Chapter 177: Chapter 177

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Tucked away in my estate, I read the Book of Mordred. A pretentious title, but I think Aydan did that on purpose, knowing that I would find it one day. The book detailed Mordred's, or rather, my achievements. The Great Sage was vague in my description and only spoke of my cloaked form.

How I was a powerful entity, who appeared during Lestrania's greatest need. United the three rulers of the alliance to serve the Royal Family. That I trained the Royal Family and was declared the King when Rudnurth locked himself away. Luckily for me, Rudnurth was the only one mentioned aside from Elias. None of the three Princesses were, which meant I didn't need to explain how I knew about Mara.

A reveal into the past that many would question and fewer would believe to be the truth. No wonder Arceana and Elincia seemed unconvinced. However, after Arceana's little reaction earlier, I had no doubt something happened behind the scenes. Even Elincia was affected, but not as heavily. This book stirred up memories in Arceana, and that seemed to trigger her outburst. Although, it didn't appear that Elincia was able to draw the connection.

Setting the book down, I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "What did that other book contain?" My mumbles were met with silence. "Not that I'll find out now. Fuckin wolves."

There, he met another woman who he eventually fell for, and despite his age, they married. Two more children were born, but he was far older than Aydan at this point, so it surprised me that it was even possible. Then again, he was a magic slinger and might've used some magic to help with the process.

Moving on, his children and wife were informed of who he was. That they were now members of a lost line and had the blood of a Queen running through their veins. However, taking Varvara's name, or Farro, would be ill-advised. So, he took his wife's name and bestowed it upon his children. I'd like to say they lived happily ever after, but no one gets what they want.

The book was passed down as Aydalia had told me. Unfortunately, Arceana eventually received word about Aydan's line persisting and got involved once more. Aydalia's parents were the ones who were found and were confronted when she was just a little girl. Naturally, they were wary after reading the journal, but Arceana wanted to make Aydalia a Noble and her private student.

However, there was a catch. Her parents would have to let her come alone. No doubt she wanted to start fresh and raise a child who was loyal to her. Nobility with respect for the Priestess and having been raised from 'mediocrity' would feel a sort of thankfulness towards their savior. It wasn't until the journal appeared before her many years later that she read it and understood what her parents had done. Saved her life.

I was unsure if Aydalia's parents are still out there or if Arceana killed them. Neither would surprise me, and I hope she wouldn't take such actions, but she is a politician, if nothing else. Amuses me that she wouldn't take the title of 'Queen' so her people wouldn't feel as if she was ruling over them but merely guiding them. That's some brainwashing bullshit if I'd ever heard it.

Rubbing my face in annoyance, I sighed. "Aydalia is far smarter than she lets on. Not a single entry into that journal has been made by her, and I doubt she showed it to either Priestess." Tapping my desk, I wondered how to proceed from here. "Arceana has several copies of kings and queens in her back pocket, and I got fuck all..."

My musings were interrupted when a knock came from my front door. "Sir Arthur?" Rennal's muffled voice cut in through the door. "May I come in?"

Quirking a brow at that, I made my way from the office to the door and opened it. "I see you brought a few people with you." I commented as my eyes rolled over Cassidy but focused on Ayda. "Lovely."

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