Chapter 259: Chapter 259

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

With my face lying on the table, Lucia whispered at me angrily. "You are sending a horrible message right now, Arthur!" Candles lit the room while moonlight came in through the windows.

My face turned away from her and to Greigh. "Would you please kill me?"

The Zugal scrunched his nose in distaste. "Sir, I don't think this is the appropriate place to be joking."

"I'm just saying, if I have to deal with any political bullshit, I might kill myself." Turning directly into the table, I spoke into it. "Outmaneuvering bullshit representatives or Elven Nobles isn't something I feel like doing."

"When have you ever needed to outmaneuver a noble?" Ziah inquired innocently.

Shifting my gaze up to her, so my chin was on the table, I answered. "Mostly when I kill them."

The table became silent until Greigh responded. "That's your definition of outmaneuvering someone?"

A chuckle escaped my lips. "It's a great definition, isn't it? Played them so hard they died from sudden Arthurian sword."

"Regardless, the representatives will be here soon. You should do your best to portray yourself in a more appropriate manner." Lucia told me.

"Let me give you some advice when it comes to ruling." My head rolled back to her while I still had it resting on the table. "Fuck everyone in politics. Either you fuck them, they fuck you, or you fuck each other. Rarely is any of it fun."

Greigh snorted. "Very wise, General." His mocking tone was evident he was slightly amused.

"I'm serious. You can either play politics as a ruler, or you can rule. Problem is, Arceana and Elincia went out of their way to give Elves more power to protect them." Sighing into the table, I continued. "Uppity little bastards."

Unlike Typhon, they had wings and more beastly features. Sharper teeth, more rugged in appearance, all were massive in height, and each of them seemed focused on me. My eyes focused on the leader who had golden wings at his back and appeared to be quite old for Dragon standards. He actually had wrinkles, which surprised me. However, he wasn't paying too much attention to our group.

"Didn't you just say they'd all arrive with Arceana and Elincia?" I asked Lucia before sitting up and leaning back to look at the one who spoke. "I have a lot to say about a lot of things." I replied to the nondescript underling.

It was at that time the older Dragon finally turned to me, and he came to a quick stop once he met my eyes. "Quiet, wyrm." The older Dragon insulted the one who spoke as he kept his gaze locked on mine. "We've heard rumors about a man with strange eyes among the Lestranians once more." He then gestured to me. "Am I to assume that's you?"

"You know what they say about assuming." I began. "It makes an ass out of you and me."

One of the younger Dragons tried to charge forward, but the older one promptly grabbed him by the back of his neck and lifted him off the ground. Alwin, Greigh, and Ziah were all on guard from this as the leader threw the younger Dragon off to the side. Spreading his wings, as he turned to the youngling, he glared at him.

"Another outburst from you, and you will not return home." He warned before his wings slowly returned to their folded positions, and he turned back to me. "You are right, though. We are not ones to assume. However, I've seen those eyes of yours before." I stood at that and moved in front of the Dragon, who looked down at me from a good head and half. "Etchings, markings if you will, line old caverns."

"That's interesting." I replied carefully.

He leaned down next to my ear. "I know who you are." The Dragon whispered.

Even with one hand, it was a simple thing to grab him by his throat and drag him to his knees. This seemed to surprise the old Dragon since he wasn't expecting my strength. Whether it was because of my blatant injury or some other reason, I didn't know. However, when his guards moved to intervene, he merely raised his hands to get them to back off.

A forced smirk appeared on his pained face. "Just as strong as the rumors." Carefully, he pointed at me. "But let's be honest. You wouldn't want to start a war with the Dragon Clans, would you?"

Pulling him closer to my face while putting a Gravity Pillar over us, his eyes widened as my grip tightened on his throat. "If you really know who I am, then you should know that it's the other way around. The Dragon Clans would not want a war with me." Dropping him, he rubbed at his throat. "Do not threaten me again, Dragon."

"It wasn't meant as a threat. Believe it or not, but I owe a great deal to you." The doors opened, and in came a wave of people that stopped upon seeing us. "Perhaps when given the chance, we could have a more private conversation." He stood and looked across all the newcomers. "However, do not worry. My lips are sealed."

Breathing more easily when I released my Gravity Pillar, I studied him. "I'll see that you do." I told him with a firm nod, and I turned to return to my chair, but he grabbed my arm. "What?"

With a more earnest grin, he answered. "You go by Arthur, yes?"

"I do."

He seemed almost disappointed but held out his large hand with a smile. "I'm Dryritt."

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