Chapter 514: Chapter 514

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Once Kheri left, it was only a matter of time before Arthur would appear. If he was back, rested, and healed, there was no doubt in my mind that he would be visiting soon. Typhon returned to Arceana's side. He would also ensure she would stay out of the way.

A sigh escaped my lips as I opened the door to the throne room. "We should have been welcomed back like heroes." I muttered. "Arthur, at the very least. How did it come to this?"

As the door opened, my eyes widened at the sight. "Hello, Elincia." The force of Elves I sent with Kheri were restrained on the throne room floor. "A little birdie told me you wish to talk." Arthur said as he stood upon our dais with our thrones floating just behind him. "These Elves were under direct orders from Arceana to take the people in my home." He stated, but my eyes quickly looked up at the movement above. "Don't mind him. Breeze is just here as insurance." The creature, identified as Breeze, appeared to be walking on air as he stared at me.

"Your love for Elves is misplaced. I don't care about Elves, Humans, or Zugal, Elincia. Fuck all of them. Treat people like people." His gaze drifted down. "The ones who deserve it." The force holding them in place disappeared as they all grumbled and got to their feet. "Keep your 'people' and your sister away from me and mine. If Lucia, Greigh, Ziah, or any of the Farro's return, I expect them to be treated with the same respect as usual."

"Done. They've done nothing wrong in my eyes." Not entirely true, but I understood why they chose this path. "We can still put what happened behind us. You were poisoned, low on energy, and Arceana has had her memories and emotions manipulated. Together, I'm sure we can help Arceana."

Many had turned to face the man by this point. The Elves couldn't just leave in this situation. Thus, they stood by and watched while we spoke. However, we all watched as his expressionless features twisted into a darker look. His eyes gleamed and hardened as the shadows in the room seemed to bend, which helped to hide him. A burst of wind from above got our attention as Breeze landed beside him. To my surprise, the creature actually whispered to him.

Arthur's expression softened momentarily. "Unless you know of a way to help her mind yourself, there is only one thing to do."

His words gave me pause. Much like this entire conversation. "While I can look into the possibilities of fixing her mind myself, it would take time. Spells focusing on the mind are far and few between. That is usually rather dark magic, Arthur. There is only so much I can do if I do not have the proper time to work." I told him earnestly.

Stepping down from the dais, he kept his gaze locked on me. "And how long are you willing to wait?" Arthur inquired as his hands went behind his back. "Arceana has deteriorated quite rapidly since my arrival. I can avoid visits, but do you really think she would let me be?" Stopping in front of me, the man looked down at me with no expression that might give away what he was thinking. "Will you wait until your sister has gone completely mad? Make no mistake, Elincia, she will fall, and fall, and fall until there is nary a piece left of your sister."

"Then what do you suggest?" I asked back.

Arthur's voice darkened as he spoke. "Take me to Rudnurth."

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