Chapter 196: Returning Voyage 3

TL: Etude

Ladi led the Duke and Grand Duchess of Eton to Captain Quik, who was by now in a state of petrification. She formally introduced them. Your Grace, this is Captain Quik of the Southern. Captain, this is the Duke of the Grand Duchy of Eton.

After the introduction, she nudged Captain Quiks sleeve.

Jolted to his senses, Captain Quik awkwardly knelt down, recalling the scenes from third-rate dramas he had seen where foreign envoys met with kings. He managed a clumsy bow.

Your Grace, please forgive my rudeness On behalf of Count Grayman of the Kingdom of Ordo, I extend my respects to you.

No need for formalities, no need. You all are my heroes.

The Grand Duke of Eton personally helped him up.

You braved the danger and delved into a wolf pack to save my wife and sister-in-law. On behalf of the Eton royal family, I extend my respects to you.

The Duke graciously expressed his thanks, using some highbrow noble jargon that Quik could barely understand. Quik could only nod and agree, fearing to say something wrong.

Please also convey my respects to Count Grayman. Ordo has won the friendship of the Grand Duchy of Eton. Should he or his emissaries ever visit Horn Bay, the Grand Duchy of Eton will ensure a warm welcome.

Yes, Your Grace, I will certainly convey your message.

Now, please accept our token of gratitude.

The Duke clapped his hands, and two attendants placed a wooden chest in front of Quik.

When the chest was opened, there were gasps of astonishment all around.

It was filled with glittering gold bars.

No, no, this is too much

Quik was tongue-tied, having never seen so much gold before, enough to build many ships like the Southern.

But the Duke firmly insisted, Please accept it. Half is for the brave souls on the ship, and the other half for Count Grayman.

After several rounds of Quik awkwardly trying to refuse, he ultimately couldnt resist the Dukes insistence and accepted the gold.

This is like undermining the Foster familys foundations!

The thought alarmed the second son of the Foster family.


Queller Foster cleared his throat loudly, speaking with a serious face. Your Grace.

And you are?

The Grand Duke of Eton asked, noticing Quellers local attire.

I am Queller Foster, the second son of the Marquis of Foster from the Horn Bay Alliance Council.

Oh, the son of Marquis Foster. I know your father, a generous and open-minded man. Ive enjoyed our exchanges very much.

Thank you, Your Grace. My father would be honored by your remarks.

So, Master Foster, what brings you here?

Oh, Your Grace might not be aware, but the Foster family and the Grayman family are business partners. We are the exclusive agents for the Count in Horn Bay. Naturally, I came to bid farewell to our friends.

Queller emphasized exclusive agents.

The Count Grayman is still conducting business in Horn Bay?

The Duke was unaware that the fine porcelain he had bought for a hefty sum in his court was actually transported by the Foster family from the Northwest Bay.

But he quickly grasped the subtle hint in Quellers words.

The Duke, with a smile, patted Queller Fosters shoulder and said, I equally value the friendship with the Marquis and certainly wouldnt do anything to harm it. My visit here was purely to express my gratitude.

Queller finally relaxed and shared a smile with the Duke.

However, he thought to himself, It looks like Pauls path in Horn Bay is going to broaden. I need to remind my father to increase his focus on the Northwest Bay.

Duchess Helen pulled her school sister Ladi aside for a quiet conversation.

Where are your adventurer friends?

They left overnight after the dinner gathering. The local Adventurers Guild sent a letter with some urgent matter.

Speaking of which, how is Count Grayman treating you?

The Count is very kind to me. As you know, in the Northwest Bay, skilled people are in short supply, so even someone with my limited abilities is highly valued.

Limited abilities? Thats the first joke Ive heard from you, Ladi.

Senior sister, I remembered something. What was the Churchs reaction?

Helen responded irritably, Hmph, now they cant publicly present evidence, it seems they know theyre in the wrong and havent disclosed anything about this incident.

Without direct evidence, arbitrarily detaining a noblewoman was a grave offense, and even the Church wouldnt dare commit such an act and incite public outrage.

Did they negotiate with you?

No, they probably want to let it slide.

What are your thoughts on this?

Theres no such thing as a free lunch. My husband has decided to actively promote and join an anti-Church alliance. We havent publicized this incident because the timing isnt right. Once it is, this will be one of the Churchs charges.

Will this lead to war?

As a mage, Ladi was pleased to see the rulers unite against the Church, but she didnt want it to lead to war.

War? Unlikely. The Church only has some self-defensive paladins. Would they dare armed resistance if all the countries unite against them?

The Duchess was optimistic.

Lets hope so.

Despite saying this, Ladi wasnt as optimistic as Helen. She was aware of the Churchs influence among the common people and its loyal followers within the ruling classes of various countries. She hoped it wouldnt lead to war. Ladi, well-versed in history, knew well how devastating religious wars could be, often transcending the usual limits of conflicts driven by interests.

She didnt want to see the prosperous Horn Bay reduced to ruins.

After conversing for a while on the docks, it was finally time for the Southern to depart. Captain Quik, Ladi, and others boarded the ship under the watchful eyes of Queller Foster and the Duke and Grand Duchess of Eton.

The departure of the unusual ship attracted the attention of many at the docks. If not for the Eton guards cordoning off the area near the berth, more people would have crowded around.

A dockworker onshore untied the ropes securing the Southern to the dock, and the sailors aboard the ship pulled in the ropes.

Queller shouted, Weigh anchor!

One, two, three

The crew chanted in unison, straining at the anchor winch.

The heavy anchor was slowly lifted from the water by the winch.

Since the Southern didnt have oars, several small tugboats from the port were hired to help it move away from the berth.

The sailors gestured to the tugboats, whose crew began rowing, gradually moving the Southern.

Quik, Ladi, and others waved farewell from the ships side to Queller and the Dukes family on the dock, who waved back.

Slowly, the Southern left the harbor and reached open waters. It disconnected the ropes from the tugboats, raised its sails, and, using the wind, set off on its journey back to the Northwest Bay.

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