Chapter 118: Chapter 118

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Leave us." Arceana whispered, and a moment later, the room quickly filed out.

Blood soaked the walls and floor as it looked like there was a horrific battle in the throne room. Elincia glanced around in distaste before her eyes moved back to me.

"Something you want to say?" I asked the High Elf.

"Why did you do this?" Arceana asked me softly. "This was unnecessary. There were an infinite number of other ways to go about doing this."

"Hopefully, I won't need to do this again." I responded. "Your love for the Elves is making them useless." She looked at me with wide eyes. "They're a dying breed, and you know this, but surely there were better ways to protect them."

The pink-haired priestess glared at me. "You act like you know what happened to them." She practically seethed.

I nodded. "Essentially, yes." Her eyes widened. "It's not your responsibility to protect them. Whether it be out of pity, duty, or kinship, the Nobles have continued to cross lines. The rest of your people suffer under them, and many have shown themselves to be corrupted."

Elincia placed a hand on her sister's back. "That may be, but the Nobles have rallied behind us time and time again."

"The Nobles were created by you two from what I can tell, and there isn't a single Human or Zugal that is a member of Nobility." Then I gestured to the blood on the floor. "See how the Nobles die just as easily as everyone else." A frown came to my lips as I looked at them. "You have segregated the people of this land and placed them in different classes. Incase either of you were wondering, I do not approve."

"It is not your place to approve." Elincia shot back.

"We miscalculated once again." I stated as my sister tapped her scepter on the ground as the room started to glow with her magic. "It would appear Sir Arthur is no longer hiding his true power."

My sister cleaned the throne room with a frown. "This needs to stop, and we need time to plan." Arceana said out loud to herself.

Lucia moved over to us. "Are you two okay?"

Looking at her for a moment, a small smile came to my lips. "When are we sending out that airship to head East? Surely an ambassador of sorts would need a guard of sorts."

Turning to me, confused, Arceana then looked to Lucia and frowned. "No."

"This is our best option! You want time to prepare and bury the hatchet. Give our Knight a mission with the betterment of Lestrania as his goal! He cares about this Kingdom. That much is obvious!" I told her and then gestured to Lucia. "Arthur, despite his methods, has done nothing but good since he came here."

"Whether or not he was in the right does not give a person reason to murder someone in front of an audience in such a horrific method!" My sister raised her voice in agitation.

Gesturing to Lucia, I continued. "You are right. It does not. However, he said he interfered with the Succubae for personal reasons when it came to rescuing Lucia and Alwin. We should use that."

Lucia finally stepped between us and held up her hands. "If this is to trick our Knight, I will not do it. The man saved my life, and no matter your differences, tricking him is not something I am going to agree to."

"I would never ask you to trick him, but he has asked about you a few times from what I have heard." I informed her. "We are putting together a mission to head East and speak to our allies of the Desert Kingdom. If you go, it would only make sense for him to go as our most trusted and powerful Knight."

"He is your only Knight." Lucia shot back. "If this is something you wish for me to do, I will do it, but do not expect me to play any part of these games."

Arceana sighed. "Get everything set up. Arthur may not like this, but he will not have the choice in going for this mission. I was already thinking of sending him anyway. However, it worried me that he would be required to be diplomatic." Her gaze then shifted to Lucia. "If Lucia goes, she can represent us in a more civilized manner."

Turning to Lucia, I smiled. "Looks like you get to go on a trip. It will take a week or two to ready everything, so get your affairs in order."

She merely gave us an emotionless look in response. "Perhaps our dear Knight is right in his actions." Lucia stated before leaving.

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