Chapter 267: Chapter 267

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Again. "Part of assumed you'd be foaming at the mouth by now." It happened again. "From what I heard from the Queen, your wrath was something to be feared in the past." My foolishness, and my anger, led to this. "She told me you charged her bellowing in rage, seething."

They knew what Lucia meant to me, and in my absence, did what I could not. How could I let myself be baited? I knew the strength of the enemy I left here. Did I really just assume the Priestesses would be able to defend themselves for once, or did I just not care? Was I really so blinded that I left them all behind so willingly?

"Perhaps, those three meant nothing to you after all." My eyes flickered to the Demon as my ears started ringing. "Oh! Maybe I was wrong. Maybe they did mean something, but that's a rather dull expression for one such as yourself."

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

I couldn't see anything aside from Arthur's back as I did my best to hold the barrier with Arceana. Neither of us had completely recovered yet, which just made things more difficult for us. However, even in the dark I could see the male Demon's expression change. His smile vanished as a more hesitant look appeared on his face as he studied Arthur.

Even the grotesque monster next to him when silent in pause. Her flame flickered slightly as she backed away from Arthur and her partner. Before she could get too far, her body came to a sudden halt as she was pushed back forward. Both Demons seemed more on edge now. A portal opened, and Arthur likely tried to push them through, but they were able to avoid it. From what I've seen, people are able to resist the invisible control that he has. They just need to be strong enough to do so. The fact that both Demons are able to, while my sister and I are not, just serves as proof that we were right in not lowering the barrier.

My eyes drifted downward for a moment, and I frowned. "Is this all we can do?" I whispered to myself. "Be protected by Arthur while we let him fight?"

A chuckle escaped the Demon's lips. "That is a pleasant idea." He then turned to the monster next to him. "Kill anyone and everyone on this mountain."

Before any of us could react, the monster under his control darted away only to reappear from the other direction. She seemed confused, as did her partner. I'm glad we weren't the only ones. Arthur turned back around as his eyes likely returned to the Demons.

"Did you do this?!" The Demon demanded as he tried to teleport away and would immediately blink back into existence. "How?!"

"..." Our Knight remained silent as he just stood in the exact same spot. "Do you know where we are?" Arthur asked after another moment emotionlessly. "You probably assume we're still in Lestrania at the top of Helmsforth." He said, and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"You mean to tell me you transported all of us here?"

"And you made it rather easy. Part of me wondered if I could do it, but thanks to your pet," He gestured to the grotesque monster beside the Demon. "It was very possible."

"What are you going on about?" Looking to his partner, the Demon became uneasy. "Is this place so special that you believe this makes any difference?"

Spreading his arm out as he gestured to the surrounding area, Arthur raised his voice. "This, believe it or not, terrifies me. This place horrifies me in ways you can't possibly imagine. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it."

Slightly amused, the Demon replied. "Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark." A spell launched and merely dissipated before it hit Arthur.

"Let me enlighten you to where you are..." Everything shifted around us as Arthur's voice grew darker than I had ever heard it.

None of us knew what had happened. One minute, we were surrounded by shadows, and the next, we were back atop Helmsforth. Light had returned to the world. However, we were outside since the part of the Temple we were standing in had disappeared. Like it had been cut away from reality and never existed in the first place. We stood in the dirt as many of our own guards looked at us befuddled.

Many were shouting out in confusion, but it was Lucia who met my gaze. "Where's Arthur?" She asked softly.

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