Chapter 253: Chapter 253

Cassidy's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

Typhon went home after he finished the assigned training. Arthur was in bed, and a few hours had passed since he went to his room. Austin was also in his room getting ready for bed. That left Grandpa and I in the kitchen with our newest guests.

"Are ya sure we can't get ya anything?" I inquired.

Aien and Aydalia Farro had appeared a few hours ago. "Thank you, but we are fine." Ayda's father told us.

All three were sitting at the table as I cleaned up some of the remaining debris. "Ah admit that Ah'm a little interested in somethin." I said to the two Elves that helped repair the house.

Aydalia smiled at me. "What might that be?"

"Why are you two helpin Arthur? No offense or nothin, but it just seems odd ta me. He hasn't exactly gotten on well with Ayda or Alwin, and the two of ya are nobles..."

"That is curious, isn't it?" Aydalia replied with a smirk.

"My granddaughter brings up a valid point. Ya been hangin around Arthur far more than your children, and he goes out of his way ta avoid them." Grandpa Reed stated. "Why are ya here?"

The two Elves exchanged a look. "Are we not welcome here?" Aydalia asked back.

I moved to respond, but my grandpa held up his hand to stop me. "Yer welcome enough, but Ah do want ta know what ya have planned for Arthur."

Arthur's head whipped toward her and all of us saw his eyes. They had changed. Blue lines of magic seemed to be coming down his cheeks from his eyes as the symbols twisted strangely. Bursts of purple would shine in before fading while another drop of blue liquid went down his cheeks. It appeared as though he was crying, but instead of tears, it was energy of some manner.

"Aydan." Arthur said softly before looking back out into the rain. "Where is Mara?" I grit my teeth when the name left his mouth. "Did she go with Varvara?"

Placing my hand out, I stopped the Elf from approaching before I pulled my grandpa back. "Arthur." I called out to him softly. "Mara's not here."

His gaze lazily drifted to me. "I would've saved her if I could've." My face scrunched at that as his eyes looked down. "I would've saved you, Mara, Elincia, Elias, and everyone else." He brought his hand up before him and I saw it shaking.

"Arthur," Aydalia called out softly. "You seem confused. Take a deep breath and open your eyes."

"These eyes have been useless. Even with all this power..." His body began shaking. "Aydan, is Mara back yet?"

The two elves and my grandfather looked at me. "Arthur," I began with a lump in my throat. "Ah don't know a Mara... Ya, confuse her often with Lucia..."

Suddenly, my grandfather tried to smack Arthur with his cane, but it warped around him before hitting his body. "Lucia..." His voice was soft. "How could I ever possibly tell her?" Arthur questioned out loud.

"Wake up!" Grandpa shouted as he tugged his cane back.

"Before Mara, it was Winter. I failed them all." Then his voice darkened. "I would've never lost Mara if it wasn't for Rudnurth." He seethed. "He bided his time well and betrayed me. Thana-"

"Arthur!" He yelled again and started shaking him.

Arthur turned and grabbed my grandpa by his shoulders. "I never wanted to be King! I never wanted the responsibility!" Backing away, he stumbled down the steps as his one hand went to his head. "Don't kneel to me... Don't kneel to me! Not again! Never again!"

The lines running down Arthur's cheeks started getting wider and descended down his neck. Part of me hoped the rain would help, but it didn't. He paid no mind to it as I waited for it to wash them away by any means, and all of us watched as he began to thrash about. To my surprise, Aydalia and Aien followed after my grandpa as he kicked Arthur to the ground.

After a few moments, Arthur's weird lines vanished, and he looked up in a daze. "Reed?" Was all he said before his head fell back into a puddle.

Approaching cautiously, I saw my grandpa breathing heavily, but he still looked at all of us. "No one can repeat what they heard here." We didn't have time to respond or be surprised as he pointed at Arthur and said, "Let's get him inside."

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