Chapter 361: Chapter 361

Elincia's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"What do we do!?" Ventari asked me.

"I..." I couldn't think of anything.

"Elincia!" She screamed at me.

My eyes snapped to her. "I don't know!" Was my sharp reply.

Explosions continued to ring out as parts of the Capital were destroyed. "Where is Arthur!?"

"I don't know!" I shouted back.

Typhon tried to kick him with his free leg. "Typhon Delmaris!" He grunted as it was blocked.

"Delmaris?" He repeated, somewhat surprised, and his gaze shifted back to me. "You would give the Delmaris name to such a creature?"

"Let the boy go!" I ordered.

He did as I asked and dropped Typhon. Unfortunately, as he fell, the man kicked him without a second thought. It wasn't overly violent but more dismissive than anything. Typhon was able to bring his arms up to block the blow. Although it didn't stop him from being flung into the nearest wall, it prevented further injuries.

"Typhon!" His back was secured into part of the bathing foundation as his arms trembled.

The cloaked man cocked his head in surprise. "What kind of boy are you? Either your instincts are far greater than most I've ever met, or you were lucky enough to realize what I would do." A smile split his lips. "Both are a talent, I suppose." Moving towards him with a grin, I tried to get to my feet, but my legs were too shaky. "Your attacks were also rather precise for someone your age. What else can you do?"

Typhon shook in fear as his arms slowly returned to his side while he grimaced in pain. "Stop!" I called out as I tried to get to my feet again, only to fall. "Leave him alone!"

"Don't worry, Princess." The man told me smugly. "I'll be gentle."

A dark voice called from above all of us. "I won't."

Arthur appeared from a portal as the cloaked man was obviously surprised by his sudden arrival. He clearly wasn't expecting this as Arthur landed both feet into his face and slammed him into the ground. The cloaked man's body disappeared into the stone below as the entire cavern shook, the bath's water exploded, and the foundation cracked while dust and debris flew everywhere.

"Get up." Arthur ordered me.

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