Chapter 173: Chapter 173

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Arceana, surprisingly, smirked at that. "So, I have been informed. One moment, you are threatening my sister and refusing to follow orders; the next, you protect her and send her away for her safety." Then her smirk disappeared as she looked annoyed. "On one hand, praise should be obvious, but on the other, I want to hit you."

Putting my hands on my hips, I smirked in response. "You know, some men pay for that kind of treatment." A blush appeared on the pink-haired High Elf's cheeks. "If that's how you operate, you could probably make a fortune."

The Priestess sat there, gaping at me in shock as Elincia giggled. "As amusing as that would be, we are here to discuss other matters." Then she gestured to me. "Besides, I doubt it would compare to the fortune you are making."

"My fortune," I began with finger quotations. "Goes right back into the economy and military. Trickle-down economics. It actually works when people want what's best for the citizens."

"Trickle-down economics?" Elincia repeated, confused but intrigued.

Her sister tapped her scepter on the ground. "As interesting as a lesson in economics sounds, we called you here for other reasons. Stop distracting us."

Putting a hand on my chest in an overly offended manner, I turned slightly before gesturing to her with my free hand. "Distract you? I would never! Perish the thought!" Rolling her eyes, she just looked at me and waited for me to get it out of my system. "Fine. Ruin my fun." Putting my hands on my hips, I turned my gaze to Elincia. "I hope you appreciate that I gave up that book despite not wanting to. I had to fight a horde of those wolves, thanks to you. Now, where's my book?"

Elincia nodded. "Thank you for your service in defending me as well as fighting those wolves. No doubt they were creatures from the Old World. How were you able to fight them all off?"

I shrugged. "Oh, you know. By being awesome. Now, about the book..."

Arceana continued as she ignored me. "Elincia is a great judge of opponents, and she informed me that those wolves were almost as powerful as we were." Then she leaned forward slightly while crossing her legs. "How were you able to fend them all off? Did you run?"

Both the blonde High Elf and I were confused as to what was happening. Even more so when Arceana collapsed as blood started running down her nose. We moved beside her to check on her.

"Guards!" I bellowed before the doors opened, and each of them looked at Arceana in concern. "She collapsed! Call a healer and any doctors available!"

Elincia quickly added to that. "Get every doctor! Something is wrong with my sister!" All of them bolted off to get help as Elincia cradled her sister carefully. "This is the second time this has happened."

I sighed. "Was she injured at all?"

Shaking her head, the blonde looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Not that I know of. Perhaps she's been using too much magic without me knowing."

"For what?" I inquired.

"Maybe she's training?" Elincia offered unsurely. "Whatever it is, she needs to stop." Her hand cupped her cheek. "I can't be alone here like she was. I'm not strong like her."

The fact that both of them had completely stopped speaking so proper concerned me. However, it also made me realize both had become used to wearing masks around their people. Elincia carefully looked over Arceana and used her magic to heal whatever might've been ailing her until the doctors arrived. She was carried off, and Elincia moved to go with them.

"Can you stay here?" The High Elf inquired. "Just until I know she is okay?"

I turned and looked at the thrones for a moment before I nodded. "Sure."

Elincia smiled up at me. "You're an interesting person, Arthur. You never make things easy for us, and we're constantly at odds, but when one of us is in danger, you make us your priority..." She opened and closed her mouth a few times. "Thank you for that." Was what she settled on saying.

"Of course."

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Please wait here."

With the throne room empty, I shrugged before laying out across both of their thrones. "Wish I had a book to read while I'm waiting here..."

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