Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

"So, what brings ya ta our humble abode?" Augustus inquired.

"Wanted to see if there was anything I could help with?" I told him. "Not sure if you heard, but we're building a wall around the city, and I was concerned about how it would affect you."

My play against the Nobles was now whispered throughout the streets. Many spoke of how I took down a Noble who was targeting the people of The Slums, and I was being considered even more of a hero. Despite how silly it sounded, it was working. Many people were starting to look into how best to move forward without the Nobles looking down on them.

Augustus merely smiled in response as we sat at the table. "Ah heard. Ah also heard ya made sure one of the gates was going ta be right where we usually travel ta get into the bustlin streets." He swirled the tea in his mug before taking a sip. "Greigh made sure Cassidy was well aware that our usual routes wouldn't be hampered and that yer movin the Town Guard barracks towards the outside of the city."

The old man leaned back in his chair. "Not just anyone has enough gold ta 'jumpstart' the economy like you did." He replied. "Nor could they do what ya did for all those businesses." Augustus sighed at my silence before he took a whiff of his tea again and hummed out in delight. "Why're ya really here, Arthur?"

Grabbing the scroll, I sent it back to my desk before summoning another one. A little skill I had become quite proficient at. As long as I knew where I had something placed, I could summon it to my whereabouts as long as the portal appeared beneath it.

Putting the new scroll in front of him, I gestured to it. "I'd like to make you a similar offer to and your family." Augustus didn't look at the scroll but instead at me as he waited for me to explain, and I sighed. "The Nobles have already targeted several of the establishments inside The Slums, which I quickly took care of. I also have control over the Town Guard down here and other military facilities due to my rank and title."

"But yer worried about the surrounding farmland around Lestrania." Grandpa Reed finally said after catching on. "Ya think those Nobles will target us?"

I nodded. "It's entirely possible, which is why I would like you to enter into an agreement with me. No profits need come my way but think of this as a guarantee for help to keep Lestrania fed to the best of your abilities. Think of this as a way to keep the Nobles off your back. I'd also like to help with any finances your family or any of the others might need."

Reed was quiet as he read through the scroll. "Ya want ta give us gold ta help?"

"I know how that sounds, but it's not what you think." I told him sincerely.

"Then explain it ta me cause it sounds like ya just want ta give us gold without any strings attached."

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