Chapter 104: Chapter 104

Arthur's Point of View

The Slums

"Feel free to grab a booth like last time." Sherry told us.

"Should I help you put on the chairs down?"

She looked around and shrugged. "If you're offering, I will gladly accept."

Tapping Austin on the shoulder, we got to work as she went behind the counter and started prepping stuff for tonight. Moving from table to table, the two of us lowered the chairs for the entire tavern. Given its size, it did take a few minutes. Eventually, we sat down in the same booth where Cassidy and I ate.

"This is so exciting! Ah've always wondered what it was like in here!" Austin said with a large smile.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself." A small smile came to my lips as I looked at him.

"So, where did ya go earlier?"

Leaning back, I replied as I looked over at Sherry. "Had to take care of something. Knightly business if you will."

Austin nodded in understanding. "Ah! A secret mission!"

Chuckling, I leaned forward in amusement. "Something like that."

Sherry went to the back and came out a few minutes later while Austin and I were talking. She set down a few drinks for us, which we thanked her for. Putting down her tray, the owner pulled a chair from one of the nearby tables and sat down at the edge of the booth.

"So, what business do you have with me?" Sherry inquired.

"While I don't claim to be the greatest cook in the world or even one of a higher caliber, there are dishes that are simple to make while also being delicious." Then I smirked and gestured around the tavern. "Food that could bring in a lot of customers if done correctly."

Sherry looked more and more interested as a small smirk came to her lips. "I was thinking of expanding the second floor."

Leaning in, I smiled more honestly in response. "I think that's a wonderful idea."

Sherry's smirk turned into a smile, but before she could reply, the door opened. "We're not open! Come back later!" She called out; however, it would seem the person didn't get the memo. "Hey! I said we're cl-" The Rainy Helm's owner didn't respond before she stood quickly and kneeled. "Priestess Elincia! I didn't realize it was you! I'm sorry!"

Elincia moved next to the booth and waved a gentle hand at Sherry. "There is nothing to forgive. Instead, I must apologize for so rudely entering your place of business without your permission."

"It's no problem! How can I be of service!?" Sherry inquired in an alarmed tone.

"I am here to speak to my Knight." Elincia turned to me with a blank expression. "He seems to have a habit of hiding somewhere, but it looks as though I was able to track him down this time."

Sherry bowed and quickly stood before gesturing to the booth. "Shall I get you something to drink?"

Elincia sat down next to Austin, who smiled up at her. "That would be lovely." The Priestess replied with a smile sent towards Austin before she looked back to me. "I assume you know why I am here?"

Gesturing to Austin, I answered. "You wanted Austin; I know. It was clearly all his idea. A child coming to a place like this is downright-"

"Wha!?" Austin stood in alarm and pointed at me. "He brought me here!"

"Slander!" I immediately pointed at him in return.

Elincia didn't seem in the mood for games. "Arthur, this is serious." Leaning forward, she lowered her tone. "What you have done is not to be overlooked."

Rolling my eyes, I waved a dismissive hand before leaning back. "It was a couple of spies! Who cares?!"

To my surprise, Elincia actually shook her head softly before bowing before me. This action surprise all of us present as Austin looked at me in shock. Sherry was so stunned she dropped the tray she was bringing out with refreshments. I was slightly on guard just because of how often I've been screwed over by these people that Elincia's tears truly surprised me.

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving Lucia and General Alwin." Elincia told me in a grateful tone.

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