Chapter 268: Chapter 268

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Is everyone okay!?" Typhon's voice called out from inside the temple.

He was in one of the hallways that were now visible since a portion of the temple was missing. "Priestesses!" Sergeant Ziah cried. "All of you went missing, and no one could approach! What is happening?!"

Many of them started to rush down to us in our small crater but halted when Ziah's arms shot out to stop everyone. Her head flicked up behind us as her eyes went wide. Pale-faced, and broken out in a cold sweat, our Sergeant seemed to be shaking in fear.

"Where is the one who was given the title 'Knight of Lestrania'?" A voice called out from above us.

My head whipped up to see the two Demons known as Credo and Pestilence with another familiar figure. The same cloaked figure that Arthur had faced once before. Why were they all together? So much has been happening that I couldn't keep track of everything.

They floated above us, with the cloaked figure being the closest one to us. It was impossible to tell who she was looking at. At one point, it felt like her gaze was focused on me, but my eyes darted to Lucia, who seemed to retreat in on herself as she looked away.

"Why have you come here at this time?" Arceana shouted out to them. "I thought you had come to an agreement with Sir Arthur."

"Credo and Pestilence do not speak for me. Whatever deals they made are theirs and theirs alone. Now, where is he?" She demanded.

The two brothers seemed uncomfortable. "Perhaps he left with the intruders?" Credo offered.

I didn't answer. "..."

Her sword lowered before looking off to the side. "Why have you not taken what is rightfully yours?" At my look, she stepped away from me and put her weapon away. "I know who you are, and I know that this position you find yourself in is beneath you."

"That's a matter of opinion." I shot back.

"Then why? In your opinion, why stay like this when you could be so much more? You could lead this world-"

"I don't want it." I told her before I put Defiance away and planted the Demon Stone sword in the ground. "I have never wanted it. It was never meant to be mine."

Slowly, she gestured over to the group. "Is it because of them? Have your personal attachments truly led you to this?"

My eyes stayed on her form. "My choices and failures have led me to this."

Her hood turned back to me, and I could feel her eyes on me. "What changed to make you like this?"

A scoff escaped my lips. "That's the thing; nothing changed. This is who I've always been." Spreading my arms, I gestured to myself. "I never learn from my past mistakes, and this is the result." Pointing to Reed, I continued. "A good man died today. A friend!" My arms fell to my side limply. "If you know who I am, then you should know that this is always going to be the end result."

Credo and Pestilence landed behind her. "You're pathetic." She commented.

Chuckling, I nodded as I turned away from her. "You're not wrong. I might be pathetic, but I will cling to being just that. It's from that that I can be here now." My eyes drifted to Arceana and Elincia. "I've trusted others to handle certain tasks for the last time and have once again paid the price." Turning back, I gestured to the sword. "I don't know what you want from me but leave. Take the sword and leave. It'll probably help you more than it'll help me."

"Look at them!" She suddenly shouted before gesturing all around. "Each of them are weak, useless, and cowardly! Better were the warriors of old! Not these sniveling children who hide behind you!"

"Can you blame them?" I asked back. "Who would you have at your side?" Then I gestured behind her. "More Demons?"

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