Chapter 354: Chapter 354

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"As tempting as that offer sounds, I'll have to refuse. One man and a ship filled with a handful of Lestranians aren't going to make much of a difference. Even if they did bring back our Queen."

Looking down at him, I replied. "You know who I am?"

He scoffed. "Yeah. Word was spread about you rather quick. Plus, your appearance is rather unique."

"I've only been here for a few hours."

"Giants like you stand out, so when a ship of them crashes into our city in the middle of a war, you'd better believe that people are gonna talk." That makes sense. "Regardless, I don't care about your deal. Why you came here with the Queen is a mystery to me?"

"Maybe she knew that I could help?" I offered.

"If you can single-handedly turn around this war with this large of a number discrepancy, you'd be a god. Yet, I don't see any golems with you." Wasn't going to ask about that. "Anyway, until they call all hands-on deck, meaning seniors, women, and children, I'll remain here." He then caressed the mechanical elephant. "Among my inventions that pale in comparison to my greatest creations." His head turned to a family portrait that had his two boys.

I turned to leave and left him with this. "You'll remain here until I win our deal."

Why did this scene feel so familiar? "Are you dangerous?" The boy inquired.

"Oh my god. Déjà vu." I snorted out. "I might be. Was that all you wanted to know?" History does, indeed, repeat itself.

"You're the one everyone calls Arthur Pendragon. You saved the Queen, right?" He asked.

I nodded. "I am, and I helped return your Queen to you." To my surprise, he looked more contemplative than I would've thought. "Is there something else?"

"Why did you bring her back? People are saying you've doomed us. With the Queen here, there will be no one to gather the necessary reinforcements."

"Child, I am the reinforcements. You have nothing to worry about. Your people aren't doomed, and you're gonna be just fine."

"Why, because you're dangerous?"

Typhon gestured to me. "I assure you my teacher will handle the situation."

The Dwarf teen looked skeptical. "If that's true, then what are you here for?"

I quirked a brow at that. "What am I here for?"

He nodded. "You must've come here for some reason."

"Besides a crippling sense of guilt and responsibility?" I asked back rhetorically, and my student elbowed me.

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