Chapter 164: Chapter 164

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Lucia froze at my question, or possibly my tone, but both women were now looking at me. "You told them about Mara?" Slowly walking over to the High Elf, she looked up at me nervously.

Cassidy stepped in front of me. "Hold on now." She began before putting her hands on my chest. "Who is Mara, and why does it matter if the Priestesses know about them or not?"

The redhead stepped away from me as I felt my face shift through several emotions since I didn't know how to handle this situation. "What..." My eyes closed as I took a deep breath through my teeth that emitted a hiss. "Did they say?"

"Nothing." Studying Lucia, she began to speak more defensively. "They didn't say anything!" The High Elf pleaded. "Priestess Elincia seemed confused, but Arceana had some manner of magical condition that knocked her unconscious when I told her."

"Neither recognized the name?" Lucia nodded. "Are you sure?" I asked more firmly.

"If they were acting, then they completely fooled me, but none of us know who Mara is!" Lucia stayed behind Cassidy as I looked to the ground in thought.

Moving past Cassidy, but not pushing her, I grabbed Lucia by her shoulders. "Are you absolutely sure?"

The seriousness of my tone got her to nod. "Yes." Lucia replied.

Letting her go, Cassidy put a hand on my back. "Ya wanna explain what's goin on?"

Rubbing my face in annoyance, I felt so lost. "It's way too soon to be dealing with this shit." I mumbled before running my hands through my hair to compose myself. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel like discussing Mara at the moment."

Both women nodded, and Lucia tried to change the topic. "So, what is this I hear about you ripping your own heart out?" She chuckled weakly. "That was obviously just a figure of speech, right?" The High Elf asked.

My eyes met Cassidy's, who was also looking back at me. "No. It's not." I confirmed with a nod. "Ayda's spell had some side effects, and I had to deal with them." Meaning I had to battle the Queen of Demons, who wields a fucking spear of death! "Do not worry." I continued at her concerned look. "My heart has completely healed."

Crossing my arms, I replied with a subtle wave. "If you're worried about me threatening them, don't be. There are a few questions I'd like to ask them that are unrelated to their children."

She seemed lost, and so did Cassidy, but Lucia nodded regardless. "Then I will let them know that you wish to speak to them." A small smile appeared on her lips. "Aien and Aydalia would likely be more than willing."

"Good. Please let me know when they have the time. Do you need me to escort you back?" I inquired as a portal opened.

"If you are offering." Lucia moved to the portal and then looked up at me. "I know things have been rough for you, and I will talk to Alwin, but please be careful with the Priestesses." She warned. "Your claims are very close to treason."

"Most truths usually are." I confirmed.

She gave a shaky smile at that and left before Cassidy looked at me. "Ya should've sensed her and Alwin in your home." The redhead immediately accused me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm tired, okay? Not wounded. It's been a busy few hours, as I already explained."

Crossing her arms, Cass looked unconvinced. "Fine. Ah won't press ya no more, but Ah do want ta know what this Mara business is about."

"Good luck with that." I scoffed back before moving back to my sandwich.

"What? Don't trust me?" Cassidy inquired.

Giving her a short look, I answered. "Actually, I trust you probably more than anyone else I know at the moment." Her eyes widened at that. "If Alwin and Lucia didn't know about me ripping my heart out, it means you didn't tell anyone. Right?"

She frowned but gave me a serious look. "Ah thought it best ta keep ta myself."

"And I appreciate that. Thank you."

"Yer welcome." Then she sighed. "Yer still not gonna tell me who Mara is, are you?"

"Nope. Although would you tell Grandpa Reed that I need to talk to him. Not right now because I'd like to get some sleep but let him know it's important."

"Ah can do that."

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