Freya, hiccuping from the alcohol, staggered up the staircase, clutching the railing for support. As a Bewitcher, her resistances were high, and she rarely got drunk—however, her body would adapt to her emotions. In gloom, she could drown her sorrows in liquor like it was water; in joy, even the scent of alcohol would intoxicate her.

“Ah, I’ve tried every Mud Worker at ‘Frostfall Mud Café’, it’s time for a new mud café… Adra mentioned a new acolyte-themed mud café that opened by the university’s west gate. I’ll check it out once the Scholarship comes through… Though the abs on that Mud Fish Dragon are truly amazing, wouldn’t hurt to order that one again…”

“Pity about the ‘Rock Dragon’, had great technique, but a shame he perished in the 422 Incident…”

Reaching the third floor, the corridor lights flickered on and off. Unperturbed, Freya fumbled for her keys. The building was an old apartment erected seventy years ago, devoid of modern conveniences like elevators, heated floors, air conditioning, and even suffered from frequent electrical issues. Its only redeeming feature was the cheap rent, and if it weren’t for the landlord still being alive, it would have been leveled and reconstructed long ago.

That day was approaching, though. The landlord, a sixty-something-year-old Orc, would likely sell off his assets in a few years to book an “anti-aging surgery” at the Research Institute. This surgery, being much cheaper than life-extending procedures, was quite popular among lower-tier Sorcerers and mortals.

Once the Research Institute acquired the building, they would naturally partner with real estate developers to construct a newer, taller, and more attractive apartment complex, similar to the two new buildings currently under construction by the west gate. None of this concerned Freya, however, since she would have graduated and moved on by then.

Upon opening the door to her apartment, Freya noticed the lights were on, which struck her as odd—had she forgotten to turn them off before class today?

Stepping out of her boots and into slippers in the entryway, Freya walked in to find a hooded man sitting at her desk, using her ‘Mist Sea’ brand Knowledge Screen, sipping on the strong Orc sweet milk from her fridge, and tapping away on a cherry milo keyboard.

Her fold-ear cat, Little String, was sprawled on the desk, stretching lazily before affectionately rubbing against the man’s hand.

The layout was that of a standard one-bedroom: desk, bed, balcony, restroom, and a small kitchen, all visible from the entryway.

The man noticed her entrance and turned to look at Freya.

“Welcome back.”

“Oh, I’m back.”

The man continued to browse the Holographic Screen while Freya scratched her head, opened the fridge to grab a bottle of ice water, and gulped it down. Suddenly feeling nauseous, she rushed to the restroom and vomited a rainbow into the toilet.

As she heaved, Freya felt someone patting her back, making the ordeal a bit more bearable. A triple-layered tissue was handed to her, and she took it instinctively: “Thanks.”

After purging, Freya felt much clearer. Coming out, she tossed all her clothes onto a chair—everyone has that one chair for dirty laundry—then turned and stepped into the shower.

As the gentle stream of water washed over her, Freya’s rationality slowly returned. Leaning against the wall with her chin propped in her hand, she felt an overwhelming sense of wrongness but couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

Suddenly, Freya’s eyes narrowed, and she clapped her hands together.

“I only went twice tonight, usually it’s three times. I’ve shortchanged myself!” she clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Even though the Mud Worker I chose tonight wasn’t that skilled, I’ve spent the money; I should’ve enjoyed it to the fullest, even if it meant crying through it!”

After the shower, she meticulously dried her body with a towel, especially under the arms, beneath the breasts, and the inner thighs. Drying off the droplets left Freya feeling exceptionally refreshed.

She examined the white fluff on her forearms and lower legs, feeling it was time for a trim. This is the trouble with being a Bewitcher; one must regularly trim the fluff on their limbs, or it grows too long and becomes sweaty.

Freya went out naked, since the Curtain on the balcony was drawn and nobody usually came to disturb her. Most importantly, the weather was gradually warming up, and Bewitchers are prone to sweating—a condition made bearable by the fact that their sweat emits an enchanting fragrance, though it feels sticky. Maintaining a natural state was the most comfortable for her.

After rolling around on the bed a couple of times, she called out, and Little String leaped from the man’s side to curl up in Freya’s arms.

With a meteor dragon pillow at her side, Freya stroked Little String while opening the Holographic Screen to browse the School Forum on the Curtain.

She noticed everyone was discussing the Blood Moon Tribunal happening tonight, with topics like ‘Fernand Snow’, ‘Socialized Rearing System’, and ‘whether one could still participate in the Municipal Civil Service Examination’. Freya was somewhat confused as she had been drinking at the Mud Café when the Blood Moon Tribunal started.

Upon checking the Mind Department Study Group, she found the discussion there was also centered on the Blood Moon Tribunal, with members divided into ‘Blood Saint faction’ and ‘Fernand Snow faction’, battling it out over 300 rounds, resulting in a 999+ message thread. Freya couldn’t even scroll to the top, but she gathered they were debating ‘whether the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races are essential’.

Proponents argued that ‘the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races are the cornerstone of social progress’, with their long-lived members ensuring societal stability, and that many Sorcerer technologies could only be developed by those unconcerned with short-term gains, like the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races.

Opponents contended that ‘the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races hinder the joint development of multiple races’, claiming that because they absorb all high-quality talents, other Races are unable to produce significant Scholars and Sorcerers. The glory of the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races is built on the exploitation of other races!

But really, is this a problem we students can resolve through discussion?

Even if you all debate and conclude that the Blood Saint and Moonshadow races shouldn’t exist, do you expect to wake up tomorrow morning to find them all dead?

Everyone seems to have such an aggressive energy tonight.

Is this Blood Moon Tribunal really that exciting?

Freya browsed the Curtain for a while but wasn’t satisfied; she found herself unconsciously rubbing her legs together.

Indeed, twice wasn’t enough; it had to be three times!

However, she usually used videos as Casting Materials


, and her videos were stored on the Knowledge Screen. After all, the Knowledge Screen has a thirty-two-inch display, not only offering a larger picture and higher resolution but also capable of storing much larger video files.

Freya’s Chip Model was the Miracle 11, with a pitiful capacity of only 10 blocks. After saving some important documents, there was hardly any space left. In contrast, the Knowledge Screen had a capacity of 800 blocks. Freya could stuff all her Entertainment games into it and still not fill it up.

But at that moment, the Knowledge Screen was being used by the Hooded Man. Freya walked over to the table and took a glance, noticing he was watching the playback of tonight’s Blood Moon Tribunal. She tapped his shoulder, “I need to use it.”

“Oh, sure, go ahead.”

The Hooded Man very obligingly left the chair, and Freya sat down with satisfaction, adeptly opening a folder titled “New Folder”.

Inside the folder were four other folders, named “Never Used”, “Used Once”, “Used A Few Times”, and “Used Countless Times”.

Considering her urgency, now was not the time for exploration. She chose the fourth folder and opened a video titled “Naughty Male Apprentice Gets Disciplined by a Bewitcher Female Professor Skilled in Mind Hypnosis”, dragging the progress bar directly to the most thrilling part. The pleasing sounds of sobbing instantly intoxicated her again.

But as she was getting carried away, she suddenly felt something was off.


Why was the chair warm?

As if someone had just warmed it up.

Freya sharply turned her head, locking eyes with Ashe, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a book to cover his face while covertly peeking at her. Although Ashe quickly averted his gaze, Freya snapped back to reality.

Pondering, she raised a finger and pointed at Ashe as if struck by a revelation, “Ah, are you a Slaying Fish-Dragon?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Then, are you an Azure Fire Dragon?”

“That’s not it either.”

Freya couldn’t think of any other possibilities, “Then which Mud Café’s Mud Worker are you? I don’t remember calling for home service tonight.”

In fact, home service was expensive, and she had been spending a lot lately; she couldn’t afford it.

“I’m not a Mud Worker.”

“If you’re not a Mud Worker, then why are you in my house… wait, I saw you when I came back earlier, and even if you were home service, you couldn’t possibly have the keys to my place!”

Freya retreated to the balcony door in shock, “Are you a thief?”

“No, I’m actually an incarnation of the Blood Moon Sovereign. Due to being schemed against by enemies, I have no choice but to remain in this world in my current state. If you let me stay here for a few nights, when I recover my Sovereign status, I will elevate you to a Quadruple wings Legend Sorcerer, how does that sound?”

“Really!?” Freya’s eyes immediately welled up with tears as she rushed over and grabbed Ashe’s left hand, filled with hope, “A Quadruple wings Sorcerer, really?”

Ashe diverted his gaze, blinded by her unabashedly bright ‘headlights’, “Of course, it’s not true.”


“You get what you put in. Becoming a Quadruple wings Legend Sorcerer just for letting me stay a few days, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Seeing the displeasure on Freya’s face and his lack of any altruistic spirit, Ashe quickly added, “But I can offer you a spirit as a reward, how about that?”

“What kind of spirit?”

“What Faction do you want?”

“Mind Faction!”

“Sure.” Ashe spread his palm, and in the center, a curled up caterpillar spirit appeared. Although it was a caterpillar, it wasn’t disgusting at all; instead, it evoked a genuine sense of pity.

To prepare an equivalent exchange, during his last Exploration in Virtual Realm, Ashe didn’t immediately convert the spirits he acquired into game Points. Instead, he stored them all in his Soul, which now proved to be beneficial.

“A Sympathy Spirit!” Freya recognized the spirit at a glance. Though it was a common type within the Mind Faction, she hadn’t managed to summon one herself: “No problem! I’ll take this one!”

Freya reached out to take it, but Ashe withdrew his hand.

“I’ll give it to you when I leave.”

“How do I know you won’t go back on your word?”

Ashe was prepared and produced a fluorescent white sheet of paper: “We can Sign a Contract, this is contract paper made by an Insurance Master.”

The paper was made by Igor, who as an Insurance Master, naturally had the ability to create Miracle contract papers.

The relationship between Ashe and Igor was a reluctant one. Igor wasn’t keen on the idea, but Ashe’s reasoning was “possibly needing to Sign Contracts with others during an escape from prison.” Perhaps Igor couldn’t refuse a request that might aid an escape, or maybe he was just too worn down by Ashe’s pestering. In the end, he grudgingly allowed Ashe to take advantage of his services several times.

Freya blinked, “Well… okay then.”

Without delay, Ashe drafted the contract. The terms were straightforward: Ashe could stay in Freya’s home for the next few days, using the tools there, while Freya must not reveal Ashe’s presence to anyone in any way. In return, Ashe was obliged to hand over the Sympathy Spirit to Freya before his departure.

Freya stood by watching Ashe draft the contract, squeezing her arms together to create a divine ravine with her generous curves. Ashe, catching a glimpse of this spectacle from the corner of his eye, nearly wrote his name as ‘Bai Daruan’ (a playful homophone that suggests a soft and innocent character).

“How do you know my name is Freya Hoyle?”

“Your notebook has your name on it.”

“The name of the Blood Moon Sovereign is Ashe Heath?”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not at all.”

The contract was completed, and Ashe signed his name before passing the pen to Freya.

Freya took the pen and paused, seemingly pondering something. Ashe watched, sweating nervously, but she quickly signed her name.

The contract took effect, and an invisible shackle connected Ashe and Freya. Ashe breathed a sigh of relief; not only did he have a temporary place to stay, but he could also use Freya’s Knowledge Screen to browse the Curtain and gather information, allowing him to slowly plan his Side mission.

It was also fortunate that he found a college girl who wasn’t too bright. He was ready to move on if he couldn’t freeload using his “Observer’s Visage” ability—prepared to sleep under bridges if necessary, though that would make investigating Professor Sylin less convenient.

But do they not have text message scams in this world? A college woman who hasn’t even encountered a ‘I am the Blood Moon Sovereign, send money’ type of scam message?

“You’re actually the Leader of the Four Pillars Cult, Ashe Heath, aren’t you?”

Holding Little String, Freya tilted her head and said, “I even cast a vote for you at the Blood Moon Tribunal.”


  1. Casting Materials(施法材料):

    Due to China’s internet regulations, discussions of 18+ content are not permitted, and slang is used as a reference. This refers to stimulating 18+ videos, images, text, etc.

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