Chapter 272: Chapter 272

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Austin Reed was sobbing as he held his sister. Cassidy, my student, tried her best to comfort him without showing any weakness. It was painful to watch, but it still surprised me that Arthur left despite seeing the child. Typhon and Lucia both looked hurt as well at his sudden departure.

"Sergeant Ziah!" I quickly spoke out as the Zugal stood near Cassidy. "I need you to help escort Aydalia Farro to the medical wing! She needs immediate treatment! Take Ayda and General Alwin with you. They're under your watch."

She didn't need any instruction as she quickly grabbed a few Elves to help her. Aydalia wasn't stable, and they needed to be careful with her condition. Ayda and Alwin weren't in any condition to be using magic that could be relied upon. Thankfully, the Zugal was quick to act as they moved into the Temple.

Taking a breath, my attention turned to Captain Greigh. "Captain, I need you to take over for General Alwin for the duration." The Zugal turned to me. "Start cleaning this up and get our forces organized. We need to investigate how these Demons walked into the Temple without any warning."

Kheri spoke up next. "Given how powerful they were, I'm not sure it would be something our guards would be able to detect."

"It is certainly possible, but I also want to make sure no one else has died." I replied. After all, who knew how many of our guards might've been ruthlessly murdered. "The Captain will handle that."

"Would you like to tend to Alwin with Typhon, or would you rather help me with Aien and Augustus?" I inquired and then gestured to the Temple. "Both of you could also rest if you need to."

"I..." Lucia began and paused for a moment before looking at Typhon. "I think Typhon should go see Ayda and Alwin. He's actually lived with them off and on." The boy in question had tears in his eyes as he only stared at the ground. "It will also give us a chance to talk while we care for the deceased."

Typhon looked at me, sniffling. "I'd like to go see Aydalia." I nodded.

Giving him a small hug, I eventually placed a hand on his cheek. "Then go. We will take care of things here. Make sure Aydalia gets help."

With a firm nod, he left. "Priestess Elincia, if I may." The Duke spoke up. "Aydalia was a very good friend of ours as well. While we won't intrude, would it be possible for my wife to wait nearby as well? Luthi adores Lady Aydalia." Lord Leiflan inquired. "I would also be willing to offer my assistance here and have my own forces inspect the mountain."

"The offer is greatly appreciated." I replied and then looked to his wife. "Lady Leiflan, feel free to head to the medical wing, but please be respectful."

She curtsied. "Of course. Thank you, Priestess."

My attention moved to the remaining guards in the air. "Clear the debris from the mountain top and make sure to inspect the buildings! The last thing we need is for supports to crumble and have another incident on our hands." Many gave some form of affirmation, and I looked to Drewes. "Do you have any specialist that can check for any deformities in the mountain?"

He bowed. "I know a few. It should be a simple enough task to reach out to them." Lord Leiflan needed no prompting as he immediately set out to his task.

"He'll return soon." I told Lucia before turning to the bodies. "We should cover them before anyone returns."

"It's only proper." Lucia replied with a small nod.

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