Chapter 260: Chapter 260

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Almost everyone was lost. Never, and I do mean never, has a Dragon appeared in Lestrania in centuries, and yet, here was one who knew Arthur. Not only that, but he respected Arthur enough to dismiss his own people, ignore his threats, and seemed genuinely interested in him. To have a Dragon clearly being threatened physically amid other nations was unheard of. Especially having him so happy about it.

Arthur shook his hand with a small smirk. "It's nice to meet you, Dryritt." He replied. "Am I the only reason you came?"

The Dragon smirked as he gave a short bow of sorts. "You figured that out, have you? Yes. I volunteered to see if the rumors were true. A few captured Demons were ranting on and on about your return." Then he gestured to his companions. "Not that everyone understands what this means."

"I'm surprised you care so much."

"As I said, I owe you a bit of a debt. Not many remember you." He then looked over his shoulder at the Priestesses. "Many of our kind of more negative opinions about Lestrania as a whole." Dryritt commented. "But you are different. Those who remember you will be pleased to hear that you are indeed alive and well." His eyes darted to Arthur's arm. "Mostly.

"Don't worry about this." Arthur replied as he wiggled the nub. "I'll get it back."

Chuckling, Dryritt nodded. "As strange and mysterious as ever."

Gesturing to the Dragon in question, Arthur lowered his tone to a level where I could no longer hear him as he leaned in. The two spoke in whispers as I watched the old Dragon's brows shoot up in surprise before he smirked. He eventually whispered some manner of response, which made Arthur grumble and the Dragon chuckle.

"Lord Dryritt," One of the younger Dragons chimed in. "Why do you speak so kindly to this mere Human?"

The Dragon form began to shift as scales grew across his body. However, before his transformation could be completed, he slammed down into the floor. Arthur had used so much force it cracked the ground. All of us thought that was the end, but the Dragon's body started flying around the room and bouncing from invisible walls. It almost looked like he was ricocheting off the air. Once a few light wounds appeared on his body, it seemed like Arthur was satisfied.

Eventually, the Dragon ended up at Arthur's feet as he crouched down and pulled his head up by his hair. "This is my version of politics. I've been told it's similar to Dragon politics." He then leaned in slightly. "Am I gonna have any more problems with you throughout the rest of your visit?"

"...No." The Dragon replied weakly.

Arthur let go of his hair, and his face hit the floor. To everyone's surprise, he put his hand on the Dragon's shoulder. It was a little bit confusing, but when the Dragon lifted his head up in shock and stood, once again, all of us were at a loss. The faint wounds the Dragon had acquired at Arthur's hand were gone.

"You healed me?" He asked, Arthur stunned.

"I'm nice like that." Arthur replied dryly. "Now go sit down."

Obviously confused, the Dragon frowned before nodding and moving to the other side of the table. "Apologies for that, and thank you for healing him afterward." Dryritt told Arthur.

Moving next to me before sitting back down, Arthur waved the comments away. "I've dealt with my fair share of Dragons. No need to apologize. We can deal with it later anyway."

Bursting out laughing, the old Dragon slapped the table mirthfully. "That is true!" After a moment, he turned to the rest of the room and frowned. "Don't just stand there! Are we going to hold this meeting or not!?"

Everyone slowly moved about, and Elincia stopped behind Arthur to lean in towards him. "We will be discussing this later."

Arthur didn't even look at her as his head rested on the back of the chair. "I have plans later." Was all he said in return.

Elincia frowned at that and moved to her seat as I kept my gaze on Arthur. However, he seemed to be doing his best to look indifferent towards everyone who sent him glances. Even Greigh and Ziah were having difficulties not looking at him.

Everyone's attention shifted to Arceana when she finally spoke after everyone was seated. "Thank you all for coming here today."

I heard Arthur snicker quietly at that, but he said nothing.

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