Chapter 252: Chapter 252

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

"This is quite the full house." Augustus commented as three High Elves sat at the kitchen table with me.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Augustus." Arceana told him before turning back to me. "As for your curse..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it myself when I'm more rested. That, and convinced that no other Demons are going to be showing up." I informed them. "Then, and only then, will I look into fixing my arm."

Elincia frowned. "I do not know what Demons you would be referring to, but how do you plan on removing such a powerful curse. From what you, yourself, have stated, magic is not your strong suit."

Wiggling my nub, I answered. "You can destroy a curse by overpowering it. Doing so out in the open would be dangerous. So, I plan on going to a place only I can enter." Then I shrugged. "That should solve this curse nonsense."

The two sisters exchanged a look and decided not to pry. "If you say you can solve this on your own, we will leave it be," Arceana stated as she tapped the table. "However, you are going to be rewarded. For strength in the face of adversity and for overwhelming diligence in response to such a preposterous situation."

My brow rose at that as Elincia continued. "We have also called a summit of Ambassadors. While it is meant to inform them about the recent Demon activities, expect many of them to come and see you personally."

"I don't need a reward. If anything, I was just carrying out my responsibilities as should be expected of me." I pointed out. "You wouldn't reward Alwin for protecting Lucia, would you?"

"Aydalia and Aien Farro. Either one will work. Greigh and Ziah are currently running errands for me, but I'd like to speak with them if at all possible."

Ayda, naturally, was confused by this. "My parents? Why would you need to speak to them?"

"Because the Farro's helped me quite a bit while you and the Priestesses were unconscious. Both were terribly worried about you but understood that you were stable and not in any danger. Having people who can work under such conditions are rare. That, and I'd like to thank them."

"Alwin and Kheri informed us of their contributions. We will speak to them before we send them to you to offer our own thanks." Arceana stated before placing a hand on Ayda's shoulder with a soft smile on her lips. "The Farro's have been lifelong friends expanding generations."

Ayda blushed at that as Lucia spoke. "I may also come to visit. There are a few questions I would like to ask myself."

The two Priestesses exchanged a look. "I've answered just about all the questions I can for the moment." I answered and got a small glare from Lucia in turn.

"A small discussion won't aggravate your wounds. I am sure you will manage." Lucia informed me, and I just gave a small nod in return.

"Very well then. Until next time." Using her magic, Elincia returned with the rest of her group, leaving Reed and I alone.

"Are you okay?" Augustus asked me softly.

Picking up his chair and putting it back, I replied. "No." Then I looked at him. "Thanks for the help, though. It could've been a lot worse. I don't even know why I replied like that."

"Yer tired. Ya should go lie down."

"Yeah... Yeah, I think I should." With nothing left to say, I went back to my room.

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