Chapter 520: Chapter 520

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Kheri was fine. She mostly spoke with Lucia. The two were rather blunt with one another. Lucia also wasn't happy about her recommendation of taking your head."

"At least someone cares." At her look, I quickly added, "Outside of you three of course."

Marina smirked at that. "I think a great many people cared. Greigh, Aydalia, Ziah, and Cass all stood up for you when she made the attempt. However, I would suggest you speak with Cass and Alwin. Maybe Lucia."

One of my brows cocked at that. "Why? Did something happen?"

She crossed her arms. "According to Greigh and Ziah, Cass is in no condition to be running around like she has been. Ayda's runes are likely the only reason she is up and about. Cass had trouble standing up only a few days ago. Not to mention the confrontation at the top of Helmsforth."

I stood slowly at her words. "You have my memories. Some of them at the very least. Any of them in there give you a clue as to why I don't want to-"

My mermaid daughter cut me off. "You've already lost one daughter. It was no fault of your own-"

"That was not an invitation to bring up said memories." Her eyes met mine and they slowly widened. "Be very careful with how you proceed. Just because you have a collection of my memories does not give you the right to talk about them." Moving around my desk to her side, I stepped beside her and leaned my face in closer to hers. "This was your one and done. Do not bring up my past again, Marina."

Avoiding my gaze, she turned away and looked at the ground. "Of course. Apologies, Father."

Marina's water was disrupted, and she slowly lowered to the floor as she tried her best to stay upright. She clearly realized she overstepped. I didn't want this to become a regular thing. There was a reason I didn't talk about this with anyone, including Aydan. Kandma might be the only one who knows and that's because she literally couldn't tell anyone else.

A sigh left my lips, as I finally moved away from Marina slightly. "Don't let it happen again. As for Lucia, I will talk with her. I planned on doing that anyway. Camoa is also on that list." She shyly looked up at me. "As are you and your brothers." Slightly more annoyed than I was, I stepped over to the door. "Honestly, I think almost everyone still needs to talk with me."

Marina's water magic started again as she moved to follow me. "It will be some time before things return to normal." She told me far softer than usual.

"I have a feeling this is the new normal. Freya needs to be addressed as well." I commented as a few children ran through the halls as I watched on emotionlessly. "Am I the only one who thinks it's fucked up they're serving me now?" Marina shrugged in response. "Just one more thing." I muttered. "Any word on Ayda finding anything to help the Succubae?" Another shrug and I rolled my eyes.

"Also, Greigh? You need to ask him about the train." A groan quickly left my lips at that.

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