Chapter 503: Chapter 503

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Does this really need to take place in here?" Alwin asked with a sigh.

"Lucia insisted you be involved. If you weren't in bed, we could've done this somewhere else." I told him as I leaned against one of the walls.

"You made me stay in bed!" The Elven General shot back.

Then I gestured to Lucia, who was sitting beside him on top of his blanket. "If you want to point fingers, point them at Lucia." Waving my hands around sarcastically, I continued. "Apparently, she cares about your health or something. Be thankful she cares about her boy toy."

One of the two on the bed looked at me, annoyed. "Can you please stop referring to him as my boy toy?" Lucia asked.

"If the shoe fits, then-" I began but was cut off.

"Okay!" Camoa cut in quickly. "Before we get sidetracked again, I would like to know what this is about. Why were we asked to gather in Alwin's room while he should be resting?"

"Greigh wanted to know everything that transpired in the East. Since the Desert Kingdom is now safe and has entered into an alliance with the Druids, I figured it would be good for everyone to be on the same page moving forward."

Camoa paused at that as she spoke slowly. "The Druids and Dwarves are entering an Alliance?"

Ayda nodded. "Understandable, but there is a certain gravity to his appearance that I do not believe many here understand."

Ziah was the one who spoke up. "What do you mean?"

I sighed as I answered. "A High Elf knew Elincia, but Elincia didn't know him. That means he knows of Elincia before she was given to Aydan Farro." Ayda nodded at my words. "He knew the Delmaris name as well, and seemed rather familiar with her overall."

The young Elf nodded in agreement. "Arthur is right. This High Elf may have the answers to many questions that scholars have had for centuries. One of them being what happened to the High Elves. Clearly, they are still around, but in small quantities. If such a long-lived species knows of the Priestesses before their transfer, what happened to such a race that they are essentially extinct? Where are the others?"

"Are there others?" Camoa inquired.

"Oh, yeah. For sure. Seen a few myself. Our raven-haired friend that's traveling with Credo and Pestilence is one."

"Didn't she attack you?" Aydalia said unsurely. "You know, after... Everything..."

"She's not a very good friend so far." I trailed off for a moment. "There's also Thana."

Many gave me strange looks at that. "Thana?" Lucia repeated in a questioning tone.

Clearing my throat, I realized I may have forgotten to mention her. "Well, uh... I told this to Elincia and Kheri, but Thana is also kind of one."

"One what?" Lucia asked with a shake of the head, annoyed.

"Thana, Queen of Demons, is also a High Elf."

The room just looked at me for a minute in stunned silence. "Wow." Until Alwin let out dryly.

"Shut up, Alwin!"

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