Chapter 405: Chapter 405

Arthur's Point of View


After being blown out of Tor's portal, I remained in the sand on the outskirts of Dwardew. The dust settled, and it would seem everything had finally been settled. It was doubtful Thana would try to push much further. I was also hopeful that a little show of strength and confidence would dissuade her from any more invasions in the near future.

Unfortunately, all of this had a cost. "Guh." I grunted out as my arms and legs kept falling off.

On top of the poison, which I could still feel in my body, Tor's sudden ambush, and my run-in with Thana, I was not in the best condition. Plus, the help from the Sun while all being initiated by me as a last resort, probably wasn't the best idea. My new limbs struggled to stay attached as I returned to my human form.

Blood soaked the sand as the entire nearby area was coated in my own personal crimson. Bursts of blood would come and go as I tried to forcibly keep the limbs connected. However, my eye was also struggling to reform, and my head felt breezier than I ever thought possible. Whether it was from the poison or the sun, I was also unsure.

The Dwarves began to approach with several Druids. Many of which began to slow down at the sight of blood and the two women trying to reach me. After all, they weren't getting close, and the spray from my blood was probably out dozens of feet from how violent it was. This was becoming tedious. At this point, I'd likely have to keep my energy output constant for quite some time for the wounds to completely heal. Keep my energy focused on those areas and hope for the best.

My gaze drifted to everyone who was now trying to get closer to me. Many looked at me with tears in their eyes, while others looked confused, conflicted, and upset, along with many other emotions. They should know better by now. Although, they weren't the only ones concerned.

Thankfully, I'd had a week to recover, but the poison was still in my body. Since I was constantly battling against that, my energy output wasn't full when Tor attacked. This attack will definitely set me back more than a week.

However, if I were to die this time, would that finally be the end? The Star Creature's words rang in my mind. Finding happiness was one of the conditions to be free from all of this, but I still needed to solve the riddle she gave. Am I happy? A foolish question to ask as I sit here in my own blood. Although, there were things I cared about now. Would that prevent me from coming back to life?

Gritting my teeth as I realized it didn't matter unless my energy completely vanished like last time. As long as I had even a flicker of my energy remaining, I wouldn't need to worry. Coating myself entirely with my energy, which wasn't low, but trying to continually heal these wounds would take a lot out of me. Especially depending on how long I had to keep it up. Thankfully, I could test it periodically on one of the wounds.

Putting my body back together as I stood almost forcibly, many backed away in shock at the sudden recovery. Unfortunately, all their cries immediately began to ring in my ears.

"Arthur!" Many shouted.

"Bunch of loud fuckers, aren't you?"

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