Chapter 515: Chapter 515

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

We were on the lift down to see Rudnurth. "Should we not discuss what happened?" I asked as the two of us continued into the mountain depths.

"..." He didn't respond.

"Arthur..." His eyes were focused straight ahead as he didn't even seem to notice me. "Arthur!"

Slowly, he looked at me. "What do you want me to say, Elincia? Sorry I almost killed your sister? Sorry that I stabbed her? They would be only words. Make no mistake, I had every intention to kill your sister, but I have no idea what stopped me." His attention shifted back to the wall.

"Maybe it was Typhon." I offered. "Cassidy was also present... As was I." He quirked a brow at that as he turned to me again. "I do not believe you would have done it." Arthur merely scoffed in response. "Even close to death, poisoned, and your energy being strained and near its end, you still held back. That says something."

Arthur's face twisted into annoyance. "It says that I wasn't in my right mind, Elincia." He retorted as he crossed his arms. "Don't take my words or actions for any deeper meaning. I didn't mean to sleep with you, but I did want Arceana dead. One thing I didn't want, and the other I wanted, but didn't get."

"There are many things you just said that concern me. Lucia was missing fingers?" Arthur nodded. "And this 'Marina' was able to restore lost ligaments?"

He shrugged. "Fingers, at least. I don't know if she could heal a missing hand or arm."

"Well, then, who is Marina?"

"She's like Breeze and Rock."

"And who is Rock?" He gave me a dull look. Arthur quickly explained a few things about his 'guardians' and how they centered around their respective elements. "How did you create these things?"

"We don't have the time to unpack that question."

I sighed. "We seem to miss our chance to discuss many things. You immediately left after what happened on the Vithari coast. Do you really regret it that-"

The man cut me off as the lift entered the chamber. "Another time, Elincia. This definitely isn't the place."

Rudnurth immediately saw us, and he watched us as we came down. He certainly seemed less playful than he usually is. I doubt it was because of our last discussion, which meant he was wary of Arthur. Although, that appeared to go right out the window as he bowed overly theatrically.

"Your majesty!" Rudnurth let out.

"Cut the shit, Rudnurth. We're here to get Arceana fixed."

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