Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 134: Allow Me a Few Words In My Defense


Faced with Andrei’s accusations, Fernand Snow actually laughed.

He laughed loudly, wildly, as if he didn’t care about the live Audience watching.

The Ogre nearly cried with laughter, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, he said, “Andrei, you look quite pathetic, desperately clinging to life, having lost the composure you ought to have. You’re hardly worthy of being my enemy.”

“Yes, I approved ‘Exploring the Virtual Realm Turbulence,’ and both morally and rationally, I should bear the primary responsibility, which is why I came here to be investigated. But if you think you can use this to bring me down in front of all the citizens, you’re simply too naive.”

“How could an exploration involving Sin Hunter’s Hall, Warzone, and even Prison be a trivial matter that I could decide on my own? As the saying goes, big meetings for small matters, small meetings for big issues. Before the operation, leaders from all sides held three preliminary meetings. Andrei, as the councilor representative, you haven’t forgotten this, have you?”

“It was only after a vote among us that the operation was finally carried out. The ‘422 Incident’ was a disaster, but it was also a man-made calamity resulting from our collective misjudgment. I’m not shirking my responsibility, but Andrei, your share of the blame is no less than mine.”

Andrei nodded, “Indeed, if one must put it bluntly, this was nothing but a war launched by the rulers for their own interests, and unfortunately, this time we were on the losing side. If we had found the correct Virtual Realm Passage first, then Fernand Snow, you would not only be free from criticism, but you would also have garnered support from all sides, ensuring your re-election as mayor without question.”

“At most, I could accuse you of pushing this operation for the sake of your political achievements. Besides, you’ve apologized, and the citizens can’t really say much more.”

Andrei glanced at the Ogre’s Pillar, which showed almost no change, meaning that the citizens hadn’t deepened their resentment towards Fernand Snow because of his accusations.

This was beyond his expectations. After all, even though the 422 Incident had caused tens of thousands of casualties, what did that have to do with the living?

They weren’t the ones who had died.

Perhaps among the dead and injured were their friends or even loved ones, but… what of it?

They weren’t the ones who had died.

If the attack had caused losses, the Government Affairs Hall was willing to compensate. As for the casualties and the collapse of buildings, it was all to the benefit of the living—there would be job openings from the deceased, new construction work due to the collapsed buildings, reduced rent from fewer tenants, and less crowded streets.

Kaimon City was a bit too crowded to begin with. Now, with the attackers killing some and scaring others away, those who remained naturally had access to more city resources. At this moment, who knows how many were silently thanking the assailants for the slaughter that had inadvertently brought them benefits.

Even Fernand Snow, the one mainly responsible, hadn’t attracted much hatred. The resentment he drew was even less than that for Dragon’s Den Apartments or those manipulating the civil examinations.

After all, those who truly hated him were already dead, and among the survivors, many had been swindled by Dragon’s Den Apartments or had their positions stolen during the civil exams.

In Blood Moon Kingdom, the living do not empathize with the dead.

To think of using the 422 Incident to bring down Fernand Snow was a fool’s dream. Andrei wasn’t that naive; he merely needed the topic as a pretext.

“You’re right, if we’re only talking about the cause of the incident, every decision-maker is at fault—it’s a collective responsibility of the rulers,” said Andrei. “However, the unfolding of the event was your solo performance, my dear mayor.”

The Ogre squinted, coldly observing his political adversary.

Andrei said, “The Church notified you about the arrival of the Outer Realm Sorcerer within 20 minutes of their descent. And for the first three hours, your approach was to claim that nothing was amiss, until multiple attacks occurred on the outskirts of the city. Only then did you advise citizens to stay indoors, deployed the Sin Hunter’s Hall to meet the enemy, and called upon Warzone Adventurers…”

“The mere announcement to the public before the Sorcerer’s arrival would have caused panic!” the Ogre retorted unapologetically. “If the citizens had gathered and fled in fear, it would have created the perfect opportunity for the Sorcerer to strike, resulting in far greater casualties than we have now!”

“You’re right,” Andrei said. “If the combat forces around Kaimon City truly consisted of only the Sin Hunter’s Hall and the Warzone, then your decision was correct.”

At that moment, including Fernand Snow, everyone’s faces showed alarm!

Moken even loudly rebuked, “Andrei, do you realize what you’re saying!? Do you think that by revealing everything you can survive?”

“Even if I stay silent, I’m certain to die.” Andrei spoke deliberately, “I’ve never harbored the thought of clinging to life. I only hope that before I die, I can have a clear conscience.”

Fernand Snow scoffed, “As expected of someone from a Higher-class Nursery, Andrei has such a luxurious and high-minded idea. How amusing. You never had a conscience before, and now, upon entering Prison, you turn towards the light?”

Andrei shook his head, “Fernand Snow, sometimes I also wonder, do I really deserve to take your place? Do I really have the ability to control the fates of so many? Can I really, like you, watch so many lives perish before my eyes and still remain indifferent?”

He looked towards the Camera Eye as if he were conversing with the hundreds of thousands of citizens of Kaimon City.

“In the Kaimon area, the most powerful armed forces are neither the Sin Hunter’s Hall nor the Warzone, but the Research Institute and the Church!” he said. “Every member of the sacred bloodline in the Research Institute and every member of the Two Wings in the Church is a Sorcerer, and most of them are Two Wings Sorcerers!”

“Some may have heard that the Institute is filled with Scholars who are not skilled in Battle, and that the Church is full of Priests who only pray, but these are lies concocted to belittle the strong, spun into a cocoon of misinformation to satisfy the jealousy in your hearts.”

“After all, you are not Sorcerers, nor are you of the sacred bloodline. Thus, these must have laughable weaknesses, such as a fear of sunlight or a fear of flame, so that you can feel superior, convince yourselves there’s no need for envy, and carry on living.”

“Any Sorcerer cannot be a Weakling and definitely cannot be incapable of Battle!”

“If the Research Institute and the Church were to intervene, while they might not suppress the Outer Realm Sorcerers swiftly, they could certainly contain the situation to a smaller Area, reducing the number of casualties to the thousands or even hundreds!”

“But they choose not to get involved because this matter does not concern them; Outer Realm Sorcerers will not attack their Areas. More importantly, the sacred bloodline craves Corpses, and the Two Wings admire death. This unexpected slaughter actually aligns with their interests.”

“The only person who can change the situation is you, Arandor Fernand Snow,” Andrei said deliberately. “As Mayor, you have the authority to command the Church and the Research Institute. If you were willing, you could bring forth the sacred bloodline and have the Two Wings follow suit, completely reversing the havoc wrought by the Outer Realm Sorcerers.”

The Ogre’s expression remained calm, seemingly indifferent to Andrei’s accusations.

“But you didn’t. Because you dare not harm the interests of both clans, and because you still need their support. Moreover, you are well aware that the attackers came through a Level 2 Virtual Realm Passage and that the attack will last at most three days before the Outer Realm Sorcerers will inevitably withdraw. Thus, you willingly sacrifice the citizens’ interests, offering the corpses of the populace as gifts to curry favor with the Blood Saint and Moonshadow.”

A faint sneer appeared on Andrei’s face: “No one told you to do this, nor warned you against it; you made the choice yourself. You used the lives of ten thousand to prove your humility to the Blood Saint and Moonshadow.”

The Ogre glanced at the writhing chains on his body and scoffed, “Your words seem to have little effect; everyone understands my situation. While it’s not a glorious deed, pleasing the Blood Moon is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Is that so?” Andrei smiled. “But what if I say that the incident at Dragon’s Den Apartments was also a result of you deliberately indulging them to please the Research Institute?”

“Everyone knows that Dragon’s Den Apartments attracted a vast amount of funds through financial fraud, and that the Chairman of Dragon’s Den has already fled, but few know where those funds went—before fleeing, the Chairman visited the Grand Research Institute to undergo a life-extension surgery for 200 years. That single surgery consumed one-third of Dragon’s Den Apartments’ liquid assets.”

“Moreover, several other Directors of Dragon’s Den Apartments also went to the Institute for life-extension surgeries, bodily repairs, and so on. It’s fair to say that most of Dragon’s Den Apartments’ cash assets ended up in the hands of various Research Institutes. Then the scandal broke, the Directors disappeared, and millions were left in debt.”

“Whether it’s your Forest Gallery or my Eternal Wine Club, we only gained a pittance from this affair. The real entity that swallowed the assets of millions is the Research Institute.”

“And this is just one of the many ‘accomplishments’ in your political career that stands out. If we were to delve into details, half an hour wouldn’t be enough. But to sum it up, it all boils down to one principle—”

“Exploit the people, flatter the Blood Moon.”

Andrei looked up at the Blood Moon in the night sky, the crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes betraying his weariness.

“This is why, despite your declining approval ratings, you’ve managed to stay in power for eight years. It’s also the reason for your existence—both the Research Institute and the Church need someone like you to act as a public puppet. Once you’ve drawn enough public ire, they’ll send you to Shattered Lake Prison to fulfill the people’s yearning for justice.”

“Even without the 422 Incident, Fernand Snow, you would have only been mayor for a few more years before facing the verdict of the Blood Moon Tribunal. Because you are a ‘sinner’ who obtained the position of mayor by selling out the interests of the people.”

The Ogre’s face was devoid of any smile now.

The pillar beneath him seemed to melt, and the thousands of writhing chains, like so many hands, appeared to drag him into the dark, crimson waters of Shattered Lake.

“But if that were all, you would simply be a ‘typical mayor,’ indistinguishable from your predecessors. Every mayor is a future sinner, or rather, only a sinner could possibly become mayor.”

Andrei continued, “Fernand Snow, the reason I am going to great lengths to compete with you for mayor is because you are attempting to elevate the act of selling out the public’s interests into a higher form of art—you’ve allied with the Elves, Orcs, Ogres, and Goblins, the four major Race Rights Associations, to promote the development of the Professional Combat League.”

“Of course, your reasons are very noble: absorbing the unemployed, reducing crime rates, cultivating Sorcerer talent, boosting the tertiary sector… It’s beyond reproach, and even someone hearing your proposal for the first time might wonder why no one came up with such a brilliant idea before.”

“That’s because the previous rulers weren’t as ruthless and despicable as you!”

At this point, Andrei’s eyes were bloodshot, and his face crumpled with wrinkles as he could no longer manage to hide his anger: “Fernand Snow, can’t you foresee what will happen after the Combat League is introduced?! Droves of young people will flock to this industry that promises a quick rise to fame. Gambling will thrive, body modifications will become the new trend, and the Arena will be smeared with layers of flesh and blood. There might even be Nurseries dedicated to cultivating fighting machines for Battle!”

“Violence, death, corpses—these will become the sole melody of this city! Fernand Snow, you’re not unable to foresee this future; you’re clever enough to predict everything, and that’s exactly why you’re pushing this plan!”

“The Blood Moon Sovereign keeps the Blood Saint Moonshadow confined in the Research Institute and the Church to prevent them from creating carnage, to suppress their devastation of the populace, and to fight for breathing space for all Races! And you, Fernand Snow, for your own selfish desires, are willing to place all the people on the altar, making killing and death systematic, streamlined, and official, all to please your masters!”

“You’ve allied with the top echelons of all Races, just to establish a massive, shameless ruling group. The public is your best commodity, and the Blood Moon is your client to whom you kneel!”

“But don’t forget, Fernand Snow, you’re still an Ogre, lacking crimson pupils and a fluffy tail! No matter how much you ingratiate yourself, in their eyes, you’re still just food!”

Andrei’s tirade echoed over Shattered Lake, and the rest fell silent, shrinking in their seats as if praying that the Blood Saint Moonshadow watching the live broadcast wouldn’t notice them.

For a moment, the only sound in the broadcast was the sliding of chains.

It was then that Fernand Snow suddenly glanced at Ashe, revealing a strange smile.

“Are you done?” the Ogre looked around: “Then, please allow me a few words in my defense.”

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