Chapter 406: Chapter 406

Arthur's Point of View


Struggling to keep my footing was annoying. My body was slow to react, and even my transformed state helped little with healing. Whatever poison was in my body was affecting me more than I thought. Drifting my gaze to the massive bottomless pit that I created with the help of the sun, it was almost beautiful to me. The edges were glassed over and even several dozen feet down, which gave it almost a rainbow appearance as sand was slowly falling in.

"Arthur! Are you okay!?" Elincia asked in a worried manner.

"Yes. After having my limbs cut off, I'm having a grand old time." My sarcasm was laid on as thick as possible.

Then my attention turned back to the large group of people worrying about me. It was almost insulting in a way. What did they think they could do? Reattach my limbs? Rolling my eyes as I made my way over to them, Typhon was the only one who seemed overly quiet.

However, there was a more pressing concern. "Sorry about the giant hole, Ventari." I started, which surprised everyone. "I'm not going to be able to do much about it in this state."

"Can we not?" Cutting in again, I looked at her pointedly. "I was joking... Kind of." A sigh escaped me as I shook my head. "Look, I got a lot on my mind right now." Ventari only nodded slowly in response.

"We understand, Arthur, but you cannot expect us not to worry." Elincia stated.

"It's not your job to worry about me." I told her firmly. "That's the last thing I need." Shaking my head for a moment, I looked back to the Dwarven Queen. "Can we talk later? Believe it or not, but I am tired."

The Priestess scoffed. "After using magic like that, or your energy, as you call it, I'm not surprised!" She said as she gestured to the hole.

I frowned at that. "It wasn't-" Before I could continue, I just shook my head, annoyed. "Never mind. I'm heading to the palace to rest and think things over." My gaze shifted to the Queen once more. "This trip has been far more enlightening than I originally expected. Hopefully, whatever remains of your library will hold the answers to my questions or perhaps a few clues."

Typhon was still studying me, and I tried to hold his gaze as the others spoke. Ignoring them, the two of us were competing in a staring contest of sorts. It would appear my student had a great many questions he wanted to ask. Although, as my student, he also knew how much I despised certain questions. Unfortunately, my eye began to throb, and I flinched.

Thus, I lost. "If he did suffer such wounds, rest would be best." My student suddenly cut in before he gestured to the ground. "Arthur may not be normal, but neither is this much blood."

Many looked around and the soaked ground before turning back to me. With my energy up and active, there was a red mist coming from where my wounds were. Some blood would leak out here and there before evaporating. The group seemed to agree with my student.

"I'll make sure my Dwarves know you are fine and have once again chased off the threat." Ventari informed me. "They'll be relieved to know we are safe once more. Thank you for chasing away that Demon so promptly."

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