Chapter 163: Chapter 163

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

A very confused and nervous Lucia stood next to a very calm Alwin. "You think you are powerful enough to take down, not only the Priestesses but the entire Kingdom of Lestrania."

My smirk made his eyes narrow. "I know I could."

He sneered back at me. "Big talk from someone who was almost killed by my little sister."

"Fucked up that you would use your little sister in such a way and her attempted murder." I immediately shot back.

Cassidy stepped in front of me and held up her hands between the two of us. "Now, no need for insults or the language. Why're ya two here, if ya don't mind my askin?" She inquired to the two newcomers.

Chuckling, I merely poked his cheek again. "You made one cardinal mistake when you challenged me."

"Feel free to enlighten me!" He grunted back.

"The fact that you thought you had a chance," I stated simply in a bored tone. "I'm far stronger than you. Although, it is amusing you and your sister are more alike than I thought." Shaking my head, I stood. "How you became the General of Elves is beyond me." Picking him up by the back of his armor, he struggled. "Please," I scoffed. "Save yourself the embarrassment and get the fuck outta my house." Opening a portal, I tossed his ass through.

Cassidy sighed and spoke. "While Ah don't think that was the best way ta handle the situation, thanks for not hurtin him. Ayda adores him." She informed me.

"She's not the only one." I replied and turned my gaze to Lucia, who seemed conflicted about what just occurred. "You still gonna ask some questions, or are you going to complain about me putting your boy toy in his place?" I inquired.

The portal closed, and she sighed next. "No. Alwin was out of line, and I understand why you removed him. Even if I do not agree with the method, it was effective. I apologize for his actions and overstepping his bounds." Lucia said with a bow in my direction.

Moving back to my sandwich, I rolled my eyes. "Don't apologize for him, but make sure he knows you did so. Maybe he won't act like such a little bitch next time." Her lips tightened at that. "Now, what questions do you have? I've had a long day and would love to be left alone."

Seriously though. I woke up and immediately had to deal with all this shit in the period of like five hours. How fucked up is that? Cassidy moved next to Lucia and gestured for her to follow as they moved across from me on the other side of the counter. Taking a bite of my new meal, the two women eyed me.

"Despite your claims and other insults, I came here to find some answers about things that are troubling me." Lucia stated, and I gestured for her to continue. "You have called me Mara on two separate occasions." My eye twitched at that. "I brought this to both Priestesses, but-"

She stopped at my look. "You did what?" I asked in disbelief.

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