Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 205: No, You Need to Play

Lise was undoubtedly a sister with many flaws.

Primarily because Deya had not encountered many people, her database was filled with nothing but the Sorcerer Handbook or fairy tales. Having been captured by the Four Pillars Cult shortly after her transmigration, Deya had no choice but to model her sister after the protagonist from the fairy tale “Little Witch,” hastily creating a sister that matched the age and appearance required.

Thus, Little Witch Lise was born.

In fact, “Lise Deya” is not a name, but two “positions.” Whoever is in charge of controlling the body in reality takes on the role of “Lise”; whoever is responsible for actions in the Virtual Realm becomes “Deya.”

Their real names are actually those like Little Witch, Secret Princess, Black Butler, White Queen, Red Death Eater, and so on. However, actions in the Virtual Realm are generally led by the Secret Princess, making the name “Deya” almost exclusive to her.

The name “Lise” used to belong to another sister, but now that her body has been cursed by the Bronze Dragon, she is no longer suitable for the role of “Lise.” Therefore, until she passes the Bronze Dragon’s Trial, “Lise” will likely remain the exclusive moniker for the Little Witch.

Although the current Lise is somewhat lacking, Deya has no intention of replacing her.

After all, a new sister needs to grow, and after personally experiencing a series of events, Lise should become more and more adapted to her environment. And even if Deya wanted to make a switch, she has no other candidates; the only one who fits the age is the Little Witch.

In truth, the Little Witch has been doing quite well. If Deya herself were in control, she probably wouldn’t have been able to get past the Four Pillars Cult, let alone engage in cunning exchanges with Annan.

Deya was reading a book while chatting in a suppressed voice:

“Do you want to play? What’s there to play with? Isn’t chatting with your sisters fun? Be good, wait until we enter the Virtual Realm, then you can play. Real time is precious and shouldn’t be wasted on play.”

“You don’t like Annan? That’s normal, neither do I. She’s the same kind of person as the White Queen…”

“Mhm, Banjeet is indeed very dangerous, so you need to be careful around him. To protect Annan’s interests, he will definitely not show any mercy…”

“So, is there someone you do feel fond of? Igor? Bukin?”

“What, father?”

“We’re talking; you don’t need to use that term, right?”

“That’s not kindness, that’s just plain stupidity. That’s why he fell for your spellcraft… Alright, alright, you handle the daily interactions, as long as you’re happy. But don’t go soft, get a grip on Ashe as soon as possible; he’s our best piece in the fight against Annan.”

Suddenly, a strange voice came from the side: “Thirsty after such a long chat? Have a drink and rest for a bit.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Princess Deya took it subconsciously and took a sip, then looked down and saw it was a glass of strawberry-colored unknown liquid. She turned her head and her pupils shook!

“How nice, siblings chatting.”

The Observer, dressed in a dark red coat, sat on the desk, resting his chin on his hands, and said, “It’s been a long time since I chatted with my brother and even longer since I’ve played with a naughty nephew…”

“You, you—”

“Witch, I’d advise you not to be too loud, the lady of the house might have installed surveillance equipment.” The Observer said with a smile: “Speak in your Inner Voice, I will hear your intent.”

Listening to the Inner Voice!?

But compared to the Observer being able to appear here, listening to the Inner Voice was only a trivial detail. Honestly, although she met the Observer in the Tower, Princess Deya hadn’t taken him seriously.

She thought the Observer was looking for ‘Princess Lise Deya,’ but after receiving the Bronze Dragon’s Favor, ‘Princess Lise Deya’ had disappeared, leaving behind only Lise, the little girl captured by the Four Pillars Cult.

So Princess Deya never thought the Observer would be able to catch up—how could he find her when even the Gospel couldn’t capture her past?

“What do you want?”

“Don’t be so nervous, I’m not a good person,” the Observer said leisurely: “Look, didn’t you agree to be my teammate?”

“I didn’t agree!”

“But Witch, you don’t have the right to refuse.”

Princess Deya wanted to say something else, but she suddenly remembered the Bronze Dragon’s Favor.

The timing of the Observer’s appearance was incredibly opportune.

Just as Deya decided to trigger the “Bronze Dragon’s Favor,” he suddenly materialized in the Tower bedroom, undetected by the sprawling defensive mechanisms protecting the capital, invisible even to the Sanctuary Sorcerers that covered every corner of the Palace.

He seemed to be an existence that transcended this world.

Aside from the Bronze Dragon, Deya had never encountered any other being that could match the Observer’s stature. While this could partly be due to Deya’s limited exposure, the overwhelming pressure that the Observer exuded was not easily forgotten. Indeed, in her own mental realm, the Observer had forcefully shattered it—yes, even the most powerful Red Death Eater and Black Butler, aside from the Secret Princess, had joined forces against him, but to no avail.

Even though the Observer claimed to be a Two Wings Sorcerer, merely inviting her to join a Virtual Realm Adventure, Deya didn’t believe a single punctuation of his tale. She suspected he was merely masquerading as a commoner in a game of mortals, pretending to be the pig, but with intentions of preying on some unsuspecting tiger.

But why does he insist on clinging to me…

A thought suddenly sprang into Deya’s mind: Could he too be influenced by the Bronze Dragon?

That’s right, the trials set by the Bronze Dragon always had this characteristic: the outcomes were favorable, but the journey was invariably torturous. And, without a doubt, spending days with the Observer would qualify as sufficiently torturous.

So that was it, the Bronze Dragon was up to his tricks again.

With that realization, Deya saw no point in continuing her refusal. “Alright, I agree to become your companion. What next?”

“Since you’re my companion, isn’t it natural that I have a responsibility to take care of you?” asked the Observer.

Deya felt there was a trap in his words: “Theoretically… yes.”

“And now that you’ve become a child, doesn’t it naturally follow that I should be one of your Guardians, obligated to look after your daily life?”

“Of course… not!” Deya firmly shook her head. “I don’t need your care, go away, don’t disturb my reading!”

“That’s exactly why I’m here,” the Observer stated. “Finish the rest of the strawberry juice too. It’s a tonic, don’t waste it.”

Before Deya could react, she picked up the cup and gulped down the rest of the mysterious liquid.

“Then, tidy up and behave like a well-mannered little friend.”

Deya was terrified to find that she couldn’t control her own body, which was stuffing books back onto the shelves on its own.

“What are you doing? Why can you control my body? Mind Miracle?”

“Let me go, I still have books to read!”

“No,” the Observer shook his finger, “you need to go play.”

“I’m not really a child, what am I supposed to play with?” Deya was almost frantic, “Aren’t you supposed to let me study and practice to become stronger if I’m your teammate? How does my playing help you?”

“But you are a child now, and children should balance work and play. Energetically play during the day and embark on perilous adventures at night, that’s what good children do.” The Observer pulled out a pair of gloves, “But before you go to play, you need to wear gloves to keep your little hands clean…”

“Observer, have you lost your mind?”

“Witch, you can be quite rude sometimes.” The Observer tapped the gloves, and the adult gloves instantly transformed into a pair of pink children’s fingerless gloves, handing them to Deya to put on herself.

“That’s because you don’t listen!”

Deya glared at him huffily, her gaze darting to a mirror, and her expression suddenly became cute, “Hey, Observer, why are you doing this to me?”

“Oh, is it the Little Witch?” The Observer remained calm, “It’s like this, I’m controlling your body now, so you can’t read books.”


“And you can’t go investigating Annan and Banjeet, nor can you try to turn Igor and Harvey.”


“Under my compulsion, you can only go and play games with others, isn’t that pitiful?”

“It is so pitiful!”

“So what are you waiting for? Go and play!”


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