightened with worry, fearing the old injuries of Count Grayman might have resurfaced.

The count has taken the newly recruited soldiers out for training and is not expected back in Lakeheart Town for a few days.

What, you just let him lead a bunch of new recruits out there? Dont you know how rampant the pirates are now?

We tried to persuade him, but in vain. We had no choice but to have Lord Claude lead the castle guards to protect them.

Relieved, Ford quickly said, Send someone to fetch the count. Tell him a royal envoy has arrived and is waiting to meet him.

Yes, Ill send someone right away.

After Philip bowed to Hansel and hurried off, Ford turned to Hansel, Im terribly sorry, Sir Abbott, but it seems youll have to wait a while.

Thats alright. Since the count is temporarily away, would you mind if I took a walk around here?

Of course, youre a distinguished guest from afar. Please feel at home. However, I need to return home, so I wont accompany you. Ford then assigned his personal servant to guide Hansel and excused himself to go home.

Hansel, wanting a drink, instructed the guide to take him and his servant Tom to a tavern in town.

The tavern was bustling with chatter until a well-dressed young nobleman, accompanied by Fords servant, walked in. Some knowledgeable patrons recognized the nobleman from his attire and the subservient demeanor of the servant, causing the noise in the tavern to subside.

Landlord, three beers, please. I prefer unused cups.

Right away, my lord, the tavern owner, a man in his forties who had never been so close to a foreign noble, hurriedly went to prepare the drinks.

People in small places really have limited experience, Hansel thought, amused. He chose a window seat, had Tom lay cloths on the seat and table, and then sat down.

Taverns are excellent places to gather information, and Hansel, having come this far, didnt plan to just sit and drink. He was contemplating how to inquire discreetly when the tavern owner brought over three beers. Hansel took one for himself and handed the other two to Tom and the pleasantly surprised guide.

Observing the patrons, he noticed most were avoiding his gaze, fearful of offending the nobleman with an improper gesture. Only one person, wearing a leather cap, kept sneakily glancing his way.

You, come here! Yes, you, the one with the leather cap.

Me? The young man pointed out by Hansel quickly shifted from astonishment to fear, worrying his peeking had angered the nobleman. Could he be beheaded for this?

The people sitting around him quickly distanced themselves, not wanting to get involved.

Trembling, the young man approached Hansel and immediately knelt, tearfully begging, My lord, I was just curious, I meant no harm, please, have mercy on me

Alright, alright, dont be scared. Im not going to harm you! Just a few questions, thats all. Stand up!

The young man stood up, relieved.

Sit there, Hansel gestured to a nearby seat.

How could I dare

Sit down when the baron tells you to! Tom played the part of the enforcer.

Gratefully, the young man sat down.

I want to ask, is the situation with the pirates really that severe?

Yes, they havent appeared nearby, but everyone is scared. Now, people only travel in large groups even between villages.

And your lord, he just lets them be?

Not at all. You might have heard, our old lord sacrificed himself fighting pirates. The new lord started recruiting soldiers as soon as he took over, both for public and private reasons.

Is it true your new lord is just a child?

Yes, and its unclear if he can bear the responsibility. Honestly, young master Paul ah, our current Count, was quite spoiled by the old lord. As a child, he was mischievous and The young man suddenly stopped, realizing he was speaking ill of his lord before another noble.

Hansel smiled, ordered another beer for the young man, and continued his inquiries. He soon found the young lord quite intriguing.

For instance, the lord had forbidden public urination and defecation, encouraging every household to build their own toilets and even funding public ones in town.

He also banned dumping waste into the lake, instead placing trash bins at intervals on the streets. Residents and passersby were required to use these bins for their garbage, with the lords men organizing daily cleanups.

Hansels respect for the young lord grew: Not bad at all. A countryside lord whos more refined than city nobles. Hopefully, he doesnt have the usual faults of rural nobility.

Standing up, Hansel tipped the young man a few coins and motioned for Tom and the guide to continue exploring other areas.

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