Chapter 195: Returning Voyage 2

TL: Etude

The docks at Fort Ness were as busy as ever. At the berth of the Southern, the crew bustled up and down the gangplank, loading items onto the ship. They were about to set sail, heading back to the Northwest Bay.

Nearby, a few merchant representatives strolled leisurely, soaking in the commercial atmosphere of this southern metropolis during these last moments.

The female advisor Ladi, Mrs. Sertia, and Lisa, temporarily serving as a maid, approached slowly with their luggage.

At the side of the gangplank, Captain Quik was conversing with Queller Foster.

Captain, my father is too busy with official duties and has sent me to bid you farewell in his stead. Please accept his apologies for not being able to come in person.

No worries at all, the Marquis has been so hospitable to us, we are deeply grateful.

Quik knew that the other party was just being polite. After all, a Marquis, a significant figure in the Council, wouldnt possibly come to the docks to see off a small fry like him.

They took off their hats to greet the female advisor and her company as they approached.

Good morning, madam. Good morning, Miss Ladi, Miss Lisa.

Cierra smiled in response, Good morning, Captain. Its finally time to set sail.

Yes, everyone has had a great time here, but once the return date is set, everyone becomes eager to return home.

Quik also greeted them. Quelled then marveled at Ladi.

I heard from the captain about Miss Ladi disguising as a man to travel south with the ship. Its incredible. How did such a delicate beauty manage to disguise herself as a man?

Faced with this young mans flattering words, Ladi just smiled faintly and walked up the gangplank.

Queller Foster shrugged awkwardly. Miss Ladi had always been quiet during her time with the Lichman Adventure Team. He hadnt spoken a word to her during his two encounters with the team. This cold beauty actually chose to stay in the Northwest as an advisor. His brother Paul was lucky.

Quik instructed a few sailors to help Ladi and her company stow their luggage in the cabin. The three women then came up to the deck, gazing out at the sea under the caress of the sea breeze.

Lisa suddenly pointed towards the shore, Look, a lot of people are coming over there.

Ladi turned and saw a magnificent carriage procession slowly approaching the Southern, surrounded by a host of knights in armor.

Its people from the Grand Duchy of Eton. Ill go down and take a look.

She immediately returned to the shore, and soon the procession reached them.

First, a group of guards swiftly secured the area, and then an attendant opened the carriage door. A tall man stepped out, handsome with curly brown hair, exuding an aura of nobility.

Queller Fosters mouth dropped open in shock, his face registering disbelief.

Then, with a look of betrayal and anger, he grabbed Quiks clothes.

Captain Quik, explain this to me. Is Alda disregarding the contract with the Foster family and changing their agent in Horn Bay?

No, no, not at all. I havent done such a thing, and the lord hasnt authorized me to do so.

Quik hurriedly explained, but Queller pointed at the man who just got out of the carriage, Then why is the Grand Duke of Eton here to see you?

What? He is the Grand Duke of Eton? No wonder he looks so impressive.

Quik immediately understood what was going on and whispered to Queller, Mr. Foster, youre mistaken. Theyre here to see Miss Ladi. His wife is Miss Ladis senior classmate or something.

His wife? Oh you mean Duchess Helen?

The young master of the Foster family was even more astonished. The quiet advisor was acquainted with the Grand Duchess of Eton?

But indeed, we have also met the Duchess. Remember the Night of the Wolfs Howl?

I remember, we could hear it from our house, kept me up all night.

That night, Miss Ladi and Duchess Helen were walking outside the city when they encountered a pack of wolves. It was I who led a team to rescue them. Despite their delicate appearances, they are quite capable. Before we arrived, they had already killed several wolves. Oh, I heard Miss Ladi used to be an adventurer, so killing a few wolves must not have been difficult for her. That night was truly perilous; the howling of wolves all around us was so intimidating that we were parched with fear. If we hadnt brought a large number of torches well, the outcome might have been much worse.

What, such an exciting event and you didnt include me? You guys are no friends at all!

Queller complained with a look of grief and indignation.

The captain was speechless. He wondered what was going on in the young lords head, as most people would typically avoid such dangerous situations.

While they were talking, the Grand Duke of Eton, accompanied by his wife, Duchess Helen, alighted from the carriage.

Ladi greeted them with a slight bow.

Your Grace, senior sister, good day.

The Duke raised his hand, Miss Gerard, I believe the last time we met was at Fennies birthday party. Theres no need for formalities between us. Though we havent met often, considering your relationship with Helen, youre practically family.

Helen approached and embraced Ladi.

Thats right, just treat him like a brother.

The Duke said apologetically, Ive come to express my gratitude. Without you, Fennie, myself, and my country would have been in great trouble. Ive been busy with various meetings these past few days and couldnt thank you in person earlier. Im truly sorry. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

Ladi shook her head, Youre too kind, Duke. Fennie is like a sister to me; helping her was only natural.

The Duke continued with his words of gratitude and then raised his head, speaking loudly in Ordos language, I have another purpose for my visit to thank the brave warriors from Ordo for rescuing my family from the jaws of wolves.

The sailors on and off the ship turned their attention to Captain Quik, awaiting his decision.

What! Why are you all looking at me?

Quik panicked, breaking into a cold sweat.

Being in the presence of a Duchess was already overwhelming for him, and now, unexpectedly, a Duke had appeared a genuine ruler of a country, a figure on par with kings, and apparently not as easy to talk to as the old man from the Foster family.

Ladi quietly spoke to the Duke:

Cough, Your Grace. Theyve never encountered someone of your stature, so theyre unsure how to react. Please excuse them. The one with the long beard is Captain Quik. Please follow me.

The Duke laughed and nodded, Haha, is that so? I understand. Lets go over there.

He and his wife followed Ladi towards Quik.

Helen, clutching her husbands arm, pinched him hard and whispered behind her fan, Be more approachable!

The Duke smiled wryly, I know, my dear.

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