Stealing Spree

Chapter 2169: Convenience Store Date

Although it was a short trip and could barely be considered a proper date, Arisa and I still managed to enjoy our spontaneous visit to the convenience store. It wasn’t exactly the most romantic setting, but sometimes, it’s the simple, everyday moments that feel the most genuine.

I hadn’t done this with any of the girls I’d stolen before. Back then, most of our meetings were secret, depriving them of their time with their boyfriends. And when we were out in public, I’d distance myself, always wary of being caught by someone who knew them.

In any case, that’s just my perspective. Maybe there were situations like this before with the girls, just that I never acknowledged them as such. I was such a prude with a one-track mind back then, after all.

Anyway, as we wandered down the narrow aisles, we couldn’t help but laugh and tease each other while ignoring the curious gazes of the other customers and the store clerk.

We took our time, picking out snacks and drinks for everyone, deliberating over every selection as if it were some grand decision.

At one point, Arisa held up a bag of potato chips with a flavor that I probably only tasted once before, ’sourcream’ with an exaggeratedly serious expression.

"What do you think, Ruki? Should we go with this one or the spicy version? I kinda like this one. Have you tried this one before?"

I leaned in, pretending to inspect the packaging like it was some delicate art. "Hmm... depends. Are you prepared to handle the spice, Arisa? There’s a spicier variant you know. I’ll buy you some milk to go along with it."

Offended that I underestimated her tongue, the playful girl rolled her eyes, tossing the spicier variant of the same chips into our basket with a confident smirk, "Oh, please. I don’t need milk to go along with it. And if I failed to finish them... Aren’t you going to help with it, dear boyfriend?"

She nudged me playfully with her shoulder, her mischievous smile remaining on her lips.

"Of course, how can I let my Arisa suffer from eating something she cannot handle," I replied, matching her playfulness.

After this, we moved to another aisle picking out sweets for those who preferred something sugary over salty.

Just like with the spicy chips, Arisa and I teased each other playfully while she occasionally suggested what the other girls might like.

And when no one was watching, I snuck in small kisses or wrapped my arms around her from behind, feeding my desire to pamper her. She’d let me get away with it, but eventually, she’d scold me, reminding me to behave. Her halfhearted reprimands only made me want to do it


A few minutes later, our fun was interrupted when the employee behind the counter gave us a stern look, shushing us. I couldn’t tell if we were being too loud or if they were just annoyed by how openly we were flirting. Probably both.

Either way, Arisa and I exchanged sheepish grins and toned it down, though the playful energy between us never really faded.

Before long, we soon headed over to the counter, our baskets filled to the brim. And that’s even when we’re holding back not to buy a lot. I mean, convenience store prices were notoriously marked up compared to grocery stores. Neither of us saw the point in splurging when we could get more for less elsewhere. Still, it was fun grabbing a few small indulgences, and picking out each item as if we were planning a mini feast for the group.

I mentally prepared a joke to tease the other girls. Something along the lines of, "This is the last time I’m buying snacks outside. Next time, we’ll feast on the potatoes we harvest."

Mhm. I could already imagine those girls dogpiling me for a crude joke like that. But it was still going to be a win for me... I could just grab onto them and shield myself with their bodies, no?

Alright. That’s enough daydreaming.

Before leaving, Arisa and I grabbed a twin popsicle, a nostalgic treat from our childhood.

Arisa playfully told me to guess her favorite flavor and I got it on the first try; strawberry, sweet with just a hint of sour.

With huge bags filled with what we bought settled on our side, Arisa and I stood outside the store and leaned against the wall to savor the cool sweetness as the afternoon breeze blew through the streets.

"You know what, Ruki? This reminds me of when I was still a snot-nosed brat," Arisa mused, biting into her popsicle. "I used to sneak in and eat these while hoarding the winning sticks."

"... Hoarding, huh? So, did you forget to exchange them for a freebie?"

"Oh shut up. How did you even guess that?" She shot me a glare and almost hit me but I caught her slowly moving hand, intertwining my fingers with hers and locking it down.

With a mischievous smirk, I tilted my head as if picturing it in my mind. "I mean, it’s my lovely Arisa. I can imagine an adorable snot-nosed Arisa happily hiding those winning popsicle sticks in her pencil case. But when you’re about to turn them in, the store said it’s only valid after eating them."

"Ugh... I was naive, okay? I didn’t know there was a rule like that. But Ruki... did Izumi tell you about that? That’s unbelievably accurate." Arisa queried in suspicion.

I nodded as I continued to take a slow bite of my popsicle while squeezing her soft and warm hand.

"Nope, she did not. The truth was I used to do the same thing as well. Akane found out right before my stack reached double digits though and she used to tease me about that..." I admitted.

I wasn’t lying. It was one of my childhood memories that I’d rather not remember because Akane couldn’t stop teasing me about it whenever we ran to the store to buy another popsicle. "But Arisa, isn’t this amazing? Looks like we just discovered another similarity between us. This proves we’re truly meant to be."

Upon hearing that, Arisa hummed while giggling sweetly, "Sure, Ruki. We’re meant to be. But for you to get caught by Akane right away, you’re not good at hiding things, huh?"

"Well, it’s just because I tried to brag about it to her."

"Pfft. I could imagine a snot-nosed Ruki being dejected because of it. Too bad, if we met back

Then, I’d probably tease you too."

"Too bad, I’d ignore you during that time."

"Eh? That’s mean."

"I was mean like that as a child."

"But you wouldn’t have been able to resist me," she teased, leaning in with a sly smile.

"Now that you say that... it’s possible. Should we take a time machine?"

"You silly guy... Oh, look! A winner!" Arisa exclaimed upon finishing her popsicle and saw the winning mark on the stick. With a triumphant grin, she pushed it close to my face.

"Alright. Let’s hide that in your pencil case."

"No. I’ll keep it like this, Ruki. It’s our memento for this date."

She glanced at me with her soft, beautiful smile playing on her lips. And with a backdrop of the setting sun from the distance, Arisa’s image became so picturesque.

And because of it, I failed to hold myself back from closing in and kissing her again. Even if some students from our school passing by or stepping out of the store witnessed this

Moment, I didn’t stop.

Likewise, Arisa also closed her eyes, accepting my lips on hers as we conveyed our overflowing affection for each other. And while we were at it, there was also the sense of nostalgia through our topic as well as our usual playfulness that we couldn’t shake off.

Despite everything, moments like these still grounded us, reminding both of us that even with all the craziness surrounding our lives, there was still an endless joy that could be found in ordinary situations like this.

A few minutes later, after finishing my popsicle and throwing my non-winning stick into the bin, we walked back toward our school with heavy bags in our hands.

As we approached our school gate, Arisa gave me a nudge with her shoulder.

"Thanks for the mini-date, Ruki. Next time, I’ll have you to myself for a whole day."

I grinned, nodding. "You got it. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s not just going to be

Another convenience store run. What about a supermarket date?"

"This guy... It better not end with only that!" Arisa exclaimed but her eyes were still smiling

Because of my silliness.

This playful senior’s trust in me was already so high that she knew I would plan for it extensively to make it the best day for her.

As we neared the clubhouse, Arisa asked for an extension of her time with me. I was also planning the same thing so, just before she could finish saying those, I already guided her to a quiet corner where we picked up right where we left off, savoring this stolen moment.

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