Chapter 353: Chapter 353

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"Should we be out here?" Ty asked me.

I shrugged. "I told them I wanted to take a look around the city. Enjoy the moment, Ty. Don't worry about why we're really here."

Dwarves were an interesting people. An underground city would seem impossible. Plantlife that was as vibrant as it was in Lestrania lined the streets. For what one would expect to be rather dull in terms of color was actually the opposite. Several elephants were also present, which was surprising.

Rays of light were reflected through crystals, gems, and other forms of glass as the entire city practically shone. It was beautiful. Like an underground oasis or paradise. A freshwater spring that seemed never-ending was crafted to flow through the entire city. It truly was a sight that struck a chord with me. I hadn't felt this in awe since Klasteris was built.

The people themselves looked like children. Especially the women. They were either old, had a beard, or looked just like a child. It was awkward. Although, given how they were staring at us, I imagine they felt the same. Ty was taller than them, which meant I towered over them. Then again, it felt like Ty had gone through a growth spurt during our trip.

We stopped by a market, and I saw this really cool shop that held all sorts of knick-knacks. Dwarven engineering was farther along than anything Lestrania was. Clocks, mechanical elephants, and more. It'd been a long time since I'd gone window shopping, so to speak.

"See something you like?" The shopkeeper asked.

All manner of craft laid in this store. Weapons, gems, and lumps of steel to the tiniest intricate constructions. Springs, cogs, screws, and other miscellaneous items were all decorated through the shop. A gem filled with light illuminated the area as I looked around, but it was really the aforementioned animal that got my attention. Especially since they had them in the streets.

He immediately cut me off. "I don't give a stone's ass what you're sorry for. Either buy the Elephant or leave!"

"I thought it was free."

"It is! Take it and go!"

"Look," I began with a sigh. "I know what you're going through."

A bitter old Dwarf stared at me skeptically. "Just like everyone else."

I ignored him. "But do you really want to just sit here and waste away?"

"What else should I be doing?" He asked back. "Join up with the army? Already tried. They wouldn't take me."

"How about watching the destruction of the opposing army?"

Snorting, the Dwarf gave me a skeptical look. "And how would I do that?"

With a smirk, I handed him the Elephant. "I'll make you a deal." He quirked a tired brow at me. "In two days, you can watch as I destroy these invaders. Get revenge for you and your boys."

The Dwarf fiddled with the Elephant for a moment. "Isn't revenge beneath most men? That it's something that can destroy someone?"

"Dig two holes and all that?" He nodded, and I waved at him dismissively. "Revenge is greatly underrated. Feels great nine times out of ten. Besides, a resounding victory is tied into this deal."

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