Chapter 360: Chapter 360

Lucia's Point of View


We had stopped for the night. We'd been traveling for days now. No news had come from our scouts. The western towns of Lestrania had gone all but silent. It was very unsettling. Alwin was preparing for the worst possible outcome, which is why we were resting so frequently. It gave time for the scouts to return, and if not, it gave the men the rest they would need if we were heading into battle.

My eyes traced along the western border. It was supposed to be the safest part of Lestrania. Nothing has ever come out of The Veil. What goes in never returns either, which meant something else was at work here. Maybe they all fled, and the towns are abandoned... Wishful thinking to be sure.

"My Lady..." A voice called from outside my tent.


Alwin entered in his full armor. "Lucia." He said softly.

Walking over to him, I gave the man a much-needed hug. Sleep seemed to escape him these days. He didn't want to be here or doing this. Not with the state of things back in the capital. Pulling away, my hand found his cheek as I caressed the single scar he had. It wasn't overly large, and it was on the bottom side of his right cheek. Alwin said it was a mistake that cost him the lives of his men. The General never explained much further.

"Has there been any word?" I asked before we moved over to my table.

He sighed as he placed both hands on the table to stare at the map. "No. They should have returned three days ago. I have slowed our pace as much as I can to receive any news, but it seems it is not meant to be." Alwin's head hung. "Lucia, I know you will not want to hear this, but-"

"What in the world?" Alwin whispered. "Is that Sir Arthur's-"

I cut him off as I nodded and went to pick it up. "It is. He gave it to me before he left."

He seemed surprised at that. "I see." Was his even response. "Has it done this before? Well, at a lesser intensity?"

Shaking my head, I answered. "No. It has never done this. I do not think it was supposed to."

"Do you know what it means?"

A frown came to my lips. "Nothing good. Should we ask Kine to report this?"

Alwin sighed. "Kine has been pulling double duty since none of the other scouts have returned. I will send him if we need to later, but I cannot lose him now."

I nodded. "I hope Arthur's okay."

Gently grabbing my hand, he caressed it. "If anyone is doing fine, it would be Arthur. The man came back from the dead. What could possibly be an issue for him?"

Kheri's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

I watched as Arthur's armor reformed around his wounds and listened as he raved. "Another fucking High Elf! Why am I not surprised it's another one of those pointy eared winged fucks!"

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