Chapter 521: Chapter 521

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"I take it you wish to speak with me?" Camoa inquired as I found her in the kitchen making some dinner.

"You're not wrong." I replied. "Although, I wasn't expecting you to be in the kitchen. Honestly, I'm only used to using like three rooms in this place. Figured I'd start wandering around looking for people. This seemed as good a place as any to start."

"Well, you did say you wanted to speak with me upon your return. Given that you're here and not on the throne in Helmsforth Temple, I will assume the Priestesses still live."

"Camoa, I gotta say, you've been taking this incredibly well."

The Druid merely shrugged as she went back to making her food. "The Priestesses don't mean anything to me. They came to me for help, and I helped them, but I don't approve of many recent events." She paused for a moment before one of her vines opened a cabinet. "Although it's apparently not their fault."

I rolled my eyes at that. "Yes. I know. Everyone, and everything, keeps reminding me of that. At this point, I care less about Rudnurth's manipulations than I do about Thana's end goal or thought process."

"Done. Find a room that's empty and go to town. Don't worry about keeping it clean unless you want to. Plants and whatnot don't really bother me."

Camoa smiled at that. "Good. Then it will be easy enough to live here for the time being. Thank you." I gave her a curt nod.

Then I turned to Marina. "Are there really giant chickens in there?"

Marina nodded. "There are."

My brows shot up in surprise. "Well, that's horrifying. How big are we talking?" Given the trees range anywhere from a few dozen feet to hundreds, it might not be too bad. "They can't be that large, can they?"

"The largest we saw was well over thirty feet tall." Marina answered.

"That's even more horrifying." I said slowly, but then I really thought about the possibilities. "But now I'm hungry."

"Not that this isn't amusing," Camoa interrupted my thought about possible chicken dishes. "Didn't you wish to speak with me? I doubt it was about giving me a room here."

"I mean, I probably would've offered sooner or later, but you're right. Truthfully, I was hoping you'd be willing to make a potion for me." I told her as I moved across the counter.

She was mixing some stuff in a bowl at this point. "Making potions is simple enough. Sometimes a single ingredient alone can accomplish more than some potions. That all depends on the potion, though." Camoa stated as she looked at me and waited.

Placing my hands on the counter, I leaned in slightly. "What do you know about potions that allow you to see the future?"

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