Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 113: Heartbroken, Seeking Advice from the Singleton

Swordflower College, Forest Library.

Though not on par with the four Gate of Truth Libraries of Truth College, the Forest Library and Flower Library of Swordflower College are also considered top scenic spots in Gales—when it comes to the collection of books, they don’t make the top ten in Gales, but if you’re talking about a pleasant and comfortable environment, the Forest Library and Flower Library are unshakably ranked in the top two. They are known as the ‘number one sacred place for couple dates’ within Swordflower College.

Unlike the Flower Library, which is a riot of competing blooms, the theme of the Forest Library is ‘tranquil forest.’ From the outside, it looks like a lush forest complete with babbling brooks, mating rabbits, squirrels nibbling on pine cones, and a gentle breeze weaving through the trees. There are comfortable swings, benches, tree houses, and even bears—yes, very personable bears with whom you can lean against their bellies and read.

For Sonya, what was most miraculous about the Forest Library was the absence of mosquitoes.

That was truly astounding for a rustic girl who grew up in an agricultural town and often went to the forest to pick mushrooms for meals.

However, for the sake of a comfortable reading experience, many functional aspects of a traditional library had to be sacrificed. The books were stored within the trunks of trees. The Forest Library had four floors connected by winding trunks, and it was easy for first-timers, even with a Map, to get lost.

Sonya wasn’t new to the Forest Library and knew how to connect to the Forest Library’s navigation index through the Miracle Bracelet, but it still took quite an effort to find the book she needed.

Just as she was about to find a bench to sit down and read, she unexpectedly encountered her ‘nemesis.’

“Hello, Senior Sister.”

Sonya looked at Sylvia approaching and noted that the third-year Senior Sister seemed a bit more haggard than when they first met, but this took nothing away from her beauty. Instead, it added a pitiable charm that made one want to care for her. The male students nearby, with one eye on their books and the other on Sylvia, were proof enough of her effect.

Sylvia was also surprised to see Sonya. She nodded slightly and, as they were about to pass each other, suddenly stopped. “About last time… I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.”

“Yeah, how do you plan on making it up to me?”

Sonya realized after speaking that she had already completed the Sincerity Ritual and no longer needed to tell the truth— but whether it was the influence of the Sincerity spirit or just a habit from the past few days, she found herself speaking candid truths when she should have been tactfully dishonest.

Taken aback for a moment, Sylvia covered her mouth and chuckled, “How about I treat you to some Tree Sap?”

Inside the Forest Library was a Water Café, where all the drinks had a forest theme, with names like “Tree Sap,” “Nectar,” and “Dew.” Though the names might not sound appealing, these Sorcerer Student-crafted beverages were superior in sweetness and texture to ordinary drinks and were priced lower than those outside, making them popular among the students.

Given that Sylvia wanted to mend fences and Sonya saw no direct Conflict of interest, she was naturally not averse to expanding her network and happily agreed to join her at the Water Café, where she ordered a “Dewdrops on Grass.”

“I’m sorry,” Sylvia said as they sat down. “I was too impulsive last time, not thinking things through. If there’s anything you need me to do, please tell me, and I’ll do my best to make amends.”

Seeing that Sylvia was truly sincere, Sonya’s tone softened, “Although you were 99% at fault, who’s to say I don’t share 1% of the blame? Perhaps my actions led to some misunderstandings… By the way, Senior Sister, I saw you in ‘The Child Bears Our Name’ playing the third female lead, you were really impressive!”

Sylvia understood the subtext immediately and was somewhat surprised: “My uncle was the director and screenwriter for that film, so he let me make a cameo… Sonya, are you interested in becoming a performer?”

“Yeah!” Sonya’s eyes sparkled. “I actually read performance-related books in my spare time.”

While surprised that Sonya’s aspirations didn’t lie in becoming a Sword Saint, Sylvia didn’t comment on it. Instead, she played to Sonya’s interests, promising to do her best to get her uncle to arrange a good role for Sonya.

“For others, my uncle might not be willing, but you’re now a disciple of the Hidden Hand Sword Saint, the fastest at Swordflower College to deploy the Silver Wings technique. Just that resume alone can draw a lot of attention to you, acting as an additional promotional resource. However, if your performance in the film doesn’t leave an impression on the Audience, you’ll quickly fade into the background.” Sylvia spoke earnestly: “I can only provide an opportunity for you. Whether or not you can seize it depends on your effort and luck. But my uncle doesn’t have any filming plans at the moment, so you might have to wait a while.”

“No problem, I still have three years before I graduate!”

The two hit it off and the atmosphere warmed considerably. After chatting about campus life for a while, Sylvia hesitantly asked: “I heard that he… is still single



What else could he be, turn into a dog?

Sonya, knowing full well who Sylvia was referring to, nodded: “I haven’t seen any other girls around him.”

“So, you—”

“Absolutely not.”

Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, their drinks arrived. Sonya took a sip of ‘Dewdrops on Grass’ and found an unexpectedly rich milky flavor, akin to milk tea, but the taste was refreshing and not cloying. She thought it would be great if she could become a Water Art practitioner herself.

However, even if her roommate became a Water Art practitioner, she could freeload a few cups, but Lois and the others didn’t seem to have much interest in becoming Creator Sorcerers…

Sylvia hesitantly said: “This isn’t like him… In the past, he would always jump into a new relationship right after ending one…”


“Do you think… he might still have feelings for me?”

Sonya nearly spat out her drink, struggling to maintain her composure. Seeing Sylvia’s hopeful yet anxious expression, Sonya couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pity.

After the Summoning Ritual of ‘Sincerity’ and her recent experiences with Sorcerers, Sonya had a hunch that Felix’s ‘butterfly-chasing’ behavior might have been part of a ritual or perhaps a necessary condition to resonate with spirits.

When Felix became a Sorcerer, he immediately cut off all romantic ties and stopped visiting Entertainment venues, dedicating his time to study and rigorous training. Sonya didn’t believe the Virtual Realm had the power to reform one’s values, so this indicated that Felix’s previous behavior was likely a facade, and after becoming a Sorcerer, he had no need for such pretense.

But there was no need to share these thoughts with Sylvia. For one, they were just Sonya’s speculations, and secondly, Sylvia wasn’t without her chances.

Sylvia truly had a lot going for her; with her long black hair, delicate features, tall figure, and perfect curves, not to mention her bust was just a tad smaller than Sonya’s. Most importantly, her affection was genuine. Who could resist the pursuit of a beautiful girl in distress?

“It’s possible!”

“You think so too, right!”

Sylvia said excitedly: “Then what do you think I should do to get back together with Felix?”

“Well, that…” Sonya suddenly remembered a question from Destiny’s Inquiry: “For a greater good? To confront a common threat?”

Seeing the somewhat perplexed look in Sylvia’s eyes, Sonya remembered they were just students and reconquering a heart didn’t need to be so complicated: “You just need to take the initiative to enter his life; he won’t reject you. Of course, don’t make it about getting back together right away. You could say you want to clear up any misunderstandings and start off as friends. If needed, I could help create a chance encounter for you.”


“Once you’re on friendly terms again, there are many strategies you can employ,” Sonya said with a smile. “Take the Woodpecker Tactic, for example.”

“The Woodpecker Tactic?”

“It means you could suddenly sigh during your interactions, and when he asks, just say it’s nothing; or you could fall silent in the middle of a conversation, occasionally look dejected to make him worry, but never fully explain why. Then, you should also rely on him from time to time, act a bit spoiled, make him feel needed. With frequent emotional probes like this, you can achieve a level of emotional influence over time. Then, a single sigh or gesture from you can sway his emotions, capturing his full attention. I call this the Woodpecker Tactic.”

Caught up in the moment, Sonya continued to instruct: “If you two get back together, you can move on to the second step, negative emotion transfer and positive emotion control. Put simply, when you’re feeling down, share it with him so he feels it too; but if he experiences something joyful and wants to share it, and it’s not something you like, you should downplay it and suppress his enthusiasm. In essence, if you’re not happy, he can’t be either, and his happiness should only be within the bounds of what you allow.”

“The third step involves Time Disruption. When he treats you well, remain calm and get him to promise to treat you that way for a lifetime, stretching his commitment over an entire lifetime and turning his efforts into a daily routine.”

“Then you can use the fourth step, Historical Projection Technique, when he becomes distant. You can invoke the projection of his past to show that he has changed. Of course, if he’s willing to apologize, you should reward him with some sweetness.”

“Master these four steps, and Felix will undoubtedly become your devoted admirer, the perfect partner!”

Sylvia blinked as she listened, waiting for Sonya to finish before laughing and asking, “Sonya, have you ever been in a relationship?”

Sonya blushed: “No. I’m sorry, I was too presumptuous, showing off these trivial personal opinions in front of Senior Sister…”

Sylvia gently shook her head: “No, what you’ve said is very practical. If it were before, I would have been eager to learn and use them.”

“But love is a ‘Miracle,’” she said softly. “I don’t want to hurt him, and I don’t want to see him unhappy. I just hope… I can stand by his side.”

Sonya was taken aback, realizing for the first time that the books Sylvia was holding were “Sword Wind Abyss,” “Wind Sorcerer’s Auxiliary Tutorial,” and “Recommended Battle Spirits for Wind Sorcerers,” all about how Wind Sorcerers can support Swordcerers in battle.

Sylvia smiled and said, “But I’m still very grateful for your advice. Maybe I’ll need your help in the future. Can we connect through a screen?”

“Of course, no problem.”

They exchanged contact information for their personal screens, which would allow them to communicate directly through their Miracle Bracelets.

Sylvia glanced at Sonya’s books: “Speaking of which, Sonya, are you planning to self-study the Mind Faction? But these two seem…”

“Dream Analysis” and “Detailed Explanation of Psychological Language” were essential readings for the Mind Faction, but the other two books puzzled Sylvia: “Days Walking with Sin Sorcerers” and “How to Guide Others Through Psychological Stress.”

The former was almost like an adventure novel, while the latter, although related to the Mind Faction, was more of a practical handbook and not much help for learning about the Mind Faction.


  1. Still single(一个人):

    The phrase here is a pun in Chinese. The original text is “一个人”, which in Chinese can mean both the state of being single and being one human being.

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