Chapter 174: Chapter 174

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

A side door to the throne room opened while I was upside down on Elincia's chair. In walked Lucia and Typhon. Both of which looked very surprised to see me... Upside down... In one of the Priestess's thrones...

"Arthur..." Lucia began. "You are sitting on the throne."

"Technically, my back is resting on the throne, and you're upside down." I replied as my head hung off the front.

My hair was dangling, which amused Typhon. "Why are you here, Arthur?" He inquired before continuing. "While it is great to see you, I am surprised neither of the Priestesses are here."

Groaning, I unceremoniously flopped off the throne and onto the dais before picking myself up. "Arceana is sick or something. I don't know the details, but Elincia took her to get looked at."

Although, at this point, I knew her memories were all sorts of fucked up.

"Is she going to be okay!?" Typhon asked, instantly worried.

Taking a knee in front of the boy, I smiled as I looked up at him. "She's kind of like your mom, isn't she?" Lucia stayed silent, but her eyes drifted to Typhon as he slowly nodded. "You may not know this, but your mom is pretty strong. Both of them are."

He calmed down at that and smiled slightly. "Yeah. They are pretty great."

I chuckled. "That they are, Ty." Lucia smiled at me.

I crossed my arms at that. "Why are you supposed to watch her?"

Lucia shook her head. "Arceana and Elincia refrained from telling me but suggested they had other matters to deal with." Then she eyed me with a knowing smirk. "You know anything about that?"

I shrugged this time. "They called me here because they caught me looting their old castle. Given that they abandoned everything that was still there, I'd like what I gave Elincia to hold onto to be returned to me."

"Returned? I am amazed you gave it to her in the first place."

"Creatures of the Old World were prowling about around that were just as strong as her. I told her to return while I dealt with them." Then I rolled my neck in annoyance. "It just so happens; those wolves were far more cunning than I had originally thought and stole something of mine."

"There is always something going on with you, isn't there?" She asked in a concerned tone.

I groaned before rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands. "I know! Thank god someone notices!" Removing my hands, I held up a finger and gestured between the two of us. "We've barely been back that long, and I feel like I'm being run ragged!"

She smiled unsurely. "At least you're keeping busy!" Lucia offered. "I know the Priestesses have been discussing your deeds quite a bit. Apparently, they have something big planned."

"Is it a knife in the back?" I questioned in a bored tone, which got her to gape at me. "I'm just saying," Holding my hands up in a placating gesture, I continued. "Both of them seem to be continually on my nuts... And not in the fun way."

Lucia shook her head rapidly in disgust. "That is not an image I ever needed. Thank you for that."

"You're welcome." Sighing, I moved to sit back down, which got her to just stare at me nervously. "Care to join me?"

"Those are the Priestesses' thrones, Arthur." She pointed out in a hushed, but firm tone.

"They're chairs, Lucia. Nothing more." Then I gestured to the rest of the room. "Not like there is anywhere else to sit, and I told Elincia I'd wait for her here. I plan to do so as comfortably as possible." Shrugging, I leaned back and rested my head on the back of the throne. "Or you could go about your business. I'm not forcing you to stay."

To my surprise, I heard her footsteps getting closer, and I saw her sit next to me. A small smile came to my lips. It certainly fit her well enough. Had things been different, this is where she would be rightfully seated. No doubt it took some manner of courage to sit in these thrones for her. Certainly, her mother's daughter.

"I would actually like to continue with our lessons if at all possible." She told me. "What advice do you have on illusionary-based spells?" Lucia pressed.

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