“Although I appreciate the speed of delivery, this also…” Ashe watched the hurried drones as they efficiently returned to their own airspace. “Isn’t it a bit rude? Isn’t this like barging into someone’s home?”

“It’s not too bad.” Annan, with an air of seeing too much fuss about nothing, said, “The ‘Almo Drone Logistics’ system ranks third on the Tech Revolution Ranking in the past Ten Years. Its efficiency, safety, and interconnectedness are all top-notch. Although Belia and Tafa are close behind, they too rely on Almo’s technology to catch up… It was a bit annoying at first, but you get used to it over time.”

“Can’t it be a bit more polite?” Igor, who was very particular about his private space, also had some complaints about this delivery system. “Like maybe placing the packages on the balcony…”

“There’s a risk of damage if left outside, and the buyer might forget about it. It has to be placed in the living room where the customer is most likely to notice,” Annan explained. “I haven’t looked into it in detail, but this delivery system is definitely the most advanced since companies like Almo undoubtedly develop following the guidelines of the Gospel. If they took a wrong turn or stalled, Belia and Tafa would surely catch up.”

Because it is guided by the Gospel, it is the most advanced; because it is the most advanced, it is justified…?

Both Igor and Ashe felt there was something off with this logic but couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

As they chatted, Lise had already gone over to start unpacking the parcel. The box featured convenient snap fasteners, easy enough for even a little girl to open by hand. Banjeet squatted nearby and asked, “Need help?”

“No need!” Lise cheerfully responded, pulling a blue velvet gift box from the package. “For you!”

Banjeet blinked in surprise, pointing to himself, “For me?”

“Yes, a gift for Banjeet!”

“Thank you!” Banjeet accepted the box with a look of pleasantly surprised, finding inside a Sapphire Earring that was delicately crafted and brilliantly glowing. He put it on himself, and although it looked nice, compared to Annan’s Amethyst Earring, the Sapphire Earring seemed a bit gaudy and even a bit overwhelming.

Or rather, it was the presence of the Sapphire Earring that made Ashe and others realize the true worth of Annan’s Amethyst Earring—it was beautiful without being cloying, dazzling without being loud, enhancing the wearer’s charm while naturally blending into their persona, and it even subtly seemed to possess effects like ‘enchantment’ from the Miracle category.

Exchanging these rare jewels for their three lives, the Four Pillars Cult had certainly been taken for a ride by Annan.

However, Banjeet was happily ruffling Lise’s hair: “I really like it, thank you Lise.”

Then Lise handed another gift box to Annan, who was drinking coffee: “Annan, this is for you.”

Annan raised his eyebrows slightly, “Thank you, may I open it now?”

“Of course!”

The gift Lise gave to Annan was a moon-white fox dragon hairpin. Although it looked somewhat childish, Annan seemed to really like it. He clipped it near the ends of his hair by his ear, making his demeanor appear more lively.

“And there’s this… it’s a gift from Aunt Bukin!”

“Is it a dress?” Ashe asked.

“Not exactly, but close.” Lise pulled out an item that looked very much like a dress: “Aunt Bukin will definitely look great in it!”

Igor took it and found it was a skirt-like garment that could be worn over pants as a decorative piece. The garment had many hidden pockets, which Igor found surprisingly useful. For a Mind Sorcerer who excelled at strategizing and preparing the battlefield in advance, the more secret pockets there were, the more pre-battle preparations he could make, even carrying several types of enchantment drugs.

Ashe seemed to notice Igor’s satisfaction with the gift and teased, “Aunt Bukin, you surely don’t like this type of clothing, right? After all, you didn’t pick up Lise and spin her around to show your happiness… How about giving it to me? I like this style!”

Igor glanced at him, then waved to Lise, who was looking hopeful, and lifted her up to spin around: “You’re quite heavy.”

Lise pouted and lightly punched his head, “Aunt Bukin is so rude!”

“Sorry, little girls aren’t exactly in my line of business.”

At that moment, Harvey seemed to have finally settled the guest he had brought back and stepped out of the room, a Catnip Cigarette dangling unlit from his lips, curiously observing the scene in the living room, “Hmm?”

“Uncle Harvey!” Lise exclaimed as she dug out a gift the size of a notebook from a pile of parcels, “This is for you!”

“Do I get a gift too?” The Necromancer tucked the Catnip Cigarette behind his ear, calmly saying, “Thank you… a notebook?”

“No, it’s a black and white mind-printing notebook,” Lise explained. “You just need to press it against the paper and it can print the images from your mind onto the notebook. Uncle Harvey, you often stand by the window looking at the scenery; I thought you’d definitely like to draw.”

“That’s hardly drawing… But thanks anyway.” Harvey pocketed the notebook and hesitated before pulling out a piece of candy, “Uncle’s treat—”

Ashe hadn’t even reacted before his body, bound by a Contract, rushed forward and tangled up with the Necromancer. Harvey quickly intervened to block Ashe’s attack, saying, “It’s real candy! I don’t have enough Moon Sugar for myself, let alone to give away! This is the real sugar I use to satisfy my craving for Moon Sugar!”

“For safety’s sake, Lise, you better not eat any candy from Uncle Harvey,” Igor advised. “Though I can treat Sugar Addiction, it’s a bit brain-damaging—damaging to the patient’s brain. If Harvey gets the sugar wrong, Ashe might end up splattered in a deadly showdown with the Necromancer.”

“Lise doesn’t like sweets; she only likes soft, red velvet cream cakes.”

Having said that, Lise went back to her breakfast, while Ashe pinned Harvey down, eagerly watching the young girl with white hair spreading custard on her toast.

Under everyone’s awkward glances, Ashe helped Harvey up, then sat next to Lise, “Cough, cough, cough—”

Harvey sharply slapped Ashe on the back, “A pat on the back for shortness of breath, no need to thank me, consider it a return favor for earlier.”

Igor glanced at the embarrassed Ashe, his lips curling into a smirk. “Lise, you bought so many gifts. Is there one for the only zero-star Genius in this house?”

“Yes,” Lise replied, her mouth full of bread crumbs. “But someone is very angry and doesn’t want to give it to him.”

“Why angry?”

“Because last night, during a game, someone used tricks to knock over a chair, causing a loss, and it kept them up all night. So now, they don’t want to give him the gift.”

The room’s gaze shifted towards Ashe, now tinged with disdain—a Con Artist stooping so low as to cheat in a game against a little girl, even Igor felt ashamed to associate with such behavior.

Even a Con Artist, since the age of five, wouldn’t deceive a little girl!

“Really? You’re still thinking about that after a whole night!?” Ashe was shocked. “Aren’t kids supposed to forget things easily? Your grudge-holding ability is on par with Igor!”

Igor looked puzzledly at Harvey. “Do I hold grudges?”

“I don’t know you very well,” the Necromancer replied. “If we ignore the fate of those who crossed you in Prison, then you’re probably not much for holding grudges.”

After finishing her slice of bread and gulping down a cup of hot milk, Lise turned to Ashe and said, “If you don’t apologize, someone will stay angry, and the nice gift won’t be given.”

“I’m sorry, it was wrong of me to do that and cause you to fall.”

“Hehe,” Lise giggled, patting Ashe on the head. “Admitting you’re wrong is what good dads do. So, you won’t do it again next time we play, right?”

“Um, next time it will appear as a normal accident, and you won’t know it was me.”

“…” Lise withdrew her hand. “Not just someone, but even Lise is a bit angry now.”

“But Lise, think about it from my perspective,” Ashe tried to persuade. “If you were almost losing a game, and your opponent showed a weakness in real life, wouldn’t you seize that chance to teach her a lesson with a whirlwind victory, showing her that a true player should be flawless in reality as well?”

“Dad, you do have a point…”

No, that didn’t make sense, did it? Everyone thought.

But once again, everyone was forced to reassess Ashe—well known was the fact that little girls can be especially unreasonable, yet Ashe had managed to spin his twisted logic into sweet words that Lise completely accepted. This proved Ashe had a knack for dealing with children.

Or perhaps he could lower his intelligence to match that of a child’s and then use his vast experience to outsmart them.

Either possibility meant that Ashe and Lise were now tightly bonded; they had formed an impervious little clique.

For this small startup of just six people, Ashe and Lise could be considered a powerhouse.

Lise, now fully persuaded, handed a large box to Ashe.

Ashe gleefully opened the box, realizing this was probably his second real-life gift—the first being the blessing from the Four Pillars, which also included a VIP package at Shattered Lake Prison with meals and lodging.

A deep red trench coat with a gradient effect appeared before Ashe.

He paused for a moment, then put on the coat, feeling as if he were donning a robe of vanity.

“Lise has good taste, it really suits you.”

“Honestly, given Ashe’s sense of style, anything Lise bought couldn’t possibly make him look worse.”

“I think it’s quite nice, suitable as your funeral attire, oh!”

Ignoring the comments from the crowd, Ashe asked, “Lise, why did you buy this coat for me?”

“Because it suits daddy very well,” Lise said. “And, feel the pockets.”

Ashe pulled a card with numbers from the pocket: “This is…”

“This is a recharge card for ‘Epic’,” Lise explained. “The ‘Purgatory Trench Coat’ is official merchandise from the game you play, and it came with this recharge card. I thought you would like it…”

“Just for today, you are my real daughter!” Ashe hugged Lise tightly. “Lise, do you like Red Velvet Cake? Igor, find me a cookbook for baking cakes, and once you’ve learned, bring one over!”

Igor remarked coldly, “Next time you ask for my help, I’ll remember to have you bake a cake.”

Ashe blinked, “There won’t be a next time… but if there is, we’ll talk then.”

“Dad, you’re so dramatic,” Lise giggled, freeing herself from Ashe’s embrace to tidy up the remaining delivery boxes. “I’m going back to my room to keep opening my presents.”

“Huh?” Annan asked, “What about the other dozen or so boxes…”

“Right, they are all gifts Lise bought for herself!” Lise declared proudly. “I’ve been through a lot recently and felt I needed to treat myself!”

Banjeet helped move the boxes and casually asked, “With all that shopping, do you still have money left in your account?”

Lise paused, didn’t answer, and quickly retreated into her room, slamming the door behind her.


Seeing Igor covering his mouth, laughing slyly, Ashe curiously asked, “What are you laughing at? And why do you look so sinister?”

“Nothing much.” Igor picked up a shrimp salad, “Just the feeling that someone’s going to get scolded.”


The White Queen, reflected in the half-length mirror, struggled to keep her composure: “You actually spent all your money!?”

Kneeling in front of the mirror, Lise appeared earnest and docile, reflecting seriously. Suddenly, she presented a gift box: “White Queen, I picked this out especially for you.”

The White Queen couldn’t help but laugh in exasperation: “Giving me a gift and buying gifts for yourself, what’s the difference? Do you think this will fool your sisters?”

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