Chapter 502: Chapter 502

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Sitting at my desk, Greigh sat across from me. "Don't you want to help them get settled in?" He inquired.

"Not really, no."

"You know it's only a matter of time before one of the Priestesses sends someone to come here."

"Well aware, Greigh. Thankfully, I got other things to do that are more important than dealing with them." Rolling my neck, I found my gaze on a familiar dagger. "Killing Graham is one of them. Maybe getting rid of this dagger is another. Who turns a giant tooth into a small ass dagger as a two-ton paperweight?"

"Is that really important right now?"

"It is to me."

Breeze was also there, moving throughout the room. "I'm surprised your room is so barren, Father." He commented.

I rolled my eyes at that. "Knick knacks mean very little to me, and there isn't exactly anything here that's worth keeping." Then I gestured to the sword I received from the lovely Priestesses. "That the sword they gave me when I was Knighted. As useless as this fucking dagger."

The wind guardian floated over to it and examined it. "This is a rather nice sword." My man-made son quickly looked at me. "Incomparable to yours, but still... You can tell they at least tried."

"Mmh." Was my short response. He continued to float around before I realized something. "Where did you all sleep last night? Hell, did you three even eat?"

"Right... Because that seems super healthy." Greigh commented before he shook his head and sighed. "So, moving forward, we do need to know your plans. Ziah and I have essentially gone rogue helping you." Then he shrugged. "Or siding with you, as I'm sure that's how the Priestesses will see it."

"Getting the Succubae settled in is kind of my top priority. Stocking up on food will also be important, and having Ayda develop something I can store my energy in will also be essential. Other than that, I plan on resting for a few more days before confronting Graham. Once that's done, will come the Priestesses. Right now, there are a lot of things up in the air."

"Would you be willing to talk more about your mission in the East?" Greigh inquired. "Priestess Elincia said many things that were unsettling."

"I fucking bet! A male High Elf who was aware of the Delmaris name and knew Elincia specifically is really disturbing."

The Zugal just put his hands on his face as he sighed slowly as his whole body seemed to deflate. "What?" Is all he said as his arms flopped to his sides.

My eyes glanced at him. "Oh... She didn't tell you about that?"

"No." He replied, annoyed. "It was mostly about how you were cut in half or severed into many pieces, among other things."

"That also happened... It certainly was an interesting trip. Which also brings up the ending of the trip. We might need to rethink the plans for the summit..."

"Summit? What summit?"

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "Really wish I could just get Kheri to explain all this shit. Get everyone together. I'm going over this once."

Greigh nodded and stood but quickly spoke. "Is this really that important compared to what just transpired in Helmsforth?"

I shrugged. "Honestly, Lestrania isn't really a problem right now. Nor are the Priestesses. I can't exactly touch Elincia right now, but that's a different problem altogether."

"... Why can't you touch Priestess Elincia?"

"How about we gather everyone first? I just know Lucia is gonna love this. The sooner she finds out, the better."

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