Chapter 103: Chapter 103

Arthur's Point of View

The Slums

Greigh looked around in shock as others tended to Alwin. "What did you do?"

"Took care of them. Obviously." Was my simple response.

"You didn't think to question them?" The Captain asked carefully.

"My questions were answered. Don't you worry about that." I said simply, and the other Town Guards were looking at me horrified. "You mind cleaning this mess up while I head out? I got plans."

Greigh and the others blanched at that. "Sir, don't you think you should report this to the Priestesses?"

I patted his shoulder as I walked by him. "Probably, but I'm delegating. One of my favorite things to do! Now, if you need me, I'll be at the Rainy Helm with Austin Reed." Waving a short goodbye, I left them with, "Be sure to take Alwin and Junior back up to the Temple. Don't need Arceana and Elincia breathing down my neck."

The Captain quickly moved in front of me and gestured to them. "Lucia shouldn't be down here, and Alwin being seen like this could pose problems. I think it would be best to use your portal to arrive directly in the Temple." At my quirked brow, he finished with, "Please?"

Rolling my eyes, I created a portal and walked around him. "Feel free to drag them through, but I'm staying down here." Shooing a few curious citizens away, I looked over my shoulder. "Clear this alley and keep anyone from snooping. There are a few things I'm going to look into with Austin." I told him as he nodded and quickly moved Alwin and Lucia with a select group of guards.

Gesturing to Austin, I replied. "Perhaps let us in and maybe some early grub?"

Sherry looked down at the kid and immediately shook her head. "No! Nope! Nuh uh!" Pointing at Austin, she turned back to me. "You brought Cassidy's little brother here!? Are you crazy!?"

Rolling my eyes and moving her hand out of the way made her frown slightly. "I'm not asking for drinks or to have him stay when you officially open. I just wanted to do something nice for Austin, and I enjoyed the last time I was here." She quirked a brow of disbelief at that. "For the most part." I added.

"Uh huh. Look, I don't have a problem letting you in, but Cassidy-"

"I'll deal with Cassidy if the need arises." Sherry still didn't look convinced. "Please. It's been a bit of a rough day." Then I leaned in a little closer. "Besides, I was hoping we could talk some business if you're interested."

Crossing her arms, she gestured at me with her elbows. "You're gonna get me into trouble."

In an overly dramatic gesture to myself, I responded. "I would never! The Knight of Lestrania stands before you as the very image of justice and righteousness!" Then I leaned in a little more. "I promise it'll be worth your while, and there will be no tricks."

The Rainy Helm's owner eyed me for a little bit before turning to Austin. "Your sister gonna hurt me if I let you in here?"

He shook his head. "Ah might get in trouble, but if there is any problem, Arthur'll take the blame." Austin then smiled widely. "That Ah can promise!"

Sherry put her hands on her hips. "Fine." She said and gestured inside. "Feel free to come in, but I gotta get ready, so food might take a bit."

Pulling Austin close to me with a smirk, I shook him. "I'm sure the two of us could help out if you'd be willing to keep his cuts cool."

She chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah. Why not."

"That describes how I feel every day."

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