Chapter 176: Chapter 176

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Like the rude individual she was, Elincia ignored my comment. "Arthur..."

"Fine!" I groaned and gestured to her. "What do you need me to do?"

"Arceana still wishes to have dinner with you. However, given her condition as of late, I am worried about her."

"Her condition is serious then?" I inquired in a more serious tone.

She shook her head. "I do not know. My sister has not woken up yet. When she does, no doubt she will still be thinking of her plans with you. I ask that you be a little more lenient when with her." Then Elincia gave me a knowing look. "Not as frustrating or challenging."

Crossing my arms, I eyed her. "That will depend on her, but I'm not one to shy away from confrontation. If she's pleasant and a delight to be around, I will return the favor. On the other hand, if you're sister is acting like a bitch, she can expect the same from me."

Elincia closed her eyes and took a breath before looking at me. "Very well. Please, though... If you see anything that seems like she might not be well-"

I cut her off. "I will return to the Temple with her in tow. Not that it matters until she wakes up."

"Arceana and I are fast healers. I have no doubt her recovery will be swift."

"Do you know what your sister wishes to discuss over dinner?"

"Not much else to share, honestly." Gesturing towards her, I explained. "I'm sure your students know just about as much as I do."

Elincia frowned at that. "Doubtful. We have done our best to make sure they are trained properly before learning about their past. Although, you seem determined to reveal certain information not many know about."

"And what do you mean by that?" I questioned back.

"Your visits with Augustus are one thing but seeking out Aydalia, and Aien Farro is not normal. None of the three would come forth in what was discussed between you all."

"So, you are still spying on me." I commented. "Good to know."

Elincia narrowed her eyes. "Spying is having someone follow you around. When your presence is felt up the mountain, and you are not at the Temple, my concern for our Elves grows." Then she gestured to me. "After all, you do not have the best record when it comes to Elves."

"Your love for magic slingers never ceases to amaze me, and I'll stick my nose where I damn well please." Then I tapped my nose and pointed at her. "I thought for sure you'd have learned that by now."

"Keep your thoughts and speculation to yourself. Whatever you are discussing with our student's parents needs to be kept a secret."

"Yes. We definitely wouldn't want secrets being found out..." I trailed off.

The High Elf seemed to be getting more and more agitated. "I am putting my trust in you, Arthur." A book materialized in front of her, and she floated it down to me. "I hope you will show me the same kindness." It was the Book of Mordred. "An interesting tale, but not one I know to be true. Perhaps this book will mean more to you than my sister or I."

A bribe in the form of my book being returned to me was amusing. "We'll see. Do you need anything else?"

She merely leaned back. "Your understanding will do for the time being."

The confidence of these two is mind baffling. Trying to buy me with my own fucking book was one of the stupidest things I'd seen in a long time.

"Until next time, Elincia." Without waiting for her dismissal, I opened a portal and returned home. "Now I got more shit to figure out about what the fuck is going on with those two..." I mumbled as I got to my office before throwing my head back and groaning in annoyance. "I forgot to ask her about my fucking Leviathan tooth!"

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