Stealing Spree

Chapter 2168: A Date?

Upon returning to the classroom, I got sent to stand outside our classroom for being late. I deserved that so there’s nothing to complain about. At the very least, I could still listen to the lesson that I would’ve missed if I completely ditched the class.

Moreover, my girls also checked on me by using the excuse of a bathroom break. Of course, they couldn’t all go out at the same time. There’s only Chii and Hina who managed to get permission.

While it’s tempting to just accompany them to the bathroom and spend a private or intimate time together, the two of them did the opposite. They stood alongside me as we listened to the lesson inside. They just timed their return, making sure that our teacher wouldn’t figure out that they didn’t really leave to take a bathroom break.

Aren’t they sweet? It was so heartwarming that I couldn’t resist pampering them, even if we were standing right there in the hallway. Chii, being her usual clumsy self, nearly tripped when I pulled her into a quick embrace. Luckily, I already had my arms around her. Meanwhile, Hina slyly slipped behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and leaning her head against my back. She said she wanted to pamper me instead of the other way around. But still, after letting her get her fill, I turned slightly, just enough to cuddle her without drawing too much attention.

When a student passed by, probably on their way to the bathroom, I quickly shifted, pressing Hina gently against the wall to hide her.

If our teacher caught us like that, we’d probably not just be going to stand outside next time, we’d also be called to the guidance office.

But well, we passed that without getting caught. And after the fifth period ended, I went to their seats to continue pampering them.

Of course, I wasn’t going to be too brazen about it. Instead of openly kissing them in front of everyone, I simply cuddled them in their seats. Even though at this point it didn’t matter much if we were high-key with our affection, I still couldn’t help but keep things somewhat discreet. My possessive side kicked in, and honestly, I didn’t want anyone else to see their intoxicated expressions while they were in my arms.

In the remaining two periods, we focused on the lessons but like earlier, I spent the short break with whoever caught my eye...

Well, I wouldn’t go a day without pampering everyone so I went to pamper the rest, starting from the grumpy Satsuki on my side, Nami, Saki, and Mio.

How did I fit that short break to accomplish all that? Easy. I stopped the time.

Or so I wished.

It’s nothing different than what I did with Chii and Hina. Just cuddling them in their seats.

As for the reaction of our classmates, some teased us while some reminded us that it was uncomfortable to see us flirting every period. Of course, most of those reminders were directed at me. I was the one going around, after all.

I apologized to those who voiced out their concerns - only to the girls though. I couldn’t care less about the boys. Some of them like Sakuma, Tadano, Hino, and Hashimoto had already settled on the fact that nothing could really stop us.

Anyway, with nothing much happening in the classroom, we soon transitioned to the club hours.

Having been in the Cleaning Duty yesterday, I was free to escort my girls today - those who weren’t assigned for today.

Once I’d seen them off, I made my way to the Literature Club, where Rumi was clearly pleased that, for once, I wasn’t late.

However, just like I told them yesterday, we’re going to inaugurate the official founding of our Potato Clubhouse.

Well, it’s still not an official club but more like a secret club blessed by the Director herself. It wouldn’t have any funding but we’re responsible for maintaining the place and also accomplishing the objective of the clubhouse; revitalizing the garden behind.

And so, halfway through the club hours, my girls and I soon gathered outside the Club Building.

Our Literature Club was actually not the first one to arrive at our designated gathering spot. As much as I wanted to pick them up from their club rooms, it was impossible. Furthermore, it would waste a lot of our limited time...

In truth, they also wanted to enforce the same thing during our lunch breaks. Since our group was already huge, if ever we were going to eat in that clubroom, the girls told me to stop picking them up one by one. They’ll show up there instead. That way, we’d get more time together...

What more can I say? Only my adorable Aya and sweet Kana stood by my side when we put it up to vote.

I’m aware of how extremely unrealistic it is for me to keep that up but I take that as my responsibility, no? Alas, the only way to circumvent that is to bend the laws of time...

"Pfft. Don’t frown like that, Ruki. It is your fault for making all of us fall for you anyway." A familiar voice teased

As my head synced to the present, I glanced to my side and found Arisa grinning at me, her playful smile lighting up her face as she nudged my side.

I guess I was frowning for overthinking again.

"Yeah. I get it... I’m still miffed about it though." I sighed which caused the girl to giggle. "What are you going to do about it?" She asked as she teasingly poked my cheek.

"I’m thinking of... taking all of you on a date. One by one..." I answered with the first thing that popped up in my head.

Hearing that, Arisa’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Really? When will it be my turn?"

As always, she played along with me again. The girl even hugged my arm, causing the other girls to look at her in envy.

"How about right now?" I grinned which once again stumped the girl.

She blinked her eyes in confusion, "Huh?"

"Let’s go to the convenience store. Just the two of us." I continued, not minding the confused gazes of the other girls as well.

Combining my plan of stocking that refrigerator and the impulsive thought of taking them on a date just for the sake of spending more time with them, I stepped on the gas and immediately decided to do this right now.

The other girls haven’t arrived yet anyway. And even if they do arrive soon, our destination will be the same. We can go out now and return straight to the clubhouse.

"Ruki... Is that your idea of a date? A convenience store?"

Although Arisa’s tone still sounded confused, her face was already smirking at the thought of going there alone with me.

"What’s wrong with it? Won’t it be romantic? We’ll pick our favorite junk food side by side." I said and even made a gesture as though I was already imagining the scene happening.

"What an idiot."

As Arisa started laughing at my answer, Izumi, who was standing not far from us and listening to our conversation, snidely remarked.

I turned my head toward the fake delinquent, flashing her a playful grin. "Well, what can I say? I’m a man of simple pleasures. When it’s your turn, let’s go to a sweets shop, Izumi." "Sweets?" Izumi raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting that suggestion.

"Mhm. Let’s find a new candy cigarette for you," I teased, recalling her tendency to chew on those whenever she wanted to look tough.

"This guy..." she sighed in exasperation before turning to Arisa for backup. "Arisa, can you hit

Him for me?"

Arisa just chuckled, shaking her head. "Why would I do that? Actually, Izumi, isn’t that a good idea? You’re always running to that little confectionery near your house. You should take Ruki

There sometime."

"Not you too! Ugh..." Izumi groaned, throwing her hands up in defeat.

"Oh? Then it’s settled. You’ll show me around that place, Izumi. I’ll buy you a ton of sweets,"

I said, doubling down on the teasing.

"I don’t need it, you idiot!" She snapped back, her cheeks already pink from embarrassment.

"Come on, don’t be shy now." I leaned in slightly, flashing her another grin, enjoying how flustered she was becoming.

As I kept teasing her, the rest of the girls who had been quietly listening in on our banter burst

Into laughter.

Izumi huffed, trying to maintain her tough persona, but the slight smile creeping onto her face betrayed her. She could never stay mad for long at me anymore.

Meanwhile, the other girls, amused by our exchange, were probably starting to wonder where

I’d take each of them on their own dates.

"If you’re planning a date for everyone, I’m curious what kind of place you’ll pick for me," Rumi said, her voice laced with curiosity as she approached me from behind. "And me too," Nami chimed in, joining the conversation with her usual bright smile. "What do you have in mind, Ruki? Don’t tell me it’s a convenience store for everyone." "I’d expect something a bit more special," Hana added with a smirk, crossing her arms as she

Watched me intently.

I chuckled, scratching the back of my head. "Don’t worry. I’ll make sure each date is unique. I can’t give all my secrets away, but let’s just say none of you will be disappointed."

That’s a tall order but since I started it, I’d naturally finish that. I mean, I still have that

Promise of taking them all to a date in the future. Unfortunately, even my weekends were busy so it’s still impossible to accomplish those right away.

But with this... a short, quick date to an otherwise mundane establishment should be easy to


The playful atmosphere between us grew lighter as they each began to imagine where our dates might take us. While my plans for each girl were still forming, I was confident that no matter where we went, it wasn’t the place that mattered-it was the time spent together. "You better not mess this up, Ruki," Izumi warned, half-joking, half-serious. "Of course not. I wouldn’t dare," I replied, flashing her a wink.

As the laughter and teasing died down, Arisa and I then left them behind to go to our convenience store date... Wait. That doesn’t sound as good. In any case, my playful girl was already running ahead in excitement.

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