Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 135: The Shepherd Dog and the Sheepfold

In the Tavern of the Research Institute, Andrei’s roar was still echoing.

The expressions of the patrons were subtly nuanced as they gently swayed their glasses. Behind the bar, Snake Boss continued to wash glasses as usual, seemingly ignoring the venting session about the Blood Moon Tribunal.

“It’s such an excessive accusation,” a Human Blood Saint remarked in a low voice: “It’s one thing to curse the Church’s dogs that only know how to chase their own tails, but our Research Institute has always quietly conducted research. We’ve never meddled in politics or public opinion… Which of today’s technological products didn’t come from the Research Institute? From the lathes that make screws to the source programmers that code Curtain applications, which wasn’t the result of years, or even decades, of our Researchers’ development?”

“We’ve never harmed anyone, always diligently contributing to the development of the Blood Moon Kingdom. Given that our lifespan is more than triple that of ordinary Races, our working hours and contributions are also more than triple… And now they’re blaming us for the rulers’ mistakes!?”

“Are they picking on us because we’re not vocal!?”

“Exactly!” others began to get riled up as well. Someone cursed: “There are only two Blood Saint councilors representing us in the council, which is nothing compared to the number of councilors from other Races. Our voices are too weak, just like the Atmosphere Group, making others think we’re easy to bully!”

“It’s time to increase the number of seats for Blood Saint councilors!”

“Andrei has the nerve to accuse us while he’s busy forming his own Faction, seeking power for personal gain, and misusing public authority for private benefit?”

“These politicians really can’t tell right from wrong, the epitome of shamelessness!”

“However, that Combat League proposal from Fernand Snow does seem quite good.”

There was a brief pause in the Tavern, and the red glow in everyone’s bloodshot eyes grew brighter.

“Indeed, it’s a very good spectator industry.”

“The best would be unrestricted combat, allowing mechanical enhancements and Biological Prostheses for strengthening. Otherwise, it’s not interesting.”

“We could also develop multi-fighter combat, battling until only one person is victorious.”

“And interspecies fights, capturing some creatures from the Abyss in the Warzone to see if ordinary people can fight them.”

“There should also be a Sorcerer League. Two Wings might not work, but a showdown between two One Wing sorcerers shouldn’t be a problem!”

“In addition to prizes, the Research Institute is willing to offer free medical treatment to all participants. As long as they don’t die, we guarantee they’ll be healed on the spot, so they won’t have any worries! I’m willing to volunteer as a Medic for the league!”

“Tsks, I think you just want to perform the Blood Embrace Ritual again! Don’t you realize how old you are? You’ve long lost your bloodline potential. Even if we really need league Medics, priority would definitely be given to those of the new bloodline.”

Watching everyone excitedly discussing the details of the Combat League, Lorens was instead focused on the Blood Moon Tribunal’s voting situation. He noticed that Fernand Snow, who had been tied with Andrei in votes just a moment ago, was now surging ahead by a large margin, causing Lorens to frown.

This Blue Scale Blood Saint felt that there was a grain of truth in Andrei’s words, but just a grain. Most of it was sophistry—was it the Research Institute’s fault that the Directors of Dragon’s Den Apartments came to them for life-extension surgeries?

Was it the Research Institute that forced Fernand Snow to mishandle the 422 Incident?

Even the yet-to-be-launched Combat League that Fernand Snow was preparing to promote—should the Research Institute be held responsible for all the negative social impacts this industry might cause?

Why should they?

Just because the sacred bloodline has a longer lifespan and greater strength, should they be morally hijacked by these Lower Races?

That’s not reasonable at all!

Lorens turned his head and asked, “Snake Boss, do you think what Andrei is saying makes sense?”

“Ssss…” Snake Boss set down his glass and spoke deliberately, “Councilor Andrei makes a valid point; from his perspective, Fernand Snow is indeed pandering to the Blood Saint Moonshadow clans.”

Blue Scale Blood Saint was somewhat surprised: “Then—”

“But you also have a point,” continued Snake Boss. “For the Blood Saint Moonshadow clans, Andrei’s accusations are purely a case of misplaced anger. Clearly, you’ve done nothing wrong, yet others are laying the blame on you.”

Lorens couldn’t help but laugh: “If we’re not at fault and the other side also makes sense, then who is at fault?”

“Nobody is at fault. The problem is…”

Snake Boss glanced at the Holographic Screen: “Perhaps the mayor will give us an answer.”

“Ogre, male, general education, 24 years old, has a habit of eating Moon Sugar before sleep, often stays up all night, currently working in the oil painting industry, favorite food is sauerkraut Lala Fatty, masturbates twice a day, currently has a crush on another female ogre, hoping to cohabitate with her, but after more than a year of trying, he’s still unable to take the next step. He clearly saw the female ogre entering a hotel with someone else three months ago, but that didn’t extinguish his love; instead, it made him believe he also had a chance…”

At first, Andrei was somewhat confused listening, but the more he heard, the more shocked he became. He interrupted Fernand Snow before he could finish: “You actually… wait, you’ve been through memory review! How could you still have these memories? You’ve never deleted them?”

The ogre smiled: “I don’t trust Memory Masters; I erase my own memories. Once I pass the memory review, I immediately restore the memories that are crucial to me—and the information about my son is the most important memory for me.”

Now, even the Audience who were clueless before understood whom Fernand Snow was talking about—that was his son’s information!

“Have you given up, mayor?” Moken asked in a daze, “The Bloodline Prohibition Act is a superior law, second only to the supreme Blood Moon Constitution. You’ve violated the strictly forbidden ‘investigation of procreation crime’ within the Bloodline Prohibition Act, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or even the death penalty… Even if you survive the Blood Moon Tribunal, you’ll still have to spend the rest of your life in Shattered Lake!”

To everyone, Fernand Snow seemed to be committing suicide!

Some of them had indeed investigated their offspring, but they generally sought a Memory Master to delete the memories right after learning, because this was a grave crime punishable by death!

It was more serious than trafficking several tons of Moon Sugar, even more serious than consecutive homicides!

Investigating one’s progeny was seen as a challenge to the authority of the Blood Moon Sovereign and a desecration of the foundation of the Blood Moon Kingdom!

“Yes, I’ve violated the Bloodline Prohibition Act…” the ogre chuckled, “Moken, you graduated from the law faculty so many years ago, do you still remember the meaning of the Bloodline Prohibition Act? Tell us about it.”

Perhaps shaken by Fernand Snow’s words and actions, or maybe still feeling a sense of obedience to the mayor, Moken responded without hesitation: “The Bloodline Prohibition Act regulates the reproductive methods of various races, adjusts and protects a wide range of social relations, which is conducive to optimizing resource allocation and improving the per capita resource level. It’s beneficial for enhancing the population quality of all ethnic groups, has dismantled the backward unit of the family, broken down class barriers, abolished outdated customs, allowing every newborn to fairly enjoy the resources of the entire society. It’s the legal foundation of ‘racial equality and equality for all.’”

Fernand Snow appeared to have an epiphany: “Right, there’s also racial equality, equality for all. Can someone explain to me the significance of this phrase?”

“No one should discriminate against others based on their appearance, race, gender, educational background, job, or other factors. Everyone has the right to report acts of discrimination, whether they be actions or words, to the Sin Hunter’s Hall, and to defend their personal dignity. This is stipulated in the Human Rights Act,” Andrei said. “Fernand Snow, what exactly are you trying to say?”

“The words you just said to me, I now return to you—Andrei, you’re not unaware of my thoughts, you’ve already anticipated them, yet you still dare not voice them,” the ogre said, his calm pupils seemingly filled with a hysterical madness. “At most, you dare to criticize the Blood Saint and Moonshadow clans, your vision is ultimately pitifully small.”

The others and the audience were stunned—wasn’t it bold enough to criticize the Blood Saint and Moonshadow clans?! They were the true ruling class of the Blood Moon Kingdom, the favorites of the Blood Moon Sovereign!

Are you implying you want to criticize the Sovereign itself?!

The Redeemed cursed under their breath, wishing they could dive into Shattered Lake and end it all—if Fernand Snow kept talking, their fate might not be as simple as death!

In the office of the department head of the Sin Hunter’s Hall, the department head watched as multiple call notifications popped up on the holographic screen, swiping them away with an impatient expression.

“You’re blocking my view of the live broadcast, really,” she said, her haggard face lighting up with intense excitement. “Can’t these old fossils appreciate such an interesting spectacle?”

“Heh, let them regret pushing me into this position. Now they see their mistake, huh? Trying to confine me within the Church and the Research Institute!”

“Fernand Snow, show me the extent of your vision.”

“The Bloodline Prohibition Act has severed all kinship ties. We grow up in Nurseries and are declared deceased in hospitals. No matter how long or short our lives are, during this journey, we are denied any trustworthy bonds,” Fernand Snow said. “It has made us each isolated individuals.”

“The Human Rights Act ostensibly aims to eliminate discrimination, but in reality, it provokes it. It demands that people of different races, genders, educational backgrounds, and even ages live in harmony, forcing utterly different beings to respect each other. How could this not breed resentment? However, due to the existence of the act, everyone must hide their discrimination, fermenting it into a more sophisticated, natural, and cruel form of prejudice. It keeps us endlessly infighting, unable to unite as a whole.”

“Andrei, you just said that the Blood Moon Sovereign keeps the Blood Saints in the Research Institute and restricts the Moonshadow in the Church to protect us,” the ogre’s voice echoed across Shattered Lake. “I disagree.”

“He silences the Blood Saints, makes the Moonshadow benign, leaves us isolated, preventing people from uniting. Do you know what that reminds me of? Obedient sheepdogs and sheep pens with a strong sense of self-management.”

“The Blood Moon Kingdom is a farm meticulously constructed by the Blood Moon Sovereign.”

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