Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 114: Stars Descend

Sonya’s lips moved slightly, and with a quick smile, she shrugged, “I just thought the titles of these two books were interesting as I passed by, so I picked them up to take a look. No special purpose. If they’re not good, I’ll return them later.”

Sylvia nodded thoughtfully, “You don’t need to explain so much to me…”

Realizing that Sonya seemed distracted, Sylvia changed the subject, “Actually, it’s quite surprising to run into you at the Forest Library. I thought you were also partaking in the Annihilation Campaign.”

“Annihilation Campaign?”

“Yes, haven’t you heard about it from Professor Trozan? Ah, I guess your growth has been so rapid that the professor would rather have you miss this opportunity than take any risks.”

“What is the Annihilation Campaign?” That term hit right in the rustic girl’s blind spot of knowledge.

Sylvia thought for a moment, “I’m not very clear on the details myself, because it’s a private commission by the school for genius students. Those who are not strong enough simply won’t receive an invitation, and the students who Sign Contracts are not allowed to reveal any information about the Campaign.”

“The reason I know is that Lorein also signed up for the Annihilation Campaign… I heard him say that Leoni was involved as well. I thought you wouldn’t miss it.”

After pausing, she continued, “It’s said to be a special event involving young Sorcerers from all over Gales, even the genius Sorcerers from Truth College are participating!”

Not only Senior Sister Leoni, but even those ultimate beings from Truth College were willing to join such an event?!

Sonya suddenly felt like she had missed out on an immense opportunity, but she understood it was normal—judging by the name, it was a ‘Campaign’ that involved danger and potential Battles.

Even though she had fully unfolded her Silver Wings as a Sorcerer, she was also a ‘rookie Sorcerer’ who had stepped into the Virtual Realm less than a month ago. Whether for her protection or to prevent her from holding the team back, Professor Trozan could not possibly allow her to participate in such dangerous operations prematurely.

‘I still need to quickly prove my strength to the professor, otherwise I’ll miss out on many opportunities,’ Sonya thought to herself.

In the outskirts of Kaimon City, Blood Moon Kingdom, halfway up a small hill.

“Change of guard, all is quiet.”

It was 10 a.m., and the two Adventurers responsible for monitoring the Virtual Realm Passage pressed the back of their necks and reported in a low voice. Soon, two Adventurers emerged from a tent at the campsite on the hillside, and the teams switched.

Having not stood guard for long, the younger Adventurer started to grumble, “How much longer do we have to stay here, uncle? It’s getting hotter, and not only is there no air conditioning, but these mosquitoes are unbearable—even the strong repellent doesn’t work!”

“We have another 12 hours. If the ‘rabbit’ hasn’t returned in 72 hours, it’s safe to assume it’s dead.”

The cloaked Adventurer beside him spoke in an emotionless, mechanical voice. If one looked closely, they’d notice his arms, thighs, and even one of his eyes were not organic but mechanical.

“If it weren’t for the high Merit of this commission, I’d rather be in the Warzone taking down water ghouls,” the younger Adventurer muttered. “The person who caused the Virtual Realm Passage really deserves to die, adding to our workload and creating safety risks for invasions from the Outer Realm…”

“Only a Sorcerer can cause Virtual Realm Turbulence,” the uncle replied. “Currently, there are 86 unknown Virtual Realm Passages surrounding Kaimon City, meaning 86 Sorcerers have triggered the Turbulence, one of whom could be you. That statement makes sense when others say it, but remember, you are a Sorcerer.”

The young man’s voice suddenly lowered, “I was just speaking hypothetically… Don’t you ever complain, uncle?”

“Just as I’ve accepted that I don’t have the talent to become a Sorcerer, I’ve accepted these natural disasters caused by Sorcerers,” the uncle shook his head slightly. “Complaining is something I grew tired of before I turned forty.”

The conversation shifted as the young man asked, “Uncle, what do you plan to do with the Merit you earn this time? I’ve saved up enough to exchange for a ‘Blade’ spirit. That way, even if I encounter a Knowledge Creature, I can put up a fight.”

“I notice you hardly ever spend, still using gear from several years ago, the old Version. Are you saving Merit to exchange for the latest parts? If I wasn’t so hesitant to undergo body modification, I’d like to try out a ‘Silver Wolf’s Arm’ myself.”

The uncle glanced at him, the impassive gaze from his mechanical eye sending a chill down the young man’s spine. However, the uncle quickly looked away, staring at the Virtual Realm Passage thirty meters away from the hillside, which looked like a space indentation.

“I plan to use the Merit to buy some information.”

“What kind of information?”

“Information about my child.”

“What child—Isn’t that illegal?!”

“I know, which is why I’ve been saving Merit for so many years; otherwise, the other party wouldn’t risk it.”

“You’re crazy!” the young man exclaimed in shock. “Why bother with such an unrewarding task? You told me you wanted to raise your child, but if anyone finds out, both of you could end up in the Pig Cage exploring the Aqueduct Abyss!”

The uncle shook his head, “Of course not, that child was probably born 31 years ago, I’ve even forgotten what that woman looked like. I just want to see him once.”

The young man couldn’t understand, “What good is seeing him once? With all that Merit, you could enhance your combat abilities by two levels; you could spend it on Moon Sugar, gambling, or entertainment for a year; why use it to see a stranger?”

“He’s not a stranger; he’s my child.”

“But what’s the difference from a stranger? You have to pay to find out what he looks like and what his name is.”

“But he’s my child. He was born because of me.”

“I can’t understand that. You might as well give your Merit to me.”

“You’re a Sorcerer, you’re young, you don’t understand. When I was young, I did the same — spent money on Moon Sugar, gambled at the First Blood casino, underwent surgery to modify my body. But as I got older, these forms of Entertainment lost their thrill for me, and I lost interest in tomorrow.”

“Until one day, I remembered that in my youth, to earn a breeding fund, I had a child with a woman. It was like the sky suddenly brightened up, and I found my life’s purpose — to see that child once.”

“You’re a Sorcerer, you can Explore the Virtual Realm, you can study Magic. But I can’t. Without undergoing a 70% full-body mechanical transformation, I’d have no right to join the Warzone and become an Adventurer. Even the most basic Gun Technique, I can’t learn.”

“They say Sorcerers are people who pursue Miracles. That child is my Miracle.”

The uncle pointed to his left eye: “I didn’t replace my left eye with a prosthetic one because I hope to see my child with my real eye.”

The young man muttered softly, “Still can’t understand…”

The uncle let out a mechanical chuckle: “Don’t try to understand me; this is illegal.”


Suddenly, the young man was sent flying and crashed to the ground, dazed and confused, exclaiming, “Uncle, what are you doing—”

The next second, all his words were stuck in his throat.

Because he saw a girl with orange hair standing in his previous spot, dressed in deep blue Battle Armor.

The girl stood on the uncle’s body, her Longsword dripping with red and blue liquid. The uncle’s head had flown off, his mechanical spine snapped in two, spewing out red blood and blue mechanical fluid!

The young man’s pupils dilated as a Holographic Screen popped up in front of him: “Scouting detected—”


As Lorein decapitated the young man, two resting Adventurers in the camp were also taken out by other Annihilation Team Members.

In a short time, one hundred sixty-three Annihilation Team Members assembled in the camp. Every one of them was clad in deep blue Battle Armor, and their weapons were all special alchemical creations, including the Fist Technique practitioners who were wearing gauntlets! However, within the few seconds of their arrival, a ring of blood-red light, like a collar made of flickering blood, appeared around their necks, making them appear as human forms of light pollution.

“There are four rules to the game.”

“First, the final blow must be delivered with Star Weapons, or else no points will be scored for the kill.”

“Second, strive to survive for 48 hours without being taken out.”

“Third, aim to eliminate as many targets as possible. Prioritize humanoid monsters, and within those, prioritize Sorcerer monsters.”

“Fourth, everyone must activate the Teleportation Miracle in their Battle Armor to return here when the time is up. After 48 hours, the Stars will automatically destroy this Level 2 Virtual Realm Passage.”

“The sacred Stars connect us, and the Starlight will guide our path. Let the game begin!”

The edges of everyone’s pupils glowed with a purplish-blue light. Upon hearing the command, they all saluted crisply and then dispersed in unison!

If one were to look down from the sky, they would see only a few blue dots moving towards the villages to the north and south, with the majority heading towards Kaimon City in the west!

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