Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 139: Return from the Prisons Advanced Training

Kaimon City, Sin Hunter’s Hall, Pearl Branch.

“Hmm?” The Young Hunter glanced at the flickering “Coffin Lamp” and immediately stood up. “Someone’s dead.”

The hefty Obese Orc Hunter, munching on potato chips, asked, “Where did it happen?”

“Let me check…” the Young Hunter switched the Sin Hunting Holographic Screen to the surveillance feed. “The death occurred near Third Avenue by Elf Lake.”

“I know the place, isn’t it filled with a bunch of abandoned properties? Those dumb developers, they see a small pond and dare to call it ‘Elf Lake’, boasting of lakeside views; see two trees and call it a ‘private forest’, a secret wellness retreat; if the entrance is a bit far from the stairs, they’ll advertise it as a ‘ten-meter corridor’!” The Obese Orc Hunter spat out in disdain, “They hype it up so much, yet it ends up undeveloped. Good thing I gambled away my salary, or I would have ended up like Bernie, trapped by a mortgage.”

He tossed another handful of chips into his mouth, crunching loudly. “Anyway, who died?”

“Two of them, Louis Mills, Human male, 32 years old; Nyabrin Aiden, Goblin female, 14 years old…”

“History with Sugar?”

“Six years for the former, three for the latter.”

“Must’ve been hiding in the unfinished buildings, binging on sugar until they overdosed. But a Human and a Goblin Sugar Fusion, that’s quite rare…”

Even Ogres, with their naturally high resistance to toxins, experience mild hallucinations from Moon Sugar; it affects other races even more. Besides hallucinations, it also induces strong sexual impulses and a sense of exhilaration, which is why ‘Sugar Addicts’ often engage in Conflict or mating activities after consuming sugar. When multiple males and females consume sugar together for mating, it’s referred to as ‘Sugar Fusion’.

The Young Hunter found it hard to accept: “A 14-year-old Goblin, she’s not even of age to leave the Nursery.”

“Oh, looks like you didn’t come from the Vegetable Market Nursery, huh?” chuckled the Obese Orc Hunter. “Stick around here for a few more shifts, and you’ll get it. This area is full of Lower-class Nurseries, and the little brats inside have an easier time getting out than taking a dump. Several of the minor gangs’ key players are underage kids. Thanks to the ‘Child Protection Act,’ they get their sentences reduced if caught, so they run wild. When they grow up, they either join a gang or end up in Prison mining platinum for life.”

“So… should we not bother checking this out? There’s a minor Goblin who died, if they were taken to the hospital in time…”

“No need, handle it like last time. Just send the location to the hospital and let them pick up the Corpse.” The Obese Orc Hunter spread his hands: “If Hunters get involved, we have to file a report, right? Write up case files, deal with the body, protect the scene, right?”

“Most importantly, all that hassle, and our salary won’t go up by a single Silver Coin, but our workload will. In the end, the hospital still takes the bodies away. Isn’t it better to just skip straight to that part?”

The Young Hunter struggled with the concept: “We don’t care when gang fights kill people, we don’t care when sugar binges kill people, so what exactly do we Hunters care about?”

“Now I see why a college-educated Hunter like you got assigned to such a remote branch,” the Obese Orc Hunter spoke calmly. “Seems you were quite the annoying, justice-obsessed comic relief in the hall.”

The Young Hunter shook his head and put on his coat to leave.

“Hunters only protect the living, not the dead,” the Obese Orc Hunter stated. “Letting those who are Seeking death, who don’t cherish their own lives, perish by their own doing is being responsible to society.”

“When does a fourteen-year-old Goblin girl, who hasn’t even left the Nursery, get to choose her own path?” the Young Hunter yelled. “It’s not her responsibility to society, but society’s responsibility to her!”

“And after what the Blood Moon clans have done to us, how can we just stand by and watch others be killed by this society?”


Watching the Young Hunter slam the door and leave, the Obese Orc Hunter scratched his head: “Didn’t expect this college kid, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, to sneak peeks at the Blood Moon Tribunal during his shift… Hmph, all sanctimonious. Just wait till I file a little report on him, deduct all his bonus for the month, then he’ll realize his mistake…”

“Young people are just that, young. They believe whatever the Ogre says without thinking about the fact that those who sit in those positions are cunning politicians. They twist the truth when it’s against them, and highlight it when it’s in their favor. But now, it seems quite a few young people might get stirred up by that Ogre…”

“The Blood Moon clans… the most barbaric of civilized societies…”

The Obese Orc Hunter glanced at the empty chip bag, licked his fingers, and looked out at the blood moon: “Come to think of it, why was I sent to this branch in the first place?”

The Orc turned on the Holographic Screen, flipping through an old album until the frame settled on a photo from three years earlier. In it, he had just joined the Sin Hunter’s Hall, clad in a dashing dark red uniform, looking strong and heroic with a sunny smile on his face.

He looked into the mirror beside him, only to see a disheveled Orc covered in the blood-red moonlight.

“It’s just us middle-aged folks who are washed up. There’s still hope for the young.”

“The mayor, died a fine death.”

On Third Avenue by Elf Lake, a derelict building collapsed with a crash, startling a flock of birds into flight.

Ashe hid behind the broken wall, glanced at the spreading bloodstain under the debris next to him, and said, “Stop messing around, if we don’t leave now the Sin Hunter’s Hall will catch up. Gerard must be so infuriated by my message that he wishes he could use fart propulsion to chase us down. But if you guys are looking to let off some steam with a Tri-wings Sanctuary Sorcerer, I don’t mind.”

Igor, hiding behind another wall, asked, “Did you really leave a message for Gerard? But how did you know Gerard would be the first to arrive at the trial scene?”

“It was a guess, you’d better pray I’m wrong,” Ashe replied. “So, are we still fighting?”

“No more fighting,” said Harvey from the shadow on the second floor. “I can’t communicate with the Chip Processor nearby, and killing you guys would be too much trouble.”

“Is it just me or have you gotten quite arrogant since your escape from prison, Harvey?” Ronald laughed.

“Do you have time to laugh, Ronald? Aren’t you afraid Langna will swallow you whole?” Igor provoked. “There’s no Medic around here who can save you.”

“That won’t be necessary for the ‘Beautiful Beast’ to worry about,” Langna laughed. “When the news of your prison break got out, I bet all your former ‘regulars’ couldn’t wait to discuss more big deals with you—your infamy is well known from Feimeng City to Kaimon City; even in Prison, many people hate you.”

“Well then, let’s all go our separate ways—”

“Wait!” Ashe suddenly called out. “Before we part, I have a question—do you know of any way to leave the Blood Moon Kingdom?”

After a brief silence, Harvey said solemnly, “Even if there is a way, why should I tell you?”

Ashe replied, “It’s like a confession. If you don’t confess, there’s definitely no chance, but if you do, maybe the other person will be blind enough to say yes?”

“Speaking of which, Ashe, you still owe me a favor,” Igor said playfully. “The escape from prison went too smoothly; there was never a good chance to use that favor… What do you think I should do with it? How about making you do push-ups in the middle of the ruins right now?”

“I think a favor should be grounded in reality, ideally not a hassle for me and beneficial for you. How about I wish for you to buy me a birthday cake? I think a fruit cake would be rather nice.”

“Funny, I don’t need to benefit from it, I just want to see you bothered,” Igor shouted. “And it’s obviously you who wants the fruit cake!”

“I don’t know,” Langna answered succinctly.

“I have some ideas, but I can’t tell you,” Ronald said with a smile. “The fewer people know, the better.”

“You guys really don’t think about sharing, do you…” Ashe complained. “Harvey, can I ask you for a favor?”


“There are two injured people over here, they should have been near the building. The aftershocks of our Battle caused the building to collapse, burying them under the debris. Once we leave, could you help them out? I’ll clear the rubble.”

Harvey was silent for a moment: “I sensed around, and there’s only one living person by you.”

“I see…”

“So I can help.”

“Huh?” Ashe was taken aback.

Two dark green lights shot out from the second floor and entered the debris beside Ashe.

“If they aren’t dead, there’s not much I can do to help them. But if they’re dead, my Miracle can turn them into temporary zombies. Their bodies won’t decompose further for ten hours, and if they receive treatment during this time, there’s a chance they could be revived. You don’t need to clear the rubble either, otherwise they might attack others,” Harvey explained. “However, this is the Pig District, they’ll need a bit of luck.”

“Thank you.”

The thank you went unanswered, and Ashe blinked, realizing everyone else had already left.

Using the Heart Sword, Ashe cleared the debris enough to expose the heads of the zombies, then hurriedly made a wide detour to another street. There, Ashe ditched the prison guard uniform and donned the Crow Suit given by the Medic, striding confidently into the unfamiliar city.

“Since I haven’t found a way out of the Blood Moon Kingdom yet, I’ll put that aside and focus on completing my character’s exclusive side mission…”

Standing at the bus stop, Ashe studied the city map and quickly located the stop for “Kaimon Comprehensive College.”

“Professor Sylin, your student has returned from a stint in prison.”

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