A little bat leisurely flew above the sea shrouded in white mist.

On its bat back were two drops of congealed Colorless Source Blood, continuously absorbing knowledge from the white mist and converting it into arcane energy.

“The absorption rate is still too slow…” Sivirin sighed inwardly, still very dissatisfied with the speed of her arcane energy growth.

Two drops of Colorless Source Blood equal six drops of Rainbow Source Blood, which equals eighteen drops of Golden Source Blood, which in turn equals fifty-four drops of Silver Source Blood in synthesis. The arcane energy absorption rate in the Sea of Knowledge is 560% of that of an ordinary sorcerer.

It seems quite impressive, a whopping 5.5 times the arcane energy growth rate of an ordinary sorcerer, perfectly showcasing the might of the sacred bloodline.

But the sacred bloodline’s advantage is limited to the Sea of Knowledge. If one is to be Promoted to the Golden Two Wings and step onto the Time Continent, then Silver Source Blood becomes ineffective, with only Golden Source Blood able to absorb arcane energy.

Based on the two drops of Colorless Source Blood that Sivirin currently possesses, she could only divide them into eighteen drops of Golden Source Blood, reducing the arcane energy absorption rate to 200%, merely twice that of an ordinary sorcerer.

Upon Promotion to the Tri-wings Sanctuary, only those six drops of Rainbow Source Blood would be able to absorb arcane energy, with the absorption rate plummeting to 80%, no longer surpassing that of her peers.

Once reaching the status of Quadruple wings Legend, Sivirin would have to rely solely on her two drops of Colorless Source Blood, with an arcane energy absorption efficiency of a mere 40%, not even half that of a Quadruple wings sorcerer!

Therefore, despite the sacred bloodline’s immortality, they are in fact the race with the most pressing shortage of time: they must swiftly traverse the Sea of Knowledge and the Time Continent, unfurling their Golden and Silver Wings while young, and step into the Sanctuary of Tri-wings. For only those within the Tri-wings Sanctuary can receive the Blood Moon Sovereign’s blessing and undergo the Bloodline Purification Ritual.

The later the Bloodline Purification Ritual is performed, the less ideal the results of purification, unable to refine higher grades of source blood and missing the chance for a second spring.

Sivirin had seen many aged blood saints at the Research Institute, who often spent their whole lives in the Tri-wings Sanctuary or as Golden Two Wings. Even with their prolonged lifespans, due to the abysmally low rate of arcane energy absorption, they often can’t fully manifest Rainbow Wings or Golden Wings by the time their soul fades.

Thus, the division between the strong and weak within the sacred bloodline is extremely sharp: some unfurl their Silver Wings within a few years, yet remain Silver Sorcerers for life; others take a hundred years to step into the Tri-wings Sanctuary, but then spend the next four hundred years unable to fully unfurl their Rainbow Wings.

Although the sacred bloodline has freed itself from the shackles of time, they ultimately face eternal silence.


The Little Bat suspended in mid-air, emitting ultrasonic waves inaudible to ordinary humans, to detect the detailed terrain nearby.

Miracle Blood Bat Form, one of the racial advantages of the sacred bloodline, is something almost every member can easily master. In the Virtual Realm, they become flying bats, allowing them to avoid the strenuous swimming through the Sea of Knowledge like other sorcerers. Should danger arise, they can quickly flee, significantly improving their exploration efficiency and survival rate.

Ultrasonic detection is an advanced Miracle available in the Blood Bat Form, remaining active and allowing blood saints to roughly detect the nearby terrain.

Although the white mist’s high intensity barrier to sound and sight means the Miracle’s effective distance is quite short, it’s still better than nothing.

Just a moment ago, the ultrasonic detection indicated that there might be something other than the flat sea surface to the right, a sign of an anomaly, but when Sivirin stopped to investigate, the ultrasonic feedback changed, and the anomaly disappeared.

Could it be a Knowledge Creature?

Sivirin wasn’t afraid of Knowledge Creatures; in fact, she was quite excited. She had recently learned a new Miracle and was eager to test its power on a victim.

But the location that sent out the anomaly signal was just a flat sea surface, with nothing around.

She was puzzled, but the secrets of the Virtual Realm are too numerous. If one were to investigate every anomaly, a few hundred years wouldn’t be enough to study a single Sea of Knowledge.

“Oh, I really hope to encounter a Knowledge Creature. I have a few spirits I’d like to redeem…”

Just as Sivirin was about to leave, she clearly heard a ‘plop’ sound coming from the right front.

The Little Bat froze in mid-air, not sure what to make of it.

This was the first time she had heard such a strange sound in the Sea of Knowledge. It sounded like someone was throwing stones into the sea?

Could it be another Sorcerer?

Sivirin hesitated for a moment but decided to fly towards the source of the sound—she was confident in her abilities, believing that if she encountered a stranger Sorcerer, she could at least escape if she couldn’t win.

Moreover, this was her first encounter with another Sorcerer in the Virtual Realm. Even just to satisfy her curiosity, she was willing to risk venturing into dangerous territory.

Who could it be?

A Sorcerer from the Blood Moon Kingdom?

How old are they, and what Magical Faction do they specialize in?

If it’s a Sorcerer from another kingdom, could we possibly exchange information?

With a mix of anxiety and anticipation, Sivirin quickly fluttered her wings and flew towards the sound until the white mist parted, and an island appeared before her—

It was a Growth Stage Electro-White Dragon, its body covered in pearl-colored soft skin, eyeless, with a thick neck and a head that had only a mouth.

Since Electro-White Dragons often come with many rare Thunder Magic spirits, they are considered high-value Knowledge Creatures in the Sea of Knowledge. Even if Sivirin didn’t need it, bringing it to the Research Institute could earn a significant number of research Points.

Previously, Sivirin would have been excited to encounter such a fine prey, but now she felt deflated—she really wanted to try chatting with someone in the Virtual Realm! Even if it was just to exchange trash talk.

What if the other person was a good Sorcerer? Then they might temporarily team up to explore the Virtual Realm together!

But instead, it was an unremarkable Electro-White Dragon…

The Electro-White Dragon noticed the Little Bat and let out a piercing roar, the powerful sonic wave enough to temporarily deafen a Sorcerer.

But Sivirin took advantage of this instant to revert back to her human form, and in the 0.1 seconds of transformation, she almost merged with the Virtual Realm, becoming immune to all effects and naturally avoiding the Electro-White Dragon’s roar.

As she transformed, a burst of blood mist exploded, enveloping the Electro-White Dragon. When Sivirin landed, the Electro-White Dragon’s body emitted a faint blue electrical arc. With a roar, it charged straight at her!

Such brute force tactics, devoid of any technical finesse, are the most difficult to deal with. Firstly, the island’s area is not large, giving the sorcerer little space to evade. Secondly, the Electro-White Dragon’s body is wrapped in strong electrical arcs, and even a slight brush against them could severely injure or even stun a sorcerer.

However, Sivirin neither dodged nor avoided; she stretched out her palm towards the Electro-White Dragon and softly chanted:

“Miracle Blood Thorn!”

The blood mist suddenly condensed into ropes bristling with barbs, tightly entwining the body of the Electro-White Dragon. As it charged forward, its pearl-colored skin was immediately lacerated by the Blood Thorn, looking as if it were being skinned alive!

Just a few days ago, Sivirin would have struggled to use ‘Blood Thorn,’ but thanks to her recent practice with Procedures like the Eyelid Corner Cutting, Oral Orthodontic, and Nasal Bone Carving, her proficiency with this Miracle had skyrocketed, and she was now able to employ it in Combat!

Suddenly subjected to such a brutal attack, the Electro-White Dragon’s charge was forcefully halted. It violently flapped its wings, the flashing arcs tearing apart the Blood Thorn as it flew up to escape the area of the white mist.

Knowledge Creatures’ learning abilities are no less than those of sorcerers, and the Electro-White Dragon had realized that the blood mist was exceedingly dangerous. Thus, it planned to attack this detestable intruder sorcerer from the air!

Sivirin remained calm, her hands gesturing in strange signs: “This is the first time I’m using this move in combat, hopefully, there won’t be any issues…”


The Electro-White Dragon suddenly spiraled down, its thick plasm enveloping it completely, looking like a terrifying plasma sphere!

Even a Physical Faction sorcerer adept in defense, if hit directly by this attack, would inevitably suffer soul damage and be forced out of the Virtual Realm!

Yet, Sivirin clapped her hands together, her blood-red pupils shining with a strange glow: “Miracle Blood Reversal!”


With a harrowing cry, the Electro-White Dragon lost control of its body, flung out like a kite without strings, writhing in agony on the ground. Its veins burst open one by one, its muscles spasmed nervously, and the reversing blood even broke through the skin, blossoming like blood flowers!

The moment the Electro-White Dragon was wounded by the Blood Thorn, Sivirin’s ‘Blood Seed’ had already been planted inside it.

With the aid of the Blood Seed for precise targeting, Sivirin could freely manipulate the target’s blood with Blood Magic spirits, accelerating bleeding, reversing the blood flow—these were common Miracles. High-ranking Blood Sorcerers could even cause the target’s blood to freeze or boil inside their body!

There’s a saying amongst the sorcerers of the Blood Moon Kingdom: “When battling a Blood Sorcerer, the moment you shed your first drop of blood, you know it’s time to consider suicide.”


The Electro-White Dragon suddenly let out a cry like that of a baby, its body once again exploding with violent electrical arcs. Then, with a flick of its tail, it turned around and flung three spirits in the opposite direction!

As Sivirin reached out to catch the three spirits, the Electro-White Dragon crashed into the white mist, and soon its traces and sounds were obscured by layers of the mist, its whereabouts unknown.

Sivirin was not surprised by this; despite the Electro-White Dragon’s appearance of being grievously wounded, it could burst forth with full force, and Sivirin’s Blood Magic Miracles could not stop it.

This is precisely the cunning of Knowledge Creatures—they always reserve some strength even when hunting, allowing their enemies to underestimate them. If they sense that the odds are not in their favor, they will throw out a decoy and decisively flee, never engaging in a fight to the death with their opponent.

Furthermore, with the cover of the white mist, unless a Sorcerer has the advantage of time and place or an opposing attribute, it’s nearly impossible for a One Wing Sorcerer to kill a Knowledge Creature alone. After more than half a year of Exploration in Virtual Realm, Sivirin had not killed even a single Knowledge Creature, a reality that most Sorcerers face.

As Sivirin pocketed the three spirits, her ears twitched, and she faintly heard what seemed to be the cries of the Electro-White Dragon in the distance.

But the layers of white mist made it hard for Sivirin to be certain of her judgment. Listening carefully, it seemed the sound was no longer there.

Still, as the saying goes, there are too many oddities in the Virtual Realm to waste time on. Time is the most precious resource for the sacred bloodline, and she must make the most of every second spent exploring the Virtual Realm.

Sivirin Cast Miracle again to transform into a bat, just as she was about to choose a direction to continue forward, she suddenly heard a ‘plop’ from the right front.

The Little Bat hovered aimlessly in mid-air.

Here we go again?

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