Chapter 185: Rescue 3

TL: Etude


The guards watching the city gate heard a wolfs howl, starting from a distance and gradually getting closer. Everyone shuddered in fear.

Hahaha! Look how scared you all are, the captain chuckled, feeling a sense of pride in successfully frightening his men. The timing of the wolfs howl outside was just perfect.

This tale dates back a hundred years, and its authenticity cant be guaranteed. Let me continue with the legend. Later, a nameless hero emerged. He ventured alone into the forest and was never seen again

Everyone says that the hero sacrificed himself, but since then, the wolves have become disunited, no longer cooperating as they used to.

The soldiers listened, absorbed in the story. Did that hero kill the wolf king? they asked.

The captain nodded, What else could it be? Without their king, the wolves fell into disarray.

Later, the Adventurers Guild established an outpost here and organized adventurers to exterminate the wolves. The residents self-defense teams also re-entered the forest, regularly eliminating larger wolf packs. Only then did Fort Ness truly prosper, gradually expanding in size, and was eventually chosen as the capital when the alliance was formed.

The guards marveled, surprised by this piece of history of the city they were guarding.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers started to feel uneasy, whispering, Guys, do you hear something? Like a wolf howling?


Everyone burst into laughter. You must have been scared by the captains story, they teased.

However, their laughter soon faded as they too began to hear the sounds.

It wasnt just one or two wolves howling, but many, increasing in volume and intensity, until it became a grand chorus of wolves.

The city guards looked at each other in bewilderment, facing such a bizarre situation for the first time while guarding the gates.

One of the guards stammered, Something seems off tonight

The others nodded in agreement, their minds racing back to the ancient tale told by their captain.

The captains brow furrowed; could the events from the legend be repeating themselves? Although he didnt really believe in those absurd stories and had only told them to entertain his subordinates.

Damn it, those wolves outside must be in heat, someone joked, dispelling the fear among the men.

Tonight is indeed unusual, lets not stoke the fire anymore. Stay alert and guard the gate. If anything goes wrong, well shut the gate immediately.

Even if those beasts do go crazy, with these high and thick walls, I doubt they can climb over.

The guards responded and took up positions at the city gate, weapons in hand.

After a while, although there were no unusual incidents outside the gate apart from the howling, a group of people came running down the main street from inside.

This was the rescue team that had hurried over from the docks.

Quik ordered his men, There are guards at the gate. Remove your bayonets to avoid suspicion, and loosen the formation a bit.

As expected, the large group was stopped by the city guards upon reaching the gate.

Cierra negotiated with the guards, her face etched with genuine anxiety.

My daughter went outside the city during the day and hasnt returned. I am leading my helpers to search for her.

Madam, please calm down. Maybe shes staying with a friend in a nearby town or village. Did you hear those wolf howls? Its dangerous outside the city now.

No, my daughter doesnt have friends outside the city. I must go find her no matter what.

The city guard captain showed a helpless expression but did not obstruct them further. Alright, good luck to you. Just dont venture too deep into the forest.

He glanced at the team behind Cierra, about thirty in number, thinking they might deter a small pack of wolves.

Since there were no carriages or large luggage, the soldiers didnt inspect further and allowed them to pass immediately.

Still guided by the parrot Polly at the front, the rescue team continued along the road.

Now, put on your bayonets! Light the fuses! Be ready at all times.

Not far from the city gates, Captain Quik ordered his men to prepare their weapons.

The howling of wolves from all directions was unnerving, and everyone in the team was tense.

Lady Sertia, is it always like this in Fort Ness at night?

No! Ive never heard of such a thing.

Quik grew apprehensive.

After about twenty minutes of walking, they first spotted wolves in the bushes beside the road, but there was no attack. The wolves just looked at them with their glowing green eyes for a while before running north.

Judging from the sounds, there were quite a few wolves in the bushes.

Ladi master! Wolves! Ladi master! Wolves!

Polly the parrot shouted, confirming Cierras suspicion that her daughters danger must be related to these wolves.

After walking some more, the road ahead became straight and clear, and they saw faint firelight in the distance without the obstruction of trees.

Ladi master! Ladi master!

Polly was even more excited now.

Cierra told Quik, My daughter must be ahead! Near that flicker of firelight! She must be.

Pick up the pace! Head towards the firelight.

The team quickened their pace, but soon encountered an obstacle about a dozen wolves were blocking the road ahead.

Of course, this was only what they could see. There were sounds from the forests on both sides, indicating that many more wolves were lurking, ready to pounce. A mere dozen wolves would not dare to block thirty grown men.

It was clear that the wolves were targeting the rescue team. Their fur stood on end, lips curled back to reveal teeth, emitting a threatening woo-woo sound.

For better command and efficient firepower, Quik divided the thirty sailors into three groups.

Group one, prepare to shoot! Groups two and three, watch the sides!

Ten sailors at the front lined up, raising their muskets. Using the bright moonlight, they aimed at the wolves ahead.

The fuses at the locks of the muskets were already lit, burning slowly, the small red tip glowing in the night.


At Captain Quiks command, the first group of sailors pulled their triggers simultaneously.

The muskets erupted with a loud bang, momentarily drowning out the wolves howling.

The muzzle flashes were particularly dazzling in the night, lighting up the surroundings.

The wolves blocking the way were hit hard, the lethal bullets tearing through their fur and deeply embedding into their bodies.

Instantly, more than half of the dozen wolves fell, most dying immediately, while the few that were still alive whimpered in pain.

The howls of canines are particularly heart-wrenching, and many felt pity for the wolves, with those who had dogs at home even recalling their own pets.

The uninjured wolves were stunned by their companions fate, but what terrified them more was the sound of the muskets. Wolves (and dogs) have very sensitive hearing, and the sudden loud noise was a frightening weapon for them.

The wolves that could still move scurried away with their tails between their legs, and soon there was no more movement in the forests on either side of the road.

Quik waved his hand, Continue forward!

This thats it?

Cierra was greatly shocked. She had drawn her dagger, ready for a desperate fight, but to her surprise, the Ordo men dispatched the wolf pack with ease.

The strange weapon used by the Ordo people also took Cierra by surprise. Its power and accuracy left a deep impression on her.

But as her daughter was still in danger, she didnt have time to ponder further and hurried along with the team towards the direction of the firelight.

On their way, they encountered two more wolf packs, but they were no obstacle under the power of the muskets.

The team finally reached the source of the light they had seen earlier. It was indeed a fire burning.

Although some parts had extinguished, it was evident that the flames formed a circle, with a carriage at its center.

Ladi master! Ladi master!

Polly the parrot fluttered towards the carriage.

The carriage door opened quickly, and two women stepped out. The sailors from the Southern recognized one of them as the female advisor from Count Graymans side.

Polly landed on Ladis shoulder, constantly rubbing her head against her face.

Cierra also rushed to the carriage and embraced her daughter, both relieved and scolding, You scared me to death, what were you thinking!

Sorry, Mom, I made you worry.

Beside them, Helen felt very guilty, Im sorry, Auntie, it was because of me.

Cierra sighed, not sure what to say.

Quik ordered his men to keep watch and approached, So it really is you, Miss Advisor.

The advisor blushed, Im sorry, Captain Quik.

Quik waved his hand, Never mind, now that we know, lets not dwell on it. The priority is to return to Fort Ness.

Thank you for your help Oh, this is Duchess Helen of the Grand Duchy of Eton. We were out looking for her sister and encountered the wolf pack.


Quik suddenly became flustered. In his understanding, a duchess was only a rank below a king, and since the advisor mentioned the Grand Duchy of Eton, didnt that mean she was practically a queen?

He suddenly realized he was entangled in foreign affairs, dealing with a top official of a nation.

Dear heavens! Spare me! Ive never even interacted with nobles beyond my own lord.

Your Highness! I, Quik, captain of the Southern, represent Count Paul Grayman of the Alda territory in Northwest Bay of the Kingdom of Ordo, I beg your pardon!

He awkwardly performed a courtesy towards Helen, stuttering while introducing himself.

After finishing, he realized he didnt know if she could understand his language and desperately looked to the advisor for help.

Ladi smiled and said, Dont worry, my senior understands Ordo language.

Senior? Quik thought, surprised at the advisors significant influence in her homeland and wondering why she would go to a rural area like Northwest Bay.

Duchess Helen bowed to Captain Quik and thanked him with a smile, saying:

Thank you so much for coming to our rescue tonight, Captain Quik. My sister and I are incredibly grateful to you and your crew!

Oh, its not a problem! Duchess, youre too kind! Quik quickly replied, showing humility.

Lady Sertia, who was standing nearby, suddenly interjected, I must say, everyone, this is not the time for chit-chat. We should head back to Fort Ness as soon as possible. I have a feeling that the wolves around us are gathering again.

Only then did everyone remember that they were still in a perilous situation.

Quik said, We cant delay any longer. Lets hurry!

Helen took her unconscious sister from the carriage. Quik had initially intended to have one of his soldiers carry Fanny, but the Duchess refused, saying, This child is very light, and I can still carry her. Focus your manpower on guarding against the wolves.

So, Quik loudly announced to the sailors that they would be returning to Fort Ness. However, as they had just started their journey back, they encountered a large pack of wolves.

The howling of wolves echoed through the forest, sending shivers down their spines. In no time, aided by the moonlight, they saw countless wolves rushing towards them in a frenzy.

These wolves were organized in a single file, like a well-disciplined military unit.

Quik immediately ordered his sailors to form three rows, with each row taking turns to fire their guns. If the first rows shots didnt deter the wolves and they continued to charge, the next row would fire.

Meanwhile, the row that had finished shooting wouldnt rush to reload; instead, they tightly gripped their guns and readied their bayonets to defend against any brave wolves that might get too close.

Gunshots rang out!

Several wolves were hit in the head and fell, while a few others were wounded and fled with blood trailing behind them, clearly visible in the moonlight.

The wolves behind them were frightened and stopped charging, but they didnt leave. Instead, they hesitated at a distance, as if contemplating whether to continue their attack, given their numerical advantage.

However, the musket shots were still within range, and with so many guns firing, they were bound to hit some of the wolves.

The second row of shots echoed, and more wolves in the distance fell.

Theres movement in the woods! Use grenades! Quik ordered.

Soldiers on both sides quickly pulled out grenades, ignited them, and threw them into the woods.

After several explosions, they heard several agonizing howls.

Some wolves, terrified by the blasts, stumbled onto the road, right into the path of sailors armed with bayonets who swiftly dispatched them.

Duchess Helen stared blankly at the scattering wolf pack, her thoughts a mystery.

Next to her, Ladi asked softly, Sister, isnt this incredible?

, was the only response she received silence.

Ever since I arrived at the Northwest Bay, Ive had this lingering feeling

What feeling?

The era of heroes is coming to an end

After Quik confirmed that the wolf pack ahead had dispersed, he ordered the group to continue their journey.

Along the way, they fired their guns a few times sporadically, and fortunately, no one was injured by the wolves.

Finally, they arrived at the north gate of Fort Ness, and by then, it was nearly 3 a.m.

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