Chapter 271: Chapter 271

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

My chest heaved rapidly as I tried to calm down. Moving over to the sword made of Demon Stone angrily, my freehand yanked it out of the ground. Examining it for a moment left me little satisfaction. A sword made of one of the strongest metals in Crevalis. Yet, it paled in comparison to Defiance. Regardless, the sword shook in my hand for a moment until I felt someone tug on my shirt gently.

As I turned, Cassidy stood there looking at me desperately. "Arthur. Ya need ta check on Grandpa Reed." She slowly gestured to where he was still covered in wax. "He's hurt real bad." Her hands were shaking.

Putting Defiance on my back, I slowly removed her hand from my shirt. "I'm sorry, Cass."

Moving away from her only got her to run in front of me and grab my shirt more forcefully. "Please. Please. Please!" She became more and more frantic.

"Cassidy." Putting down the other sword, my hands found hers. "Your grandfather is dead. So is Aien. There is nothing I can do."

Ayda was the one who shouted at me. "But you healed me! Your magic is powerful enough to-"

Many seemed uneasy about that. "Where will you go?" Elincia asked.

"To find some answers. Make sure Rudnurth can't escape while I'm gone." She nodded.

"I don't think you should leave!" Lucia said quickly.

"I'm coming back." I told her and moved past Cassidy as I summoned a portal.

Typhon was watching me, as was almost everyone else, but everything had gone so wrong. "Can I come with you?" My student inquired.

Shaking my head, I replied. "Not this time, and stay away from my home until I return." Turning towards Greigh, he had his gaze focused on me. "Captain, I'll also want to talk with you when I return."

A voice cut him off before he could reply. "Cass!" Austin's voice cut in.

Opening a portal, I left. Part of me was ashamed that I ran, but I didn't want to see the look on that poor boy's face. Cassidy told me he was in the Temple since they were all summoned. However, he was a little too young and was just waiting for the meeting to finish.

Either way, I didn't have a lot of time. Answers were desperately needed, and there were only three options. One was Rudnurth, which wasn't very realistic. I'm honestly not sure if I could get through an entire conversation without trying to kill him. He distracted me enough that Graham was able to run back to the Temple. It didn't matter in the end, though. The other Demon is the one that killed Aien, Reed, and horribly maimed Aydalia.

My other two options were both long shots. I could go to the heart and hope that I was able to find some answers there. Although, that came with seeing my three guardians and the remnants of Aydan. Considering I just failed someone from his family, married into or not, they still died because of my faith in others. This killed whatever faith I had left in others for the coming storm. I was still holding out hope that they'd be competent enough to help me prepare.

That left me only one choice. "I hope you're still alive, you fuckin bear..." I whispered as I appeared deep within a forest.

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